Where is everyone?: Where did everyone... - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Where is everyone?

Midnight-Blue profile image
47 Replies

Where did everyone go? I thought/think this site is an excellent place to not only meet others but offer companionship while we are stuck in our homes (Due to things out of control. Am I the only one with this thought?)

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Midnight-Blue profile image
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47 Replies
Roukaya profile image

I hope you are safe and well.

You will this site very understanding and supportive given our mental well being as a result of the self isolation

I have posted on this site many times and usually there is someone willing to say a kind word.

I am totally by myself and at times I experience highs and lows.

As it is site for positive will being it is site which welcomes positive insight.

jackiesj profile image
jackiesj in reply toRoukaya

Nice to meet you! I hope you know I appreciate you reaching out....and it is not easy alone or in a family that you feel alone....Together we are like a quilt..starts with one piece of material and then look at it ...wow so nice.

Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply toRoukaya

Good afternoon! It was so nice hearing from you☺️. I really don’t mind this “Sheltered” situation because it’s not much different from my “normal” life except for I enjoy going out to one restaurant for pizza & spegetti (buffet-style) & everything is closedown! I have lived with my “Companion” for a bit over 25yrs. His business is in a small college “city” about 12 miles from here. So, I am alone here (In the country) away from everything. That’s why I turned to here.

Roukaya profile image
Roukaya in reply toMidnight-Blue


I think I have always been a very introverted and lonely person

I find it hard to continually persevere as I have been doing so for the past three years

Understanding why I have been unsuccessful in the past and to learn from past mistakes in order to embrace the new

Roukaya profile image

Good evening


How are you ?

How did you spend today ?

I hope you are well

Thank you for asking how I am

I am ok

I am learning that the onus is really on us to make the best of your situation I life

I live in Derby and a Consultant only two years older than me has lost his life to the Corona virus

This has shocked me deeply as he had a wonderful and fulfilling career ahead of him now cut short

I am learning not to let the worries of my Mother impact on me

As I said I cannot change the behaviour of others but I can change my attitude

I hope you are ok

Thank you for enquiring about me🙂

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply toRoukaya

Sorry to hear that and unfortunately a number of health workers dying.

Glad your doing better re your mum.

Activity2004 profile image

Hi Midnight-Blue .😀👍

Welcome to the group! How’s it going for you today/this evening?

Yes, as some of the other members have mentioned, we are happy to help with any questions and concerns that you may have to the best of our abilities. We are a positive group that has different types of fun activities/postings for everyone to join in on during the day/evening. Some are music, poems and book related postings.

Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply toActivity2004

You got me at “Books”! I am an avid reader & will read almost anything; when I read I am part of the book that I read. I get pretty involved to the point that when I b stop reading it takes me a few seconds to get back to reality!I guess one can say that books are how I deal with life because sometimes I feel just tired.

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply toMidnight-Blue

That's great! What are your favorite authors? I like James Patterson, Stephen King, Nora Roberts/J.D. Robb and a few others. :-)

I will post a book posting next week. :-)

Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply toActivity2004

I guess we both like some of the same author! My favorite is: James Patterson.. That man is amazing & one hell of a storyteller. I used to really like Stephen King but several years ago he went absolutely wierd! I have no problems with lite Sci-Fi; I love the abnormal (Became interested in Abnormal Psychology after a course I took in colleges.) But King went totally bizarre & I felt uncomfortable reading

one of his “bizarre “.I

Gonna find something to eat.!Have a fun evening!!

Activity2004 profile image
Activity2004 in reply toMidnight-Blue

Which James Patterson books do you like? I have a lot of his books and series. :-)

Roukaya profile image

You will be pleased once you have decluttered all that needs to be done.

Time is such a valuable commodity

As Muslims are approaching Ramadan we will be fasting to appreciate the struggles and sufferings of others.

So happy to have your positive comments about this community Midnight-Blue. We aim to be a safe and hopefully pleasant and positive place to come and hang out, and, as you say, meet and swap ideas and pass some time. So glad if we are succeeding! 🙏

Narwhal10 profile image

Hi Midnight-Blue,

Welcome here. It’s a lovely little community here with some amazing artists who post their work, there’s puzzles, quotes, poems, pictures, songs, sharing day to day things and looking out for each other.

All the best,



Welcome to this wonderful forum of kind, caring, compassionate and supportive people. You will get lots of advice and kind words from the lovely people on here. Take care and stay safe. Lynne

Sheila_G profile image

I would like to add a more positive thought. We are not stuck in our homes, we are safe in our homes. Try to turn all negative thoughts into positive ones. Not easy but good to try. x

Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply toSheila_G

I didn’t mean geographically! Lol I meant on here to chat with. I don’t mind being “home bound”. I’m rather used to it; the difference being this time there isn’t any place to go! And, conversations with my dog and cat always calls for an interpreter! And, they’re hard to find.

studebaker profile image
studebaker in reply toSheila_G

That is very good way to look at our situation 👍🏻


Companionship you mean ,what do you mean by that, meeting someone, other then a dating site. No it’s for people being there for you , going though health issues, people with depression, anxiety, ptsd, etc.

Sheila_G profile image

Yes. I knew what you meant. I was referring to being 'stuck' at home. Stay safe x

Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply toSheila_G

I basically am “stuck” at home due to my age, having MS and BMI of 114 (Comprised immune system.) But, I’m in “a much better place” mentally because nothing has really changed for me as far as this “sheltered” at home. I have major depression & general anxiety disorder which ai take medication for. But, as times I do get/feel lonely for lack of friends. 🤷

Sheila_G profile image
Sheila_G in reply toMidnight-Blue

Yes I am sure you do. I wasn't making light of your situation just trying to help you to see a different side to it. x

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply toMidnight-Blue

Well there's always someone on here to talk with people being from different countries and I don't go to bed untill 1.30 am!!!!!

You need to keep indoors and safe

Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply toCraftyperson

I’m usual up then, also. It’s a rare night that I go to bed earlier (Thanx to RLS.) I guess I just picked a night when everyone had gone to bed early because not a soul was on! Just my luck, I guess. I kinda live in the country so safety isn’t an issue; I rarely drive anywhere, especially now as everything is closed. This afternoon until sometime tonight we have tornado warnings out sonI guess I’ll be in the lookout for that. Definitely more than exciting than watching my dishwasher! Lol Be careful

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply toMidnight-Blue

Yes I'm surrounded by open fields so lucky there. Just go out once a week in car for shopping certainly getting weeks to the gallon at the moment LOL

Hope if tornado does hit it's not too bad were abouts are you? In USA I presume.We are lucky in UK don't get the extreme weather other places get but have had a lot of floods lately.

Bingo88 profile image

There are some good stories amongst all the doom and gloom. And if your into music. There are new groups set up on facebook. Showing what super talented singers we have in the country. Bring back New Faces. Or Opportunity Knocks. Hope you all have a good day today. The suns shining. Brian

Andyd57 profile image

Hi midnight I havnt been on for a few days. Had a bit of a sore back. Getting better now.Been busy with the garden ect. How are keeping hope your well and Enjoying the sunshine. The only time I've 3 at had a su tan and can't show it off 😎🤣.just making myself sausage egg and tomatoes on toast 😋. How's your life ?? Hope your well 😎

Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply toAndyd57

There R people on here! 🤗 I, presently, am sitting on the couch with Pooky (my cat) sound asleep) on my lap, Red snoring(My dog & & yes, he snores rather loudly!), with my cup of tea & just finished reading the newspaper! It’s fixin to rain 🌧 outside, storms predicted. But, it’s all good. Still getting B’day wishes which is rather nice. Without divulging my age if you add it up I’m 15 yrs old! Hope your day goes well!!

strongmouse profile image
strongmouse in reply toMidnight-Blue

Ahhh so hippy hoppy barthday to you!

Hope the sun is shining where you are and that you have at least a garden or a few flowers to look out onto.

The 15 years sum could give quite a few combinations for instance 69? In which case I am not far from catching you up. Have a lovely day.

Andyd57 profile image
Andyd57 in reply toMidnight-Blue

You are a year older than me then 😎🤣Rain I havnt seen a drop for 10 days now 😎bern in the garden all dsy

Goldeneagle profile image

No I'm same cos of bpd i don't know if you're old enough to remember the war song where have all the flowers gone ill gi e you one verse of my rewrite

Where have all the children gone long time passing then repeat long time ago painting rainbows everyone when will life return when will life return cos I felt same done 6 verses covering covid virus and its right life will return but we can't control when nor can government that's why they want everyone to stay indoors I suppose once there's no new cases and doc in community have had no cases then I'm not an expert but then I suppose after getting expert advice things will move forward its a bit like it was with foot and mouth I suppose that's why in comm if you've had it or suspected it more than once they should test we will get there and everyone's here on this site people may not be on reg cos there I'll but I'm sure will answer when they can midnight blue what a brill user name what colour is midnight blue cos I like painting

Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply toGoldeneagle

I am definitely old enuf to remember all the war songs, movies, Kent State, etc. I was in college then and Vietnam was not just a name on the map that we knew little about.

Because of it we lived for today not knowing if tomorrow would come. We played hard and never considered that we’d make it past 30! I know I didn’t but here I am! How or why did this happen? Lol

As if I didn’t have enuf on my plate (MS. DDD, arthritis) I’m now being “told” I should not leave my home! What songs will be sung for this “War” I wonder?

Wdoug profile image

Completed 3 1/2 years of ADT, PSA and Testosterone were negligible that time. Now, 6 months out PSA still 0.01 and Testosterone in 96. Feeling better than I have in 4 years. Still having some hot flashes which have influenced my nerve endings in wrists and ankles and penile pain due to scar tissue from TURP back in 2009 and I think body odor may be returning -- too bad.

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits

We're all here but maybe the nice weather keeping us outside more, Ive been in the garden today weeding and sweeping my grass, yes sweeping it's artificial and now my backs sore!!!! Started watering plants and thought neighbour playing a joke on me as it suddenly went off and no got a hole in it!!!!!

Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply toCraftyperson

Maybe you need a longer broom! I have DDD; if I stand too long or bend over (To puck something you) my back”tells” me so I know how you feel but if you want a pretty garden or you are growing something I’m it

than you have no choice. (Of course there are things you can buy.)

Craftyperson profile image
CraftypersonReading Rabbits in reply toMidnight-Blue

It was the kneeling down pulling weeds up that got to me. Shouldn't do it but needs must and no one else to do it.

stepsforNeeC profile image

We're here. I had a little flare -up; but I'm ok -"thank you Lord" and along with an in- home three day infusion.

Peace and Blessings


Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply tostepsforNeeC

I guess I am lucky or something. I hear of all these major problems that many people have with “MS” and mine is mild in comparison. But, I’m glad you are feeling better. 😚

stepsforNeeC profile image
stepsforNeeC in reply toMidnight-Blue

Thank you :) Friend! Friday, busying myself with a little art from my handy sketch book; was time to unplug from Pandemic Overload.

TexasLawman profile image


Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply toTexasLawman

How am I supposed to reply to that? Lol I am in “my” end of the couch freezing, as usual, wearing a sweat jacket wrapped up in one of my warm blankets! Turned the heat up & shivering 🥶! I live in what is called a “Barndomedium” which is also very much insulated. It also stays cool.

Survivor4Ever profile image

It is I just think sometimes there’s so many posts that not every can get to everybody is all. I hope you are well . Isolation can definitely be tough but the Shelter in place is about to expire. What’s your thoughts on that ? How is that going to turn out?

Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply toSurvivor4Ever

Personally the “sheltering” isn’t a big deal I’m alone most the time and pretty isolated where I am. But, if you’re not used to being “forcefully” shut-in then that’s a different story. Many become depressed and have anxiety attacks; many have problems with vision. I read that several states/cities are starting to open back up. My opinion: Too soon!

Survivor4Ever profile image
Survivor4Ever in reply toMidnight-Blue

Yeah.. Curious how this will end up. Most states are opening up April 30.

Midnight-Blue profile image
Midnight-Blue in reply toSurvivor4Ever

There’s just too much of the unknown to even call it! We don’t really know what happened in China (I always 2 possibilities: biological warfare or population control [Earth can only hold so many; every time there is

an illness/disease it gets cured and another one takes its place and so on and so on and so.....]). Then we have the US of A. Do you really think we are told everything? And, talk of Dictatorship? I only know what I see: there are more dead from having the flu. What & why is this Virus 🦠 ?

Survivor4Ever profile image

I replied earlier to someone else not sure if it’ll help you . But I told them I heard on a podcast when your stuck in depression to do something you never would do or your friend said you would never do. And/or make a list of those things. Also there’s a technique for anxiety that might help for depression that can be practiced several times when you need it. It’s called 5-4-3-2-1 (5)Look around the room and name 5 things you see (4) what 4 things can you touch and do it (3) what 3 noises do you hear(2) What 2 things do you smell(1) what 1 thing do you taste .

Midnight-Blue profile image

Hi! Did you know there used to be a TV show about a serial killer who also assisted his local police department solve crimes & his name was Dexter!!😉

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