I always love Easter Day,it was and is a day filled with promise and hope.
As a child,and indeed as an adult, it was always a day for going to church to give thanks,and then to rush back home for a roast lunch of Welsh Lamb and usually an aunt would join us and a few other villagers as well.
We would have an abundance of Easter Eggs,and with my greed i would end up feeling totally sick.
My friend Mike who lives in London never fails to send me a Palm Cross for Palm Sunday,,and that means so much to me,he plays the organ in his local church,and he used to live quite near me in Failand,where again he was the organist for his local church,and our friendship has survived for many moons.
The sun is shining and already folk are gathering in the Bay where i live,for i guess a picnic on the beach,and no doubt this is how its always been for well over 100 years,these simple days of enjoyment are what life should be about,and i suppose the difference now is that people leave their litter strewn everywhere,good manners are so hard to track down now.
Wishing you all a happy and blissful Easter Day.x