Finding it hard: Feeling low today. I'm... - Positive Wellbein...

Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation

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Finding it hard

formidible profile image
13 Replies

Feeling low today. I'm getting a bit fed up of the lockdown now and having to restrict social contact to Zoom and social media. I live alone and don't know my neighbours. I try and do a routine each day but it's really hard sometimes. I already have underlying depression and enxiety. Do people get out for a daily walk and what else are people doing to help get through this awful period?

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formidible profile image
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13 Replies

Hi formidable,

So sorry to hear you are feeling so low at the moment. You're in good company. I doubt there are any of us who don't feel this way once in a while. I know it's extra challenging when you are on your own all of the time.

One of the hardest things to accept is that we just don't know how long this is going to go on for, and the first thing I'd suggest is to try to live more day to day. If you let your mind race on, getting frustrated because there's no end, you will end up more miserable. Take each day as it comes to you each morning.

Routines do help, but I think when you are having a really bad day, it's OK just to admit to that, have a good cry if you need to, get some extra sleep, eat some food you like, indulge yourself in snacks, watch TV; just be generally lazy.

But when the worst passes, it's better to go and take that walk, if you are able to, and to try to plan your day. Not rigidly, but with some idea of what it is you are going to be trying to do for the day. Being busy is definitely an antidote.

Do spend some time here at the Positive Wellbeing community. That can help lift your spirits, by joining in with other people's discussions or posting questions or topics of your own. And that can be anything, so long as you stick to the Community Guidelines (to the right of the page under pinned posts, if you haven't read through them).

Don't be afraid to reach out to friends and acquaintances and let them know you are struggling a bit. Most people just want to help and offer a hand of friendship. I hope you'll feel a little better in a while, and do come back and let us know how you are getting on.

Jennymary profile image

I also live on my own and much as I love my own company I get times when I feel exactly how you are today, as I'm also off work I decided that I'd get those jobs done that I keep putting off, a couple of weeks ago I got all my ornaments and window sills dusted and cleaned, then last week I cleaned and tidied my spare room, then I decided I'd go through all my photograph albums and destroy those that I don't want to keep (now thinking that's a silly thing to do but I've found some pictures that I'd forgotten about and it's given me memories of times gone by) so I'm going to be spending the next few days destroying those that I don't want to keep

formidible profile image

Hi Jenny. Yes I've been getting up to date with the cleaning this morning. The sun has now reappeared so I'm hoping the rest of the day will be better. Like you I normally enjoy my own company, but not all the time. Thanks for replying.

Andyd57 profile image

Thoughts are with you. I' the same position. I only see the neighbours now and again. There fine but keep themselves to them selves !. I'm sick of the same routine. I can get out for a walk but once that's over it's difficult to keep your mental health I shape. 1 thing I've done who's has helped is I've downloaded Audio books free for a month . Put some headphones in and it's excellent. Worth a try mate ..I've been.learning a bit of Spanish as well.your not alone. I just think there's a lot more people worse of than us .keep your chin up

in reply to Andyd57

Yes there's plenty worse off but it doesn't mean you can't feel fed up with how things are at present!

Ali_H profile image

Hi Formidable,

Thanks for sharing.... anxiety and depression is hard in ‘normal times’ let alone in such times as these. It’s good to know that you’re keeping some sort of routine - that’s a positive even though it is probably taking a shed load of effort to do!

Walking and getting out is also a positive so try and keep that going if possible.

Possibly do a hobby (sketch, write, learn something new).

I am going to add a few links of things that might help (if not that’s OK too). This is a meditation site which is free. I use it with my secondary school class but there is good stuff that is usable and for adults. They will not send unwanted emails etc. I thoroughly recommend these to anyone. It’s about inflammation and it’s link to depression. I’ve found this fascinating as I also live with depression and also rheumatoid arthritis. In treating this and reducing my inflammation seems to have helped my depression and after noting this I discovered the idea of there being a clinical link between inflammation and depression - I found it fascinating and if your a reader who wants to understand more about their depression the book ‘An inflamed mind’ is an informative read. These do some good online learning courses that are short and free which might be of interest.

All the best


I think everyone's fed up at present to its not just you who feels like that!

I nearly lost my temper on Saturday night as I was feeling fed up!

What I find is helpful is making the most of the permitted outdoor exercise time and I plan something at home to look forward to on my return say a film or a nice leisurely cup of tea or whatever you enjoy.

Yesterday we had a 16th birthday party on zoom for our niece baby who is an extremely spoilt elderly ginger tabby cat and talked to our friends on there and one of them said she has been reduced to tears over the having to fight for food and the silly panic buying which was most unnecessary and I said about nearly losing my temper Saturday night and they said no I wasn't silly to feel like that due to what's been going on and I said how loads of other people feel like that as well brought to tears of frustration and despair over what's going on at present.

With me what I do is read books and go on my daily exercise ration outdoors and watch films and go on future learn and also watch videos online of places I want to visit to give me ideas on what I want to do when this blows over and one day it will and living for today helps as well and knowing that I am doing my very best in spite of these weird circumstances at present.

Best of luck to you!

Hi this is probably a daft question... how do you upload pictures or videos on this forum? 🤔 ah know there's always one 🤭🤪🤭 x

Andyd57 profile image

I totally agree with everybody's comments . Just keep supporting each other that's all we can do 😊

LindaP50 profile image

A friend of mine made arrangements with another friend - to share dinner time by phone. They ate and chatted. Works well if you have a speaker phone. She thought it was fun and will be calling her son to see if the 2 of them can share dinner by phone one night.

daveh121 profile image

Our community did a Zoom get together yesterday. We normally meet on Sundays for a small market and get together to stay connected. It worked out pretty well.

LindaP50 profile image

Ha! We did the same thing last night for the first time. On Zoom for about 30 minutes - 6 of us. Worked out nicely. Suggestion was to do this once every week or every two weeks. Something to look forward to for sure.

in reply to LindaP50

Celebrated our granddaughter’s 30th birthday on Zoom yesterday. Just didn’t get to taste the cake. 😟

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