(see my earlier reply to that question: "Is it Spring?" where I promised this recent photo here in New Jersey
As promised, yes, Spring is here again - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
As promised, yes, Spring is here again
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Oh that is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
So glad to share it with you (and everyone). Where in the country are you, and what signs of Spring are you seeing there?
I'm in the UK. It's lovely and sunny here today and it has been most of the last week. We've had some glorius sunshine (yesterday not so much). x
Same here ('yesterday, not so much sunshine') but those glorious flowers do need some rain, right? Variety is the spice of life (smile!) and in weather here in NJ and all over, that variety seems to happen all the time - and when it doesn't we call it a drought or flood.
Yes, they certainly do need some rain.
Sometimes when we are ready to complain (like my 94 yr old mother-in-law who daily complains that we are getting rain EVERY DAY here - not true, but that's what she thinks in focusing on a couple of recent rainy days - and that rain was only a short shower, not an all-day rain!), we forget the flower side of that rain event that will follow. We do tend to get what we focus on and personally, I choose to count the flowers and smiles (and do accept the reality of rain and those who aren't smiling in my daily adventures - that's my hobby, making people smile when they weren't when I encounter them, and at the end of the day, counting up those 'smile conversions' and celebrating each and every one).
Sending you a smile for your day there.
Those remind me of Wordsworth's lovely poem ' I wandered lonely as a cloud'. Beautiful. 🙏
Perfect response. Thanks.
And, Jerry, where are you and what signs of Spring do you see there? (thanks for your comment)
Oh that is gorgeous, thank you So much for sharing. May you be blessed with more flowers to follow. I live in SC so most of our daffs. have come and gone. I have some lovely pansies. We have lots of fruitless trees blossoming. Most of the trees have their new green leaves budding out, it is lovely.....Sprinkle 1....
Interesting how we can be 'neighbors' in these msg exchanges from around the world, like you in the UK and me here in NJ/USA. Nice to meet you.
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