Just when you thought it was safe to ... - Positive Wellbein...

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Just when you thought it was safe to go out!!!!

Sheila_G profile image
25 Replies

I went in the greenhouse, as I do every morning, to see and water my tomatoes etc. When I came out I stepped backwards, tripped over a basket I had forgotten about. I couldn't stop myself falling over the basket, over a step and landed very heavily flat on my back on concrete. My husband was in the shower and I shouted and shouted but he couldn't hear me. I couldn't move. The pain in my back was awful and I was shaking like a jelly. Very scared. A workman was delivering something across the road and heard me shout. He scaled a 6' fence like a whippet and went to get my husband. All the time I was saying please don't touch me I am shielding and don't let anyone get an ambulance. Fortunately my neighbour is a paramedic and at home so she came to check me out. To cut a long story short I seem to have escaped serious injury. Extremely sore back, buttocks and elbow this morning and still feel quite sick. Hopefully that is the shock. Quite worried about how sore my back is but my spine seems to be ok. Grateful to everyone concerned. My neighbour who checked me out wasn't wearing a mask or gloves. That concerns me after not being near anyone for 12 weeks. X

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Sheila_G profile image
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25 Replies

Hi Sheila_G,

I was so sorry to hear of your horrible accident and thank goodness that you weren't more seriously injured.

Take good care now as the effects of the shock alone can upset you physically for a while after it happens, not to mention the pain of your fall.

I really wouldn't be too hyper-sensitive about your neighbour's lack of a mask. With being closeted away for so long, most of us have become over-sensitised to contact with others, but the chances of your neighbour being infected at this stage in the pandemic is actually not now high. Just concentrate on recovering from your horrible fall. I hope you feel better soon. 🙏

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to

Thank you for your kind words x

Roukaya profile image

Must have been a shock to you but be pleased there was someone on hand to take care of you

The help came when you needed it the most

I know it is very easy to become paranoid if someone not wearing protective gear but look to the fact they came to your help

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to Roukaya

Yes,absolutely. The alternative would have been going to hospital. That would definitely have been worse. Thank you x

bobbybobb profile image

How awful, it must have knocked your confidence terribly. You must be feeling very upset I should imagine. The shock of the fall and the pain you are in will make you feel sick. I am so glad you are not seriously hurt. Take it very easy until your bruising settles down. It sounds like there was plenty of help on hand when you needed it.🌼🌸

Sheila_G profile image

Thank you. I was very fortunate that people were around. They may not have been without lockdown. Every cloud.........

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired

As a paramedic, he would have been aware of risk, and if he wasn't in uniform, I doubt you need worry. I was a nurse, and although there is risk, I think it is negligible.

Cheers Midori

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to Midori

Thank you so much for that. x

Afrohair profile image

Sorry about your accident we can’t let the whole pandemic take over who knows you could have been worse if there was no one there to help you !and just so you know it is still quite safe for hospital if agreed by a specialist and a lot of appointments are still going on there are also alternative check points for emergencies and appointments you can just ring 111 to know that or your g.p so don’t feel like you can’t get help when you need it there’s lots in place they are even opening dentists up soon.take care x

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to Afrohair

Thank you x

Sheila_G profile image

Oh dear! That wasn't good. Yes it does knock your confidence. Thankfully I won't be going anywhere for a while and by the time I do it will all be a distant memory. x

Midori profile image
MidoriVisually impaired

I am often falling. The last fall was off my computer chair while reaching for something on the floor.

I ended up faceplanting into the wastebasket with one knee still on the chair somehow.

I was totally stuck in the corner, my son was in the shower, so I was stuck there for a few minutes!

Fortunately, the only thing hurt was my pride, and it was funny when you look back. Only wish I had a photo of it!

Cheers, Midori

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to Midori

I'm glad I haven't got a photo of mine. I am reliving it every minute. I just keep thinking what could have happened. Hopefully at some time in the future I will be able to laugh about it. 😱x

Veteran250 profile image

Sorry to here of your accident, your neighbour thought your injury was more serious than putting on gloves and mask, be thankful he was at home..... forget about the tomato plants.

Sheila_G profile image

Oh believe me I am very thankful. I am a born worrier. It is in my DNA. 😊x

springcross profile image

No damage done then Sheila, you're one lucky lady! It really shakes you up doesn't it. In January, I was walking down the stairs and got about two or three from the bottom, turned to move something out of the way and forgetting I was stood on a stair, I turned back again and took what I thought was the last step onto the hall floor. The last I can remember before coming to was me heading full pelt towards the wall across the other side of the hallway. It was awful, I came to, sat upright against the front door in the corner with the wall my right leg in an L shape twisted very badly at the ankle. I must have knocked myself out as I came to moaning and groaning and my head hurting like crazy and I couldn't move my leg and ankle. It triggered the second phase of my RA.

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to springcross

It is so easy to cause a lot of damage by doing very little. I know so many people with stories like yours. I had a very miraculous escape. x

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Sheila_G

Yes and I'm glad you did. x

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to springcross

Thank you. x

Sunfloweronline profile image

Such a shock for u and I’m hoping that you are feeling better soon. Never know the minute sometimes, but your knight in shining armour and your neighbour came to the rescue. If you let your hubby give you a gentle massage with your favourite oils when you feel it’d benefit 😊💕🌈📿

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to Sunfloweronline

Thank you. That is a good idea but for now I'll stick with Arnica cream. 😊

springcross profile image
springcross in reply to Sheila_G

Great stuff, also Arnica Gel. Sorry to butt in! x

Sheila_G profile image

You are not butting in. I appreciate your comments. Thank you x

Sorry to read this but glad you weren’t seriously hurt. Probably take a few days at least to get over the shock so go easy on yourself.

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply to

Thank you x

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