Dear Everyone,
Just a few 'Giggles', for you... A young boy is given a fish, for his birthday. A few weeks later someone, asks him, "Have you taught, your Fish, any 'Tricks'". "Oh Yes" replies, the boy excitedly "I've taught it 'How To Swim'"😊.
Do you know why the Aircraft came down on someone's home? Because his little boy Left The Landing Light On😀.
They say, that Children 'Brighten' a home.... It's true, they NEVER TURN THE LIGHTS OFF😁
A Mother, and Daughter, are talking. Mother askes, her Daughter, "How much do you 'love' me?" "All the way to Australia" replies the girl "and how much do you 'Love' me Mummy". "I 'Love' you ALL the way, to The Moon" replies her Mother. The Child seems unimpressed "Well that's not 'very far', I mean Australia, is the Other Side of the Earth.... The Moon is 'only just' over there" says the child Pointing out the window😂.
Well it HAD to be.... Elephant Jokes... (sorry)
How do you get an Elephant into a Refrigerator? Easy open, the 'fridge' and put it in😋. How do you get another Elephant in? Equally easy, put the Second Elephant into the Freezer Box😄. How do you get a Tiger into that Fridge? You Can't.... It's FULL of Elephants🤣.
A Little Girl runs into her Mother, clearly upset..... "Mummy, Mummy, MUMMY, I just hurt my toe...." The Mum picks her up, and cuddles her, before asking "Oh Dear, what on?" To which the child replies "My FOOT!!!"😋
Enough, for now......