For me it was going to be a walk to the shops and the ironing, walk to shops happened, a while later I had an email about our reading session tomorrow, I replied and also asked should I install Zoom beforehand, yes was the reply, shortly after the lady who runs it rang to see if it was all OK, it wasn't, so we spent about 45 minutes getting it all set up, so hopefully all OK for tomorrow, ironing still sitting in the corner until tomorrow or Friday or whenever
What's anyone done today : For me it... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What's anyone done today

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Hi Jennymary ,
My day was: going on the groups, checking my e-mails, had lunch at 12 noon, listened to some music on the radio, planning to do some reading from my Stephen King book, and just relax after dinner by watching some game shows and do more reading. I also plan to do a new word scramble puzzle posting before getting ready for bed tonight.
As Hidden has said, I would put off the ironing for a while since I want to have enough items to iron before doing any of it since I don't like doing just one piece of laundry/item at a time.
i have been busy sewing scrubs bags for our local hospital. I hsve also knitted some hearts for them to give to patients. I finished knitting a lion for my grandson. I have packed my paints away to make space for the sewing. I did few paintings which i have had made into birthday cards. They arrived today. I am pleased with them. Lockdown is quite exhausting!
Hey, send me your ironing I love doing it.
Don't ask me why as it is a complete mystery to me as I used like most to hate it. I have a feeling someone did a brain transplant on me during one of my operations
Glad you've been out and about Jenny. Here's to a good reading session tomorrow.
Ii spoke to my youngest, I've been on my bike getting spelt flour, a late lunch, talking to my eldest on the phone, clearing up in the garden and now a late dinner.
Look after yourself and enjoy your reading session tomorrow.
Not to worry Jennymary, Ironing will always keep for another day. You wouldn't have wanted to miss your book session tomorrow so that was a job well done and I'm glad you've mastered Zoom.
I've been watching a documentary of around 20 years ago about the 1918 flu pandemic, mostly from the American perspective. They documented it much better than was done in UK, though the documentary I watched was British and one of the Secret History series.
The similarities and parallels are really surprising, even though coronavirus isn't related to influenza. I think maybe it might not have been as bad then with the science and medical advances we have now, but still we are almost as in the dark now as they were then, because it was a new virulent strain of flu.
It was really interesting though, and absorbed me for quite a while.
I'm glad your day has gone so well, and best of luck for your Zoom session tomorrow. 🌸

I like your thinking on your ironing situation, that sounds like a plan to me. I've been to do shopping today and do you know they where selling all the big Easter eggs off for one pound. Some people filled the trollies full of eggs. I'm just catching up on the news today. xx

Ironing can wait especially as not going out as much. Hope it goes well on zoom tomorrow.
I've had an exciting day!!!!! ...... NOT.
Cleaned the other wheelie bin and took fountain to pieces and cleaned that. It was full of leaves and algae. Cleaned it out then 'borrowed' some steradent tablets to give it a soak. Now in pieces drying off. Had a matter to neighbour's over fence and got some washing hung out and dried. Oh for the days when cleaning isn't highlight of day!?!!!
We got two truck loads of fire wood, delivered some to an elderly neighbor, got the squash and cucumbers planted, irrigation started, hoop house over them placed, turned the manure, looked into the new bee hives, and relaxed a bit.
I feel like I should go back to work so I can take a vacation. Even though I have been retired for 10 years.
Jennymary, I also spent a good 45 minutes yesterday trying to get Zoom to work for a virtual board meeting for my charity Zest in Leeds. I find it very frustrating, and it put me on the back foot for the meeting as I ended up joining late. So annoying. I am going to try Microsoft Teams for comparison.
Thank you. I have another session tomorrow and a good friend has offered to 'coach' me if I still struggle. I am retired now but have used similar things before when I was working. Perhaps I am just a rooky Zoomer... I hope you get the hang of it too.
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