Dear Everyone,
Another 'Bit' of Harmless Fun....
There are two Skunks, one called Inne, and the other Owte. One day Inne, and Owte, both go out. Then Inne comes in, leaving Owte out. After a while Inne goes back out and, soon after, Owte comes in. Not long after Inne, and Owte's Mother says to Owte "Can you go back out, and bring Inne, back in please?".
So Owte, goes back out, and shortly after Inne, and Owte, come back in. "That was quick" said their Mother "How did you Find Inne so quickly?" "Well" begins Owte.… Wait for 'awful' Punch Line...… "It was Instinct (Inne 'Stink-ed')"🤦♂️🤪😁.
Is this Worse than 'Chi Klonsky'? (check that 'post')
Not sure if I 'posted' this before.... enjoy anyway.
Two Babies, in prams, are next to each other- outside the local shops...
One Baby says "Hello" and the other responds "Hello". After a short while, the first Baby says "I can 'tell' if you are a Boy, or a Girl" "Can you?" replies the second, rather surprised, "OK, what am I then?".
At this point the first Baby leaps across, into the other Pram (Oh 'Come On', they can Talk, can't they). Blankets, and Covers, a thrown 'everywhere' and the first Baby announces "You are a GIRL" "How do you know" askes the second Baby. "It's Easy" says the first...….. Wait for awful, and possibly unexpected 'punch line' "You have PINK socks on😁😁😁". Well how 'else' would you tell?
Apparently True, this one.... Two Mothers are 'talking' when one says that her child 'was a Suzerain'. At which point the child- of about four- buts in ''No, I'm NOT, I'm a Pieces''🤗.
Philosophy time... A man, who walks a mile, in another man's shoes.... Gets SORE Feet🙃. Grandad was told, by his Doctor, to 'Walk A Mile A Day'- that was a month ago..... he is now Thirty Miles, from home, and no-one knows where he is!
Finally an 'almost believable' joke... A little boy, in class, was asked by his Teacher "Paul, if you have 'ten pence' in one pocket, and 'ten pence' in the other, what have you got?" "Somebody else's Trousers on Miss" replies the boy😀😀😀.
Take Care everyone, Stay Safe