Donald Trump or Boris? (they both need a good hairdresser)
Who would you rather be locked in a l... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Who would you rather be locked in a lift with for a week?

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You are joking, no way , I'll climb the stairs, I'm eighty I don't deserve to be in a lift with either . Nnnoooooo
Starveycat(hope you dont-starve the cat ,kidding )😍Id rather do the same than share the lift` with 2 blockheads,and im not far behind in age!😇👍🥰
I call myself starvey cat because seven years ago a feral cat adopted me. She hates being in the bungalow but comes just inside the kitchen door to be fed. We bought her a kennel for her in the garden which is well insulated. But after seven years I'm still not allowed a stroke !!!
😱😱😱😱😱 Oooooh YUK!!!!! Neither. 🥴🥴
Same answer as other 2 lol 🤯
if it came to it, Boris, he is an educated man who can string a sentence together, holding a conversation, whereas the illiterate orange one would probably be wetting himself having encountered an intelligent woman who can argue either side of a question
orange one - maybe he can have a long chat with David Dickenson ? the antique dealer who is orange?
I think I'll skip that thought wiserlady! 🤣🤣🤣
Donald is now a nobody - so I would not waste my time on him. I would like to discuss with Boris how he got led astray by fake news and pseudo-science... but would that be politics or science?
This IS 'Quite a question but........If I, really did, have to choose then Boris.... Very definitely. At least Boris, as far as I am aware, IS on 'our' side, is English (British) and understands- is even committed to- Brexit. Donald Trump, on the other hand would, no doubt, just Complain 'endlessly' about the Election, 'put down' Joe Biden.... Explain, in minute detail, how His Policies were right..... I would be interested, to hear, his reasoning for 'Pulling' American out of the 'Paris Climate Change Accord' though.
Can't we have Rishi Sunak, or even, Sir Keir Starmer- I'd be Very interested to 'Properly' Sound him Out. Then there is, Ex President, Barak Obama I could Definitely get 'Stuck', with him........ though, maybe NOT a whole week😬... Just until Tea Time!
A WEEK???!!! I wouldn't last 30 seconds with Trump, so I would have to go with Boris. I would keep him off politics by getting him to teach me Latin!
It would be fun to put Trump in with us Bazzak Baiters. We'd make mincemeat of him lol🐰
Oh, yes! He'd regret getting in that lift, for sure! 😆🌸
Definitely Boris - he is funny. As for the other one, I might be arrested for GBH 😂 the man’s an idiot!
None of em- politicians that is.
Great comment! 😂🌸
still a hair dye but smoother than the pepper and salt coiffure he prefers - I wonder how much lacquer he uses to keep the comb-over in place each day LOL
Better than the runny dye that Guiliani used the other day, that was such a hoot watching him melt
I totally agree, Jerry!😀👍🌈
Neither!! No way!! Not ever!! Xxxx💜❤️
Hopefully one would cause the demise of the other and I could halt at a floor, tip them both out, and could make the lift into a bijou residence with soft music and dimmed lights, covid free and places to go! Sopsx

Good Grief! What a Choice! neither, in my case!
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