I work from an office next to my house, so in a way the lock down has not affected me as much as some others, my staff are scattered all over the World and I speak to them by phone or email, same with clients, so that didnt change, but it did get busier, the changes for me were when it put a big dent into my social life with many places being closed, and it was a lot more difficult to meet up with family face to face. How did it affect you? Were there any good things about it?
The lock down: I work from an office... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
The lock down

Ive quite enjoyed the lockdown. Doing some new crafts but like others my work has suffered as I had not long started a dog walking business and it was all going well until the lockdown. Never mind. We are well and that’s what’s important.
That's a lesson I have learned in lockdown how 9 times out of 10 the answer is no whatever it is isn't important in the grand scheme of life and very little in life is important really.
Yes in lots of ways good things did come out of lockdown for me such as learning lessons in never taking anything for granted again and getting some new hobbies and letting go of things I no longer enjoy and learning how 9 times out of 10 something isn't important and can easily wait.
In lockdown I enjoyed the peace and quiet and also catching up on reading some books I would never have had time for if lockdown hadn't happened and also finding some new walking routes which I will carry on using in the future.
At first I was angry and resentful over lockdown but over time I calmed down and used it as an opportunity to look at what's important in life and what isn't and most things aren't really.
My son is always busy with his business. Not a joke when we say we make an appointment to see him! During lockdown not only have we had Whatsapp video calls but also a few visits. Needless to say now he’s back at work .......!

Its normal to make an appointment to see someone who works full time or set hours or by appointment with other people. How else would you be sure it doesnt clash? But because my office is part of my house people sometimes try to take it for granted that if I am at home they can just turn up, ignoring all that. Like clients etc all of a sudden dont matter if they ring the doorbell or fancy a chat. Think your son would know what I mean. But the same works the other way around usually. YOu dont let work or clients interfere with your time off either.
My son has branches in Canada and South America, not sure when he’s off duty!

Think a lot of people work long hours if they have a responsible job or own their own business - but its a choice - they can always do something easier with less hours if they are happy to earn more, but many of them get bored then.

The OT and Physio stopped all throughout lockdown. So that has bad effects. They have just started up again by phone but you don’t have the equipment at home that is in the hospital. Of course, this would have affected thousands not just me. That’s been my major issue with the covid. 😊🌈
I would go on you tube and see if its there. Many of these things are. Where yhou can do it from home instantly.

For me, having just moved in February, It was a chance to take stock, and work on furnishing the bungalow, as none of my stuff from the house would fit.
Also, it was a chance to unwind and de-stress, as I had become very stressed in the last few months, and my Blood Pressure was high (stress induced hypertension).
I have nearly finished the house, and am far more relaxed, although I've put on a stone and have lost a lot of fitness (due to being shielded).
Cheers, Midori

Horses for courses, Since I stopped the sporty part of my life, it has become easier to put on weight without realising it, and Lockdown has allowed me to add a stone.
It will come off again now I'm aware of it. I have several conditions also, which make gaining weight easy.
I used to be very active, rock climbing , Hillwalking, Horseriding, archery, Fencing, Ballroom dancing. It came to a halt after diagnosis with Fibromyalgia and a few other things.
Cheers, Midori

Too right; I'm an obstinate old cuss, and I won't give in until I manage what I have started.