WHERE IS MY HEAD AT???: I USED TO THINK... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Well I'm quite sure it wasn't me that has you doubting your intelligence . I've had the same experience and I firmly believe people here have saved my life in various ways . It is a good place to be and I'm glad you've found us . Pam
it gets worse iread todays puzzlde ive already said a word with a g theres not a g there lol
brings me bk to my first visit it took me like hlf an hr to type i do not understand that dohhhh
Are you still with drawing from drugs ? I started withdrawal at the beginning of Feb. and I'm still going around with various related problems. It seems never ending at times and people on site have been an enormous support .
no i hope not nothing since jan10th withrawals not last few weeks everything calmed down then bloody lockdown now im in meltdown ohhh
see everything is down down down the negatives are there
I guess I don't understand. I went off a drug in Feb. I haven't taken it since , but I'm still having symptoms from it.
depends wat it is withdrawals can go for mnths is like everything else depends on the idivual etc my doc doesnt discuss it with me why i was left with no psychiatrist nothing itds old news dont bother them so here i am proud of wat i done but now im not there problem im nobodys if that makes sense to you not that i want to be a problem but when u were taking them everyone made sure you had them now its like you dont matter i have to keep telling myself i do even if its only for other ppl to keep me going for them
what were you or sorry are withdrawing from mines was diazepam and nitrazepam for 18yrs prescription just stopped craziest thing ive done but best thing but my head says should i of why did i do it wat for etc etc theres no answer hope u find ure way get things resolved got to keep on fighting hen
I was on Ropinirole for RLS when I augmented on it. So I had to stop taking it. I haven't taken any since the end of Feb. I started the taper on Feb the first. I am told it can last for 6 mo. to a year for the withdrawal symptoms to end. It has been hellish but I've invested too much of myself into it to stop now.
always keep that in mind says me you but ive no idea wat that is but i dont underestimate withrawals u must be a strong person to do that i dont know if there same withdrawals but any withdrawals and uve got thro it not looking for easy way out deserves a medal.... gold plated
be so easy take the tablets so we deserve to be here we fought for our right so were here
I'll take it! They say going off ropinirole is like going off cocaine . I don't know.
i type that much im lost in the convo hey u mean gold plated medal lol
hey in an ideal world it be 18carat haha just need try laugh or you cry
You are exactly right. I'm off to bed now I hope to sleep. I'm glad you're here.
hope u have a good sleep may you have nice shallow dreams no nightmares and hope to talk to again we can block the curses out together chillout forget the world and sleep before you sleep empty ure head out talk to yourself i dont owe anybody nothing i dont need anything i can do this and the rest myself go to sllep and tommorows another day determination if that doesnt work for you then say your own thing hope u find ure sleep
i have people saying to about coke ive never took it but for some reason benzos are connected to it but never done it ive got enough probs i think they follow me ppl say i create them cause im honest cant win
We're here for you anon00. None of us are boffins; just sharing the things we like and/or know or have found out. You don't need any intellectual level to fit in here. Just feel relaxed and comfortable. Take care.
I used to think I was quite intelligent - but yesterday, shopping for a shielding neighbour, I found it very difficult to get my head around the shopping list.
When I walk, my pacemaker kicks in and I can walk - when I stop I get postural hypotension and vascular cognitive impairment, and it is difficult to stand, let alone think. The staff at the supermarket helped me find what was on the list.
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