Over fifties: Hi everyone, the... - Positive Wellbein...

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Over fifties

75 Replies

Hi everyone, the government are thinking of making over fifties stay at home to stop a potential second wave , what is your thoughts. Clive.

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75 Replies
Veteran250 profile image

Hi Clive....... makes no difference to me, I’m 76 and been self isolating since 13th March! 🤨

in reply to Veteran250

Because you are a proper trooper my friend .

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to Veteran250

It was a Friday too! It's the date I started as well xx

in reply to leo60

That Friday was the day for me when everything got cancelled and I was disappointed at the time but now I feel its given me time to have a think about whether or not those events really were important to me or not and time to reevaluate my life as well over what's important and what isn't.

leo60 profile image

Really?! Where did you hear that? I personally wouldn't mind at all, but I am sure there would be many against it! In the light of this so called unrest in the population, I think they would be hard pushed to bring that in. And still we shielders are going back to work? Mmmmm ….. xx

in reply to leo60

Not if there is a second wave according to sky news , but it is what it is and we have to be prepared.

leo60 profile image
leo60 in reply to

Very true! Stay safe xx

in reply to leo60

And you aswell x

Jacksc06 profile image

Hi Clive. With a lot of society ignoring social distancing and face coverings - Beaches and illegal raves come to mind, I feel it will become inevitable. A lot of people just don't get it, we are in a worldwide pandemic and it will not just go away. Just look at Victoria in Australia, now in a state of disaster due to recent spikes in infection. Personally I think the government should enforce the law more, £1000 fines for those that refuse to comply with what is basically common sense.

in reply to Jacksc06

I totally agree with you in what you say people who ignore it should be fined more but the problem is some can't or won't pay it , the only thing that you can do is look after no 1 and see what happens.

Veteran250 profile image
Veteran250 in reply to

The news report said people between 50 snd 70...... so that lets me off at 76, I can go out partying if I have a mind too...... lol 😀🌈

in reply to Veteran250

76 too, so next in line for the conga!

Jacksc06 profile image
Jacksc06 in reply to

Agreed. But I do think that those who can't or won't pay should have the fine taken directly from their wages or benefits at source as they would only have themselves to blame. The only way to get a hold on this is to show people that their behaviour will not be tolerated but I don't think that our government will go that far.

Gillyflower18 profile image
Gillyflower18 in reply to

Is they can’t or won’t they should be made to clean up the beaches under police supervision!

in reply to Gillyflower18

Exactly , these people who flout the rules just don't care until something happens to them and they will get a hospital bed while others have to wait .

in reply to Jacksc06

Siren the cat has more sense than the government combined!

Hi Jerry, so that is me as I'm over 50 and have underlying issues . Sometimes I wish I was a animal that hibernates only joking , it is what it is and we have a good idea that there could be a second wave in Autumn .

We had this back in March when there were whispers about all the over 70s staying home for 4 months.

I think the ones who were shielding then fair enough but not everyone!

mena52 profile image

No difference to me either I have been shielding since the beginning and have to continue until at least the 2nd week in September due to ill health

Thing is with these whispers in the tabloids theres always something else added to them I find!

Hi Clive,

My husband read this out to me this morning, and I took it with a fairly large pinch of scepticism. I couldn't really grasp much sense from it. If it has any merit it's that the PM knows he can't contain the younger generation effectively any longer, so maybe if there's a grain of truth in its being considered, it's that the over 50s are more likely to comply. (Some of them anyway). Many over 50s are already out there, doing vital jobs in often senior and responsible positions. Not all of them will be able to be contained at home, and for certain the financial incentives given previously can't continue to be given, so, it doesn't seem at all workable to me.

It's one of the more wild plans I've heard of lately. 🙏

in reply to

With the media when these whispers start going round there's always something else added to it as we had this back in March when there were whispers doing the rounds about how the over 70s were all going to be ordered to stay home for 4 months.

in reply to

The shielding as finished today and the media come out with this , I will wait and see what our Boris as to say on it when asked .

in reply to

Here in wales shielding stops in a couple of weeks time supposedly.

in reply to

It must be awful to not leave your house and when it looks like you are getting back to normal something else mentioned. My best friend as leukaemia and is supposed to isolate he just carried on as normal he said I only live once and I will make the most of it I'm not a child and he's still going strong.x

in reply to

Shieldings just advice its not mandated by law!

in reply to

I think there's something in it but we will have to wait and see what this government have to say if asked , but at least the pub's and restaurants are open . Take care x

Hi Clive, yes continue to enjoy pubs, because if the media is to be believed, we'll also be swapping their opening with the chance for children to return to school in September! 😊 You take care too, and I'm for just smiling and letting them get on with it. Que sera sera! 🙏😊

in reply to

Hi Sue, what ever Boris Johnson decides he will be advised by the people in the know like it or leave it . I just think the media should not put things out until we are told , they have a lot to answer for reporting on different things X.

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to

Yes, and thats worked so well up to now hasn't it...

in reply to Silverfox2

We are fighting something we have never faced before world wide and the scientists are working round the clock to find a vaccine which may never come , I hope we do find a vaccine but it's not like going to the corner shop and picking one up .

Silverfox2 profile image
Silverfox2 in reply to

No but we appear to be stuck with rulers who say they follow expert options, right up until it doesn't fit in with their own political agenda and then all of a sudden they don't.

lgd333 profile image

Hi Clive,

I've stuck to the rules and at the age of 63 won't be staying at home if I have essentials to do, i.e. collection of meds, supermarket shopping, etc. The virus affects people of all ages, even the younger ones, so why make the age of 50 - 70; what about the 90 year olds? Do they all go out and have a party!

in reply to lgd333

Your still young Les there's plenty left in your tank . But seriously nearly everyday there's something new coming out personally I think the media should not be able to come out and say this as it can distress people . I will wait till our Boris comes out and says what is what .

lgd333 profile image
lgd333 in reply to

Hi Clive,

I agree with you regarding statement from Boris, but again that affects you in the UK whereas here in Northern Ireland they make a set of different rules. Who do we listen to in the end? It just causes more distress and confusion. The stupid thing is that one can't visit another, but one can still go to a restaurant or pub!

in reply to lgd333

Hi Les , you are absolutely right who ever makes these decisions are not thinking about things it's like the blind leading the blind . If they think another wave is on its way shut everything down now because when it comes they will shut it down and people will argue that it came to late and didn't we learn first time round .

Boudica1 profile image

It does seem a bit much doesn't it.

Me personally I'd put the order on the under 40s as it's mainly that age group who've been flouting the restrictions and going on march's/protesting, flocking to the beaches and park in large numbers at the first sign of the sun, illegal raves and parties and in large numbers outside football stadiums and totally ignoring any restrictions. By their own lack of consideration as far as well as far as I can see they are the ones that are spreading the virus.

Ah you have to love the entitled Millennials 😂😂😂😂😂

in reply to Boudica1

Their selfish attitude gets right in my craw!

Boudica1 profile image
Boudica1 in reply to

And mine, shame that they didn't have to do Shielding even for a month just so they had some idea what it's like for us.

Can't go food shopping, can't go for a walk, relying on someone else to do your shopping because you can't get a priority delivery and worst of all watching the idiots on the news doing everything they are told not to do without a thought of those shut at home 24-7. Out of sight out of mind.

Best crack now I'm finding is I'm one of those who are exempt from wearing masks and as my shielding has ended took a trip out to the supermarket before it got too busy. Lanyard around my neck and ready. Guess what age group looked at me stunned? LOL. Just waiting for someone to say something.

I had tried several masks even though I'm exempt and ended up self infecting myself with a bacterial thing in my sinuses which wouldn't go away and was starting to spread to the lungs. My doctor went crazy but at the same time fully understood my wanting to try, I've learnt my lesson so now I know I really can't but I won't be going out much at all anyway.


in reply to Boudica1

With the news what I do when it upsets me is I switch the TV off and walk away!

Boudica1 profile image
Boudica1 in reply to

Yes it does save turning the air blue 😂😂🤣 as well as keeping calm. I dread to think about the effect on the blood pressure 🛌.


in reply to Boudica1

What I have learned from this pandemic is how much of life is beyond my control and that there's no point in getting upset over things that I can't change

happytulip profile image
happytulip in reply to Boudica1

Hey, I agree with some of your points but let's not tar an entire generation with one brush

I'm 38 and have been shielding since March as have many of my friends who are under 40. It's very frustrating.

I do think that many in the younger generation have flauted the rules, but so have plenty of my elders.

MadBunny profile image
MadBunny in reply to Boudica1

I agree.I didnt mind shielding the first time round .I fully understood the reasons and to be honest if it's done for our protection I could possibly tolerate it again but I really feel angry with the way some have flouted the rules in the examples you give.I just dont understand why they do it. Im starting to feel that we are being penalised .I was just looking forward to getting out and about again.

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired

Blimey! I was hoping to be able to get out and start exploring the place where I've lived for 6 months!

Cheers, Midori

in reply to Midori

Its just whispers at this stage and whispers always have something else added to them!

in reply to Midori

Hopefully you will be able to 😁

Activity2004 profile image

Out here in the USA, the news has been talking about the second wave coming, but we're still in the first one and it's not any better. They keep saying that they want the kids to learn online for the first part of the school year (depending where you're living) and the ones with medical issues (no matter the age of the person) has to either stay home or wear a mask when outside. Saying this, it can be a very long time until some places can reopen/let children/adults come back to either jobs or schools. I'm thinking it may happen late 2021, but that's just a guess of mine. The news reporters never actually gave a definite date when they brought up the issue.

Boudica1 profile image
Boudica1 in reply to Activity2004

Yes I have heard that it's really bad over there. Here those who are at extreme high risk because they have certain underlying health problems have been in what they call Shielding. Staying home and not going out or people visiting. The Shielding is starting to be paused but will be bought in again if/when needed. We still have to observe distancing rule of 2metres and be extra careful, some of us are also exempt from wearing masks so it's tricky at times to say the least.

I have to pick my moments to go out and if anywhere looks a little bit busy I'm straight back home. With my lungs problems I really don't want to risk it.

Take care and keep safe.


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Boudica1

Thank you! I have been home since the end of the work day on March 13th and haven't been able to go anywhere since then since I have type 1 Diabetes and out here, there was an article that said, 'Diabetics were the most at risk for getting COVID 19 and dying from it (COVID 19)' on my e-mail a few days ago. My plan is only go out when a doctor can't see/do a video chat appointment with me. For example, I have an upcoming Diabetic Retinopathy appointment on the 6th of August and a Dentist appointment on August 17th. The appointment with my Endocrinologist for September will be done on video chat like the last time.

Stay safe and healthy! :-)

Boudica1 profile image
Boudica1 in reply to Activity2004

All my appointments have been via the phone apart from a CT scan and a scope of the esophagus and stomach, very scary going but there was almost empty of patients and in, seen and out very quickly.


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Boudica1

Were the Staff using masks correctly while you were there?

Boudica1 profile image
Boudica1 in reply to Activity2004

They seem to be not so sure about some of the shields some were wearing as I noticed at least one only just past their chin and with all the gapping didn't look like it would stop much from a cough or sneeze so I kept well away from them.


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Boudica1

Were they trained on how to use the masks?

Boudica1 profile image
Boudica1 in reply to Activity2004

The big Supermarkets are normally very good with training on health and safety so I'm wondering if it's down to the worker and maybe the way they are wearing PPE and their choice. Whatever it is I kept well away from them but on the whole I did feel safer than if no one wearing one. Just have to keep alert at all times and not just trying to dodge the seasonal virus spreaders who have no idea that they are a danger to some people.


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Boudica1

Very interesting! If it’s an Employee, they should have been told to go home if they were not going to do the correct thing.

Boudica1 profile image
Boudica1 in reply to Activity2004

The problem is that masks and face coverings are not part of their own PPE uniform for health and safety. Plus if a staff member has a long term health or disability companies are required to adapt and make allowance for the employee so that they can do their job.

With regards to the general public businesses can't ask for proof of exemption because of disability or illness as it comes under data protection and anti-discriminatory laws. But they can refuse to admit someone in to the building or transport. Likewise they can refuse to serve anyone, a lot of people don't realise that they don't have a automatic right to be served in a shop, restaurant, bar, taxi or public transport and can be refused even before the virus.

Most people are polite and compliant and understand the face mask requirement for helping to reduce/stop the spread of Covid19. Although it's a shame that during normal times it's amazing how many don't even cover their mouths and noses when they get a cough or cold and have no idea that they could be infecting someone who's health is compromised due to illness or medication that they are on just to live a fairly normal life. I've got sort of used to trying to dodge the seasonal viruses most of the time. But crowded waiting rooms are hard to dodge when you have to see your doctor or have a hospital appointment.


Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply to Boudica1

I know what you mean. Some doctor offices I had gone to before the virus happened had other patients come in and they wouldn't even say that they were sick! They just came for what they were there for and then left. No consideration for other patients or what could cause harm to them. It's sad, but the truth.

Yes, the ADA is followed out here and if it's not, businesses and bosses can be told they had no choice, but to keep an employee on if they don't do anything wrong legally.

The media enjoy stirring up trouble is my view on the subject as look at the chaos they caused unnecessarily by stirring the pot by driving the panic buying fiasco back in March which was most unnecessary!

in reply to

Absolutely x

bobbybobb profile image

I think if it is necessary again, I will comply as there will be grounds for it if it is indeed implemented. 😊👍

Veteran250 profile image
Veteran250 in reply to bobbybobb

I want to get my anemia sorted this coming week,

And the cataracts removed from my eyes, so I can see things clearly, then beguin to enjoy life again!😀😘

bobbybobb profile image
bobbybobbAmbassador in reply to Veteran250

That's good Don, when you have anemia it causes extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, muscle spasms, so once you have that sorted, you should feel like you have a bit more energy. The sooner your eyes are done the better. 👍😊

Veteran250 profile image
Veteran250 in reply to bobbybobb

Eye hospital said I should hear in about ten days?

SORRELHIPPO profile image
SORRELHIPPOReading Rabbits

It cannot and will not be all over 50's, the essential workers amongst them will continue working, Doctors, Nurses, all medical staff, all Care Home Staff, Farmers, Care Agency Home Carers, Fruit/veg pickers, Transport Staff, Supermarket staff, Delivery Drivers, Postmen/women, Newsagents, Pharmacists, School Staff will have to start up again, etc etc. I think we should be shielding according to illness/medication, not age.

Boudica1 profile image

Yes and don't forget to get in the tinned and dry goods as well. X

AndrewT profile image

Dear Clive,

Getting down to 'Brass Tacks', as it were.... I am Still Isolating now, going out for Walks locally- maybe a Short ride in my Mother's car (in the back, wearing a mask, with the windows open). Frankly, with MY Condition, COVID would KILL Me.... So I have to Isolate, so what?

Yes I DO Miss a Great Many 'Things' and, in many ways, I Can't Wait to get Back Out There..... but in a SAFE way, and if THAT takes time, so be it.

I have to say that I Personally believe this Government has, and is, doing a Great/ Fantastic job- in very difficult circumstances. Yes, with the Benefit Of Hindsight, our Government Might have done 'better', in some ways. (So might the Governments of 1665! King Harold MIGHT have Won The Battle Of Hastings, if it wasn't for the Battle Of Culloden. Germany Might have Won The War- IF Hitler had not Invaded Russia.....) I'm sure that, there Will, be Plenty of time for 'Recriminations', in the next few years. NOW IS NOT THAT 'TIME'! Now, is the time, to do as we are being Asked/ Told.

Let us not forget that, our own Prime Minister- Boris Johnson- has had, indeed nearly died from- this virus. If THAT does not 'Qualify' him to make decisions, to Protect Us All, then I don't know what Does!

To Paraphrase an old 'Film Franchise', from the Seventies.... Carry On Boris.


Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired

Love 'Carry on Boris'- it would make a good film!

However, I don't think King Harold could have held off Willy the Conk for a further 700 years, I think the battle you wanted was Stamford Bridge! ;)

Sorry, history is a particular interest of mine. I'm a perishing pedant!

Cheers, Midori

AndrewT profile image
AndrewT in reply to Midori

Dear Midori,

You are Absolutely Right, in ALL you observations- I need a Hundred Lines 'Brush Up On History BEFORE You 'Post' On Here.' Culloden, of course, was the 'Brave Heart' Battle, who can forget Mel Gibbson. I'm Not, too sure, if William would have come back- certainly not Multiple Times. The Barons, who made up a fair bit of his Army (along with their 'underlings'), could well have 'Sided' back with Harold.... If he was Victorious a few times-They were Always a 'Fickle' Bunch.

I like History too and, at some stage, Not now- maybe I will 'Pick Your Brains' on, such Things as, The Gunpower Plot, The Peasants Revolution, The Civil War/ Restoration- along with The War Of The Roses, Establishment Of The Tudor Dynasty and a few more 'Gems' from History.

Once again, thank you, for the correction Midori. (Another, very interesting Story, is Bounty- from the point of view of Bligh. Bligh got ALL of those, cast adrift with him, safely back to ENGLAND.... without any loss of life- navigating with the sun/ stars and a Sextant. I'm doubting that many Modern Captains could do That.)

Looking forward to our Future Chat.


Pita profile image

Makes no difference to me, I have been shielding since 22 March as I am in the extremely vulnerable list.

Tinker26 profile image

Absolute nutcase ,does that mean him and all his crew staying at home ,it’s like being in prison for a crime you didn’t commit ,get to grips with reality ,it’s ok if you’ve plenty of money and fancy house and staff to look after you ,but really who thinks all this up .🙈🙈🙈

Bingo88 profile image
Bingo88 in reply to Tinker26

Well said Tinker 26. They were allowing spectators into the World Snooker Championships at Sheffield on a limited numbers basis And did it for 1 day Everyone had booked Tickets and Hotels for the stay. Then after day 1. Because of increasing virus numbers He decided to scrap the whole idea Lunacy if you ask me Take care Brian

in reply to Bingo88

Usually those attending the snooker at the crucible would have had to book their tickets and hotel at least ten months in advance I know this as I have been , but like you say it's a shame that they cancelled it after one day .

Bingo88 profile image

Hello Longsider. I think Bungling boris and his crew Change their mind quicker than their underpants The decisions are a joke and everyone has been much too late Brian

Ianc2 profile image

Don't panic folks. It is all a cunning plan by Boris to close down the House of lords and flog it off to the Americans so Donald can open a heritage fast food restaurant using prime American beef and freshly basted chicken on a drive thru basis.

It will be good to see the tatty old place being freshened up and modernised. No doubt there will be a few opportunities for cleaners, toilet attendants, and late night burger flippers - for those who have not got a chip on their shoulders.

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