Learning to slow down: I think that I... - Positive Wellbein...

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Learning to slow down

Beachcomber66 profile image
9 Replies

I think that I have learned a number of things since lockdown began. First, how I don't feel!! That nagging guilty feeling that I should be doing loads of things has gone. There is so much that I can do nothing about present, and now I feel at peace with that; I do what I can and the rest can wait. Being creative, finding new ways of doing things which have to be done, having the time to speak to people on the telephone at times when the "how are you?" isn't just a cliche are all positives. Taking pleasure in things which I would never have noticed in what passes for normal times; Robins raising their brood in a long forgotten nesting box and now feeding their offspring in the garden...one of the adults flew up to me and hovered in front of my face....I thought it strange until I noticed that the feeder was empty! I do get out into the woods for a dog walk or run most days; people up there are much friendlier than usual. I don't ignore the fact that we are surrounded by illness and death and the future is uncertain, but trying to keep in the here and now and focussing on things which I often miss in the busyness of life is definitely a help to me. I want this virus to disappear as a threat as quickly as possible, but there are some things about the old "normal" life I would be happy to see disappear with it! Sorry if this is a bit of a ramble!!😊

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Beachcomber66 profile image
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9 Replies
RoadRunner44 profile image

Hello Beachcomber, Your post certainly struck a chord with me as I feel exactly like you.

I used to feel so guilty sitting and reading a newspaper for any length of time. There would be no reason for this as living alone I can please myself.

It is a much more leisurely pace of life. I eat when I feel hungry, I'll do some tasks when I feel,like it, which could be in the evening rather than the usual daytime.

I think the fine weather has helped to bridge the new way of spending time. I now have time to enjoy a walk, do a little cooking, sorting, lots of things. It is very pleasant but I do feel things a're a bit weird and unreal at times.

Saying all of that I do miss the freedom of just jumping in the car and going off on the spur of the moment.

I have to sometimes remind myself of the consequences of the corona virus as I feel cocooned in my little house and garden. I keep in touch with friends but I look forward to getting together with them again.

Who knows when this will end and how different our lives will be.

Take care and keepmwell.

Chrys 😊

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66 in reply to RoadRunner44

😊 I last filled my car up with petrol 5 weeks ago and it is still three quarters full

Ghounds profile image
GhoundsReading Rabbits in reply to Beachcomber66

Me too!! The irony is petrol is now the cheapest it's been in years and we can't go anywhere!

Beachcomber66 profile image

Thanks Jerry. I was reminded of something my father said when he was asked by some primary school children about his wartime experiences. They wanted to know whether he had been frightened. As a teenager on a cruiser in the Arctic I would have expected a “yes”; but his answer was, “no, we were all in it together and had to focus on what we’re doing.” I don’t like the general war time imagery that is being used by politicians, but we are definitely all in this together.

Bobbytyson profile image

Hi all

I resonate with you about not having to rush around. I have had the energy to get things done that have been on my to do list in some cases for 5 years. We, in South Africa are restricted to buying food and medicine. No solitary walks/exercise. I have limited watching news to bare minimum because it's depressing. I am single and during this time have formed an online friendship with 3 ladies. When this virus is a thing of the past its going to make dating a bit tricky.

Beachcomber66 profile image
Beachcomber66 in reply to Bobbytyson

🤣🤣🤣 Not a bad problem to have Bobbytyson! They will be exploring options too though 😊

I agree with everything you have written as horrible as this virus is there are also benefits to having the whole world slowing down.

With my life quite a few things will disappear as well due to this virus that wouldn't have if things had carried on as they did before such as going to the shops when there's nothing better to do, going to the local shops and only visiting supermarkets when desperate and asking if the trip to the shops is necessary and if it isn't not to bother!

Also doing activities because I enjoy them not just to please someone else.

I said the other day how at present my usual stressors aren't around and about things about modern life I would like to disappear along with this virus as well like the want want want mentality and the rushing everywhere as there was no need for them.

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