Cloudsbutnorain-yet!!: I am just... - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Sunfloweronline profile image
15 Replies

I am just scrolling through the chat and smiling, I am not too sure what I’m doing- but just post a bit and find it a comfort!

I have lots of time on my own and not able to have my family and friends to visit is really hard. I’m not complaining- well maybe a bit, but I am feeling like a bumbling, forgetful old 🐦

I’m sending best wishes to you all X

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15 Replies
Labrat80 profile image

If it's any comfort I feel bumbly forgetful and old... and I'm only 44!

Why can't you have visitors? The peace and quiet sounds lovely from here but the reality must be lonely sometimes.

Sunfloweronline profile image
Sunfloweronline in reply to Labrat80

Gov restrictions here in G Manchester allow me go on public transport, go to the pub, and do my own shopping! But I’m not allowed to have family or friends in my garden or home 🏠- my bubble are, but I’m not even sure who that includes! I’m just havin a good moan and feeling better for it!!!

Sending you all the very best X

Labrat80 profile image
Labrat80 in reply to Sunfloweronline

Moan away. Next to queuing its what we British are best at. A stifled grumble and then carry on quietly carrying your load.

Have you got any company? Pets? A talkative plant? A basketball with a face drawn on it? (Willllsssonnnnnnn!!!!) That will only make sense if you've seen Castaway.

You are aware no one is policing anyone's social activity. Provided they leave their phone at home of course!

Sunfloweronline profile image
Sunfloweronline in reply to Labrat80

I am diagnosed with lung condition I P F and polymyalgia rhumatica- so no pets allowed!! Maybe get a toy talking one!

Any suggestions taken with interest 😊 thanks for your help and support 😊💕🌈📿

FlowerPreciousLover profile image
FlowerPreciousLover in reply to Sunfloweronline

Sunfloweronline, first let me say how much I like your "monicker"; speaks reams about the optimistic person you are. And by-the-by, bet most of us can relate to those moments we experience of frustration during these very uncertain times. And I Am an olde bird, lol, who self-quarantined early March after my pulmonologist told me that "while others my age might get the dreaded Covid and respond well, with my highly compromised lungs, it would probably prove fatal for me. Yikes! I am pretty fearless as a rule but she certainly made her point.

I've lived alone for years by choice, very big grin (vbg), and while thoroughly enjoying face-to-face social times with others, learned long ago, that I am a person who also needs more quiet, alone time than some. As a result, quarantine has been easier for me than many of my friends and acquaintances, most of whom continue to go about their daily lives much as they did before. Luckily, a local mkt delivers my groceries and I hadn't entered a bldg until July 4th when I decided to replace some household products that my grocer didn't provide. It was a scary first adventure but successful.

My rant is against those who continue to disregard the simple steps all can take to reduce the spread of the pandemic. My state was one of the shortest .. all of two weeks in shut down..and one of the first to reopen. Our lt. gov. publicized that elderly Texans were willing to risk Covid-19 in efforts to return to work quickly for the sake of the economy. Uhhhh, not this olde bird! Luckily I'm retired but this is the mentality apparently shared by the majority of this state to my utter disgust. Although I've lived in other cities and supvervised a dept of 35 employees in which I was the minority, I've never felt more estranged from others or more the minority than now.

Thankfully, these H.U. forums are designed for support, sharing and learning from one another because of our shared goal of learning better ways to manage our chronic health issues. I have been especially grateful for my cyber friends and connections during the pandemic.

I am so grateful that my daughter and her family living out-of-state are also following the advice by our infectious disease specialists. We Zoom and talk frequently which is a true blessing.

Content with simple pleasures, I easily entertain myself with my yard, my hobbies and online friends. Your complaint was far milder than my rant, lol, but I do feel better for being able to express my outrage that the behaviors of others' total disregard will lengthen these uncertain times for us all. I'll understand if this post gets deleted but still feel relief for having written. Best to all!

FlowerPreciousLover profile image
FlowerPreciousLover in reply to Labrat80

Labrat80, I got so many smiles from your post! Thank you! Especially the Wilsonnnn, Castaway suggestion! Innocent humor is one of the best antidotes for whatever ails us at the moment. Best to you.

Labrat80 profile image
Labrat80 in reply to FlowerPreciousLover

I'm often in the minority, and as stranged as any one can be when they've got a unicorn to look after.

I'd happily jump on a lockdown rant with you Flo-Prec-lo (that's your rapper name) if it wasn't detracting from sunny-flo-yo's (lots of rappers on this site) grumble time.

If we British are deprived of these outpouring of emotion we might end up jolly miffed (excuse my language). If I return my teaspoon to it's saucer with a hefty clink, you'll know I'm on the edge!

There wasn't any need for so many to suffer so much metal ardour. It's an air borne pathogen. Wear a carbon filtered mask and stop touching stuff.

I just got some gardening gloves and keep them wetted with a spritz bottle. If my hands feel cold, everything I touch is sterile.

And for when shops insist on a face covering I have a large latex German shepherd head upon which I also mount a firefighters respirator with air tank.

I quite enjoy being an anonymous fool in public thanks to covid

ninelives profile image

Yep I frequently get what we call "wombat moments"( no offense to wombats intended)

I spend many happy hours looking at these posts,also reading,love writing letters and giving unsolicited advice to my children on anything and everything !

blackbeauty99 profile image

That must be so difficult for you Sunfloweronline . We are not on lockdown anymore but i knew exactly how i felt when we were.

I really hope that these restrictions are lifted for you very soon :)

Hi Sunfloweronline,

Everyone is entitled to a good grouse so feel free to express your feelings here. Goodness me, we definitely need it from time to time. It's incredibly hard not being able to be fully sociable and I hope your recently reintroduced restrictions bring the infection rate down so that you can mix more. Remember we are always here for you.🌈😊👍

Labrat80 profile image

At least you're alone in your physical isolation and not mentally so.

If you enjoy gardening I can recommend trying indoor hydroponic growing. No need for kneeling down in the garden. They grow all year round and respond so quickly to the nutrient and environment you provide for them. The leaves and roots change hourly. Once you learn a little it's like playing a game of riddles with a friend who really is depending on you.

And I few moments at plant speed is a welcome break from normal life.

And no, I don't grow anything 'medicinal '. Figs, pineapples, oranges, various soft.fruit and veggies.

Sounds like a daft thing to say now it's in writing. But you never know what might bring comfort and solace

RLN-overcomer profile image

Eventually the clouds, and storm :( of Covid-19 will pass, and the rainbows, and sunshine :) will come with the access of a viable vaccine as soon as possible. We have come this far, and we have to be patient a little longer :) .

Sunfloweronline profile image
Sunfloweronline in reply to RLN-overcomer

Thanks RNL! Sat having my breakfast and sunshine ☀️ is with me 😊

You have made me smile and feel grateful for all I have, and given me determination to keep going! God’s blessings and grace are going to show us the way!

Have a good day and take care 😊

RLN-overcomer profile image
RLN-overcomer in reply to Sunfloweronline

Amen GOD bless you sister :)

Sunfloweronline profile image
Sunfloweronline in reply to RLN-overcomer

I’m lovin the sister 😊!

GOD bless you too 💕

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