Well today has been a day I never want to relive again. As many of you know my dear father in law passed in nursing home but I could not be with him then or today at his funeral to say goodbye, At 10.15am I lit a candle and I broke my heart but I did feel abit of relief lifted from my shoulders once I knew it was all over, My son and wife were able to attend and rang me straight after the service to say it was lovely and then the young lady from the funeral parlour rang me to say she will look after him now until the times comes for us to collect the ashes when I hope then we can say a proper goodbye to him when we can lay him to rest in the way he wanted in his favorite place he always requested. May I say to all of you thank you so much for all your kind words and support it has helped me alot and to anyone who is affected by this horrible virius and sadness I send all my hugs and lots of strength to you.
Sad day: Well today has been a day I... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
Sad day


So very sad, there aren't any words I can possibly say. You are in my prayers.🌻
What a terrible day for you Horseyrider1. If there's one crumb of comfort I think it's how most undertakers seem to have stepped up to the plate in as many ways as they can to cause as little distress as possible to the grieving, and many are taking extra steps to be kind.
I know the day will come when you can plan an act of remembrance with the rest of your family and I hope that you will forgive yourself for not being able to be present today. There is a slight feeling of relief always I think once the funeral is over. The long process of recovery can begin, no matter how long it takes. Thinking of you. 🙏
Thanks Horseyrider, that is very kind of you, especially when you are grieving. I'm glad your wife and son thought the service was lovely, I think that always helps especially when it's someone close. It's good also that you managed to get some grief out as it lessens the pressure you feel. All the best to you and your family. xx
My thoughts and prayers are with you. 🌸
Again Sorry for your loss, don’t understand why you couldn’t wear a mask? Is the virus the reason why you couldn’t attend the funeral? My 90 year old mother lives with my sister, I’m concerned that them wanting to open the schools, my sister has 2 grandkids that live with her could infect her? Also my grandson lives with me, I’m a High Risk senior Scared for myself. The politicians DONT seem to Care for us, they want us to be the sacrificial lambs. Well least you’re father in-law is in Heaven a better place than we are🙏
Sending comforting hugs and prayers. x
Thank you for taking the time to update the group. Hopefully not too far away you will be able to say your goodbyes, keep safe ,take care and I will be thinking of you at this sad time for many of us sending a virtual hug.
Hi Horseyrider1,
My heart breaks reading your story, such a terribly sad time for you. Sending love and big virtual hugs 🤗 🤗 🤗
Love Phyllis ❤️
This is such a cruel disease am so so sad for you - Iost a good friend to cancer and it was her funeral this week and I couldn’t go - I too lit a candle for her. Huge hugs ❤️🌈
Bless you, hope you can rest and grieve now you know the funeral is over, as you say plenty of time to have a proper memorial when things allow.
Those who have passed will not hold us to timetables, and it's what we did before these troubled times that counts....
Very best wishes cazer
Its the most difficult time Horseyrider1. Did no one video the short service on a phone for people to watch. Just a thought. Hope you can be at peace if you are there to place the ashes where they wanted them. Perhaps may give a little closure. Thoughts are with you. Brian Xx
I am so sorry for your loss. Your and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers today.
So sorry for your loss🙏
Perhaps the only thing that comforts in this situation is the knowledge that he is now beyond fear, hurt or pain.
Remember too that he would want only the best for all of you - and to be remembered at his best - but not to be a continuing cause of grief and sadness.
My thoughts are with you at this sad time big virtual hugs ⏱🧼
In my thoughts stay strong we are all thinking about you and always here.
My thoughts are with you x
I was deeply touched by the feelings you have expressed. My heart felt condolences to your wife and family!
Thanks for sharing your grief.
So sorry, Love and Prayers for your and his family.
Life is a bittersweet experience, but the joy that it brings is well worth the occasional agony. My condolences.

Glad it didn't go too badly in end and nice of them to ring and say will look after him for you. Hope you get your memorial Day soon xx