Meter man came mid morning, so had no TV radio or Internet for about an hour. Got some washing done, went to bed for an hour this afternoon, turned one of the heaters right down as I think I'm overheating!!! Otherwise not much going on here 😊🌈👖SSAW
13 January 2021 what's anyone done to... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
13 January 2021 what's anyone done today

Usual watching tv(boring) played music on YouTube and posted some here, telephone hospital about my cataracts removal, told eighteen weeks waiting list, still.
Future learn, a short walk round the neighbourhood, fish and chip lunch, an upset over job hunting, washing here as well and just put skyfall on TV to relax with.
Oh my goodness, too hot this time Jenny. I love the Good Friends quote, really lovely.
I rode my bike into the lovely quiet city centre and have been on the PC this afternoon ordering dumbells, hubby ordered the fitness DVD this morning for me.
Have a lovely evening.
Alicia xx

Hi Alicia, artificial heat gives me a headache, and I've not felt great today, which is why I think I'm overheating, if it's dry tomorrow I'm going out for a walk to blow the cobwebs away
I'm so sorry to hear that Jenny. False heat isn't good, we're all electric, we don't tend to get headaches with it although the temperature isn't as easy to control.
I hope it's dry for you tomorrow so you can get out. xx
Oh I like these words relating to friends. I'm really missing social contact. Being with friends always makes me upbeat; one particular friend always gets me laughing and I miss our walks together.I've done very little today. Had a shower,cleaned the bathroom and did a bit of washing. Mostly watched TV.
I had an unexpected but pleasant visit from a friend. She was passing my house with her daughter and one year old grandchild and wanted me to meet them. I hurriedly put on a coat and had a chat 2 meters apart for a few minutes. It was so nice to see the little one and have a little fresh air too.
Hello. Did some formal paperwork online this morning, and told my story in order to raise awareness. Tell me about your day and what happened etc. I also happily participated in a Zoom meeting about fun activities for disabled folk too.
Not been well for a week asthma issue so been in bed watched Disney plus got some great programs on the Maya people and showing how they are using lidar tech to see buildings in the dense forest they have found 60 thousand new unknown buildings and temples. Have a great day. A friend sends me photos of his walks hope this cheers you up also. Kind regards xx