A workout in the gym and a cycle ride - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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A workout in the gym and a cycle ride

β€’34 Replies

Hi all

Hope you've all had a good day.

I joined my lovely youngest daughter at the gym today, it's our first time since it opened a couple of days ago. I did 30 minutes of hill power walking on the treadmill, 20 minutes of Hiit training on the cross trainer, a leg exerciser where it works the inside and outside of the legs, arm weight machine and free weights.

I had my lunch then cycled just over 18 miles. I've been with the grandchildren the past couple of days and was itching to get on my bike.

Have a lovely evening all.

Stay safe and well.

Alicia πŸŒˆπŸŒ³πŸš΄β€β™€οΈπŸŒž

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34 Replies
daveh121 profile image

That sounds like a great day!

I just finished my ride and feel pretty good about it.

Tomorrow is kayaking, birding, and fishing.

in reply to daveh121

It really was and going with my daughter to the gym is even better.

I'm glad you had a good ride, isn't it a fabulous feeling.

Enjoy tomorrow, that sounds like a good day.


daveh121 profile image
daveh121 in reply to

Thank you. Hope your day is wonderful also.

in reply to daveh121

Thank you. I've been on a power walk today and boy was it hot

daveh121 profile image
daveh121 in reply to

Toasty here also and due to get hotter. We were in the high country, 8000’ so today wasn’t bad.

in reply to daveh121

It's hot and muggy here today I could certainly do with being on top of a mountain

springcross profile image

I'm exhausted reading this, I must go and lie down. 😁😁 Glad you enjoyed it cf. Thanks for the photos. xx

in reply to springcross

Ha ha, I loved it, the more the better. I've really got my mojo back after being poorly for quite a long time, feel so good.

The horse was a real cutie today and walked up to me with no problem, think it's got used to me xxπŸŒˆπŸ˜ŠπŸŽπŸš΄β€β™€οΈ

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

I was going to ask if it is the same one as in a few of your other pictures. That's so sweet. xx

in reply to springcross

It is and it really is a gorgeous horse it even lifted its leg up as if to say, please stroke me, I'm enjoying this, so cute. xx🐎

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to

Aww, that really is lovely. xx

in reply to springcross

The horse is really getting used to me, I love them, they are gorgeous xx


I'm so pleased you've had a good day and the photos are beautiful and the lone horse 🐴 . Thank you once again for sharing

All my love Lynne xxxx β€οΈπŸ€—πŸŒˆπŸ’œ

in reply to

Hi Lynne

Thank you and the horse was gorgeous. The weather was also beautiful.

Take care

Alicia xxxxπŸŒˆπŸ’œπŸ₯°

in reply to

I'm so pleased for you xxxx

in reply to

Thank you. I hope your day has been good. xxxxπŸ’œπŸŒˆ

in reply to

Thank you xxxxπŸ’œβ™₯️

The leisure centres here in Cardiff are reopening tomorrow which is a step forward and I think you have to book a place in advance with them from now on.

in reply to

I'm glad they are opening and a good idea to pre book. Our gym was really good today, lots of space, not many people and plenty of cleaning stations.

Glad you enjoyed your gym time Alicia. It's good to get back to doing some of the things we enjoyed in the pre-covid19 world.

in reply to

Thank you Sue and it certainly is, made even better to have my daughter with me.

Hi Jerry

Thank you and it was good day although I could feel the muscles in my legs walking downstairsπŸ˜‚

I mentioned to Jeff (hubby) that I've seen lots if horses with coats on and he said maybe they are being protected from the sun. It's been a lovely temperature here today, a proper sun heat, not muggy.

Hope you're enjoying your evening.


doubtfully profile image
doubtfully in reply to

Hi, horses r m specialist subject so I thought I would share info on rugs, it’s dead simple, mostly why you see in summer are insect protection rugs🐎 Sometimes though people put rain sheets on their horses just to protect from a skin condition called rain scald . Too much info ? I can’t help myself!🐴

in reply to doubtfully

Hi Doubtfully, that's actually very helpful thank you and certainly clears that up, it certainly makes sense as the insects really do bother the horses and I didn't know about the skin condition

Stub007 profile image



in reply to Stub007

Thank you Don :)

ShelWhitt profile image

I think I must have strayed away from the fibromyalgia site! I can barely walk half a mile at one go! Let alone go to the gym or cycle. If not, can you please let me know what you are on? I'll have a bucketful, please!

in reply to ShelWhitt

I'm so sorry that you have difficulty and Fibro is awful so I really feel for you. I do what I do because you do not know what is around the corner and you have to live every day like it's your last. I don't mean to be morbid but what I'm saying is enjoy life as much as you can.

Take care

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

I'm glad you are able to do what you do. I simply have difficulty relating your ability to my day to day suffering with fibro, but with hindsight I suppose twenty years ago I was able to do far more than I can now. Keep on whilst you can! Take care and stay safe.

in reply to ShelWhitt

Thank you and I'm going to keep going. I'm 61 now so am fortunate I can still exercise, none if us know what's around the corner.

I feel for you and like IBS, which I have but now under control, it's one of those conditions they donΓΎ seem to know how to treat.

Take care and stay safe xx

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to

Too true. I also have IBS so do understand that, along with a multitude of other ailments that make up fibro, brain fog and anxiety being amongst the worst. I am almost 78 now and have been suffering over 35 years, but I suppose, as you say, in the overall scheme of things, I am a lot more fortunate than some, particularly in view of the current pandemic. It is also true none of us does know what is around the corner, and there is always something we can find to be grateful for and take pleasure from every day, however small.xx

in reply to ShelWhitt

Oh bless you and I think that anxiety is awful. I had very bad Emetophobia (fear of being physically sick) for many years. I recovered fully by hypnotherapy but then was bullied by the person I worked for and it came back with a vengeance. I've since had CBT and read through the Thrive Programme and am so much better.

I was diagnosed in 1996 with IBS and was fortunate as I had IBS C but then got food poisoning in November 2018 and it changed to IBS D with acute nausea, I couldn't cope with it. I'm much better now after following the low fodmap diet.

Very well said, I take a lot of pleasure being able to exercise and be out in the countryside which is on my doorstep as I love by the sea.

Stay safe xx

ShelWhitt profile image
ShelWhitt in reply to


in reply to ShelWhitt


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