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Success is a state of mind and peace of mind

Roukaya profile image
7 Replies

I always post on this site when I am experiencing highs and lows.

Tragically an Indian actor took his life at only 34 years old and ironically starred in his last film which said suicide is not the answer .

It saddens me greatly when I hear such successful people seem to undergo such mental anguish in the sense they cannot see any light at the end of the tunnel .

Another Indian Star said we should reach out , but what about those who have no one to reach out to ?

This is precisely my point that there are many who are lonely , isolated and vulnerable who have no one to talk to

Again this also saddens me as I suffer from highs and lows which are triggered by the testing times of Lock Down and its financial implications

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7 Replies

Hi Roukaya, This is such an important point. And it's not only the feeling of having no-one to reach out to, it's the fear of ridicule or embarrassment if you do. It is quite common when someone tragically takes their life, for someone else to say "oh, if only I'd known". And yet the deeply depressed often stop communicating with anyone, and become very secretive. There are organisations to reach out to. The Samaritans do a wonderful job and I know how busy they have been during this crisis. I think people often need anonymity to be able to reveal their deepest thoughts and emotions. Sometimes friends and family are just too close to be able to open up to.

So please never feel that there's no-one at all. I know you often say that we've been of help to you, and of course we are all delighted to be of what help we can. We're a good sounding board, and can offer empathy and support, but when anyone is really feeling desperate it's good to get some extra help from an expert.

I hope you are feeling buoyant today and that you'll have a good day and a good week. Take care. 🙏

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to

Thank you for your reply

I think it just saddens me to the ending of a successful life .

But life is all about perception and our attitude towards life’s setbacks

This is where confidence and faith come in play

Many times I feel sad but in my faith there is always an answer

I have been through many personal struggles which have been character building

Set backs and struggles are there for us to develop our own inner core and resilience

Having a voice which can be heard especially in the world of stardom could carry so much weight

mena52 profile image

I heard about this from my asian friends its so very sad & ironic he starred in a film about suicide not being the answer. I have lost many male friends and family members to suicide, two of them recently. I just wish men would realise that it is not a sign of weakness to speak to someone if they feel depressed or down. Thankfully the Royal family have helped to raise awareness of male suicide with their Heads Together campaign and charity. So tragic that he felt the need to take his own life at just 34 years old and so sad for all his friends and family left behind. R.I.P. Sushant Singh Rajput, I hope you are in a better place right now.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to mena52

I think it is incredibly sad that someone who is at the pinnacle of their career can decide to take their own life

It must be a form of great despair that a person cannot face his own worries and the world

Only he himself knows what has gone through his mind or what could have influenced him

I am sad fir him and the family he has left behind

The older I become the more I dislike the false world of the stars

Everything that glitters is not always gold

It can cause terrible agony to those who already have a fragile mind

Algic profile image
Algic in reply to Roukaya

So many young men gone,I had a cousin who took his life many years ago. It's so tradgic that men are still unable to talk about the pressure of modern life and can't get away from the image they have to live up to.

I tried very hard to bring my children up that it was ok to not be ok. We knew something was wrong with one of them from an early age so did our very understanding gp who gave them loads of time. There wasn't the support apart from charities. Last year we got the answer they are 32 . They have bipolar and are finally getting treatment.

Life is precious I pray that there is always a listening ear and a hand to hold when someone needs it.

bobbybobb profile image

Hi Roukaya, It is terribly sad when any young person cuts their life short in this manner. We cannot always read the minds of the person sitting next to us. You can have all the success and riches in the world but that cannot fix what you feel inside. Only the help of your friends, family and the professionals can give you support when you feel so mixed up inside. Then, this can be difficult if the person carries on smiling to the world, whilst suffering turmoil within themselves. Some people have undiagnosed mental health conditions or conditions they don't want to talk about with those closest too them, so any problems are impossible to treat unless the person reaches out to someone, anyone. Once some reaches out, the process of helping them can begin. Even when people are helped, these tragic events can still happen. It is impossible to know the workings of someone's mind and the events that lead up to this. That's why it is important to show compassion to all those around you and listen to what they have to say. 🌸🌼

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply to bobbybobb

Good Afternoon

I hope you are safe and well

I think the mental state of mind can be so fragile at time’s as it can determine even our physical health

There are number of related events which caused the young actor to take his life but his mental torture proved to much for him to bear

Very sad and I agree that kindness and compassion can go a long way in helping people cope with their lives

However not all of us are capable of having a positive mental attitude

Thank you for your reply and I hope you have a peaceful day

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