Not sure how those who are not classed as vulnerable have got any online food orders but I’ve got a 12 day wait I’ve decided if I order now I may be able to keep putting orders in 2 weekly when this all started I had months to wait as more spots seem to be opening if you book them in the evening it seems a bit cheaper .although not on vulnerable list I do have a health condition and early stage pregnant I’m sure people may have already thought about this but just thought I’d put my 2cent in
Online supermarket shopping - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Online supermarket shopping

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I hope you are well
I do not have a pre diagnosed medical condition nor on the vulnerable list , but I would do on line shopping during the first two months of Lock Down
I have stopped now but I would wait until midnight until a slot became available
I felt as I live alone given the imminent fear of Covid 19 I opted for on line grocery shopping
Since the end of May I have started going to do my own shopping
But on line deliveries were a god send as I was scared to venture out
Thankyou for your comment did you find you could get an earlier spot and not have to wait almost 2 weeks !
Good Afternoon
If I waited until Midnight I could get a spit without waiting for two weeks
But sometimes they would release slots in the afternoon often quite often so I would not need to wait two weeks
I have enough food that I bought during the Lockdown so this is why I will not be buying on line like before
I go to town to supplement what I need
But in line deliveries a real god send fir those who are vulnerable or medically unwell

It does seem like there are more spots opening up for online shopping at the moment and the wait is getting less. 😊🌼
I have been incredibly lucky in having supermarket delivery throughout this pandemic so far.
It was the supermarket that contacted me right at the start of it and told me they had identified me as a vulnerable shopper from their records.
I am disabled by two health issues but wondered if it is the fact that I bank with them that got me a priority slot.
I actually feel quite guilty at having access so easily because of others who have struggled to get slots.
I have been able to help a couple of neighbours out by sharing the grocery order with them which is good as they are in their eighties but couldn't get a slot.
Hi, I have been getting on line shopping for a few years. When the lockdown started I could not get a Delivery slot but as We have no underlying health conditions we thought it was fair enough for us to go to the supermarket. In The last 3 weeks I have been able to get a slot but this week has been difficult. They add a few slots a day. I was up at 5am this morning so checked if there was a slot and there is one on Saturday evening. The other option for us was click and collect. I’ve never waited more than a few days. (Sainsburys)
Thankyou Is it possible to book more than one i guess I could do this with another company I was having a condition with my heart investigated before all this x
I’ve heard supermarkets aren’t taking on new customers for home delivery. (At least they weren’t) they might now.
I placed an order last week, couldn’t get a slot. Tried again a few days later got a slot for Saturday. Logged on just now and I’ve managed to change the slot to Friday. Think you might need to just keep an eye each day to try and get a slot that’s suitable. Seems they are adding slots a few each day. 🤷🏻♀️
I decided to give the deliveries a miss as well when lockdown started so the less fortunate could have the slots they needed

Things are getting difficult for me now because I’m a really big family my partner is still working and I’ve got a health condition which makes bending and lifting hard I’ve got to be on bed rest now as well so it’s quite difficult I got a letter saying I fall into some vulnerable category but didn’t really understand it as it was from my local council and to ring a number if I need help but I will be fine as soon as I get delivery’s x
Hi Afrohair, I think it really does help to really plan ahead well with ordering your groceries for delivery, and I hope you don't have to put yourself at any extra risk whilst waiting the 12 days for the order you've made now. Vulnerable people did have awful trouble, especially at the start of the pandemic, my sister and her husband included. After shielding got underway, and measures were put in place with supermarkets to help, things became much easier. I hope your plan for 2-weekly orders works out well for you. Take care.

Thankyou I’m finding it difficult at the minute so hope things work out x
My local co-op no longer stock gluten-free, Oat-free muesli...
I have been driving ten miles to the next supermarket, which is a waste of fuel. (There is a bus service, but busses seem unreliable in due to Covid.)
Ocado closed their mobile app, and I was able to book a delivery in about a week from Sainsbury's.
I tried Ocado weeks ago couldn’t get a spot my local shops don’t sell anything gluten free which is annoying this pandemic is costing when I can’t get things.ive had to get some of my things from m and s I only eat organic eggs and they are always sold out in Aldi having to pay £2.50 for 6 from m and s it’s hit and miss with the porridge I get aswell gluten free I’m finding Sainsbury’s ok but the que where I live is terrible outside the door it’s the most local place near me so always busy x
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