Post covid symptoms: Hello, I'm new... - Positive Wellbein...

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Post covid symptoms

lofty966 profile image
15 Replies

Hello, I'm new here so not sure if this is the best place to post this.

Was wondering if anyone had any experience of post covid symptoms and anything that helped with them, I've tried quite a lot but not found anything that really helps so far.

I had covid towards the end of December so I'm about 9 weeks on with post covid symptoms. Since having covid I've had problems with palpitations and a fast heart rate when trying to do normal things such as walking and daily activities (only managing 10 mins walk at a time before having to stop for a bit as feel like I'll pass out!) Been trying to slowly increase the amount of exercise I do, but hit a bit of a wall at the moment and have to listen to my body and stop.

I've also been struggling with fatigue and sleeping, as well as really bad pains running down arms, wrists, hands, legs and feet. Have spoken to GP and trying to manage the pains with pain relief but not much seems to be helping. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with this? Been struggling with normal activities (washing hair, cooking etc) and would just love to get back to a bit of a normal routine!

Thanks :)

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15 Replies
S11m profile image

Hi, lofty966

My experiences were similar - but my CoViD was fairly asymptomatic, so I do not know when it started.

I did not struggle much with my hair (I am bald) and I have not trimmed my hair or beard since September!

I have been getting palpitations, fatigue and a slightly raised heart rate - but I have a pacemaker to keep my pulse rate up.

Building up your walking duration gradually is, I think, the best medicine.

I am 71, and I was disabled for half a decade - so "struggling" is what passes for "normal".

I briefly had joint pains after the vaccination.

I hope you feel better soon.

lofty966 profile image
lofty966 in reply to S11m

Oh gosh, sorry to hear that. Thank you for your reply. I agree, I love walking, so a gradual build up is definitely a good idea!

Missionwoman profile image

I am sorry to learn of your struggle with post covid symptoms. The nearest I can relate to that was when I had post viral ME which caused similar problems. It did take a long time to ease and everyone is different. At the time I had an aversion to meat and only ate fish and a vegetarian diet. I ate a lot of oily fish and took cod liver oil capsules which I felt helped me. I can only say how I felt and what helped me. I continued to work but sometimes had to ask to be helped out of bed to go to work. I did very little cooking or housework when I got home as I was completely done. Time was the healer but there were times when I thought I would never get better but I did eventually. Be kind to yourself.

lofty966 profile image
lofty966 in reply to Missionwoman

Thank you for your reply! Sorry to hear that, I can completely relate and it does look like it'll just take time. Thank you for sharing your experiences, it really helps to speak with people who have felt similarly

Isinatra profile image

Hi Lofty. I’ve resolved to put myself into the “long covid” category. Been struggling for over 8 months with ongoing repercussions. It’s been a real battle to keeping up the old stiff upper lip mindset. Chronic fatigue, cough, little sleep at night, brain fog, memory loss (did I already say that?), hair loss, general feeling of being poisoned when waking and all the symptoms you mentioned. Going back to gp for updated evaluation. Age may factor in my recovery. 70. Sounds like you’re younger, so that’s in your favor. I was thinking that it might be a good idea to start a community here for longhaulers for anyone dealing with slow recovery from covid. Glad to see your post. Not glad that you had to. ❤️🏄‍♀️

lofty966 profile image
lofty966 in reply to Isinatra

Oh goodness, sorry to hear that. Yes I'm 25 and was really active before I got covid so it's a bit of a shock to the system suddenly not being able to do much, but it's really helpful to hear other people's experiences so thank you and hope you improve soon!

Isinatra profile image
Isinatra in reply to lofty966

Glad to help. Daisy dot1’s reply to you was spot on in every way. One thing I added to my recovery regimen was to take vitamin D3. 8000 mg per day got rid of my cough for a month, but came back with a vengeance. Am considering increasing dosage a bit. Another possible addition to my tool box of recovery.❤️🏄‍♀️

Best advice I can give you lofty is to listen to your body don’t try fighting it,plenty fluids and rest are the important things now,the body and of course the mind need time to recover no one really knows the extent of any after effects.I actually increased the frequency of my b12 injections as I have pernicious anemia and “whatever” I had knocked the stuffing out me too so I found the increased b12 helped enormously,I also made sure I took my d3/k2 which is important during these lockdowns and a multi b vitamin complex. It’ll take time so be patient and be lazy you can catch up when you’ve fully recovered .xx

lofty966 profile image
lofty966 in reply to

Thank you, think I needed to hear that. I think I sometimes try and push it a bit too far as was so used to being really active. I think I will look into some other vitamins I can take to see if it will support recovery! Thank you for your reply, really helpful to hear other experiences.

in reply to lofty966

Bless your heart it’s rotten feeling like you do but it’s good your listening to all advice given by members here.make a start on d3/k2 lofty ,it’s recommended by the government for all U.K. citizens during the winter months so you can’t go wrong with that,cheapest on Amazon I use the oral spray as I can’t absorb tablets via my gut due to pernicious anemia and no intrinsic factor.I always say to get your bloods checked before starting any vitamins/ minerals it’s the safest way of doing it as it can be dangerous to supplement certain ones, and once you have your bloods done you can then see what’s low and work on optimising it,it’s the best of luck x

Alb2 profile image

Hi there. I can only talk about my own experience after getting it last March. It took until round about the august until I felt much better and even now I will experience the fatigue on the days I work and have to pace myself. On those days I’m usually zonked out by 9😂Definitely pain in my wrist joints now which started when I caught it but my consultant thinks that it had an effect on my underlying autoimmune condition. The NHS is taking long Covid very seriously so wondered if you may have a clinic near you? I’m not experiencing the palpitations any more thankfully although some of my colleagues are. Are you able to chat with you GP about it? I do hope you will soon feel much better😊

lofty966 profile image
lofty966 in reply to Alb2

Thank you for sharing, can definitely relate to the fatigue, I'm in bed by 9 most nights too 😆 Yes definitely, just waiting until I can be referred for the Long Covid clinic but hoping that will help if symptoms do continue

Niao profile image

Oh I'm so sorry you're having this struggle lofty966. Thankfully I haven't had Covid but I would agree with all the good advice given so far.

Listen to your body, let it guide you, don't push yourself to hard, do little and often if possible, eat/drink as healthily as you can, get plenty if quality rest and sleep etc.

And, most importantly, don't beat yourself on days when you just don't feel up to anything!!!

You will get there and I wish you all the very best. xxx

lofty966 profile image
lofty966 in reply to Niao

Thanks so much, yes think I needed to be reminded to take it slow!

Ali_H profile image


I had COVID beginning of October.... is my fatigue, joint pains and inflammation increase COVID related or rheumatoid arthritis related? - who knows this has been my lot for over 7 years but I am now on a short course of steroids for the 1st time since 2016 (on top of my immunosuppressant) to see if we can get the blessed immune system to dampen back down a little.

The best approach I’ve found is rest when rest is needed (but has to be timed out of work hours if at all possible!!), take vitamin D3 and possibly B-vitamins (simple blood tests will say if you need to take vit D or Vit-Bs and I would ask for the tests before throwing money at the supplement market), eat lightly and healthy in ‘flare’ times and drink loads of water every day. Do light exercise and enjoy warm baths afterwards 🙃

I hope things shift and pick up for you soon

All the best


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