I thought self isolating was staying at home, not having visitors and not going out etc. Yet some talk as if they are self isolated yet still have visitors or go to the shop or visit other people etc?
What is self isolation?: I thought self... - Positive Wellbein...
Positive Wellbeing During Self-Isolation
What is self isolation?

Hi wiser lady 😊 to me self isolation is complete isolation. No family, no visitors, no one inside my front door. I've spent 8 years social distancing where I kept people apart from family at least 2 meters away and I still managed to catch colds and get really ill. So now I talk to my family on video links on various platforms depending on which one they prefer. I talk to my neighbors occasionally who stand outside my garden fence and I stay inside my house... They are around 3 meters away. No one comes inside my home now. I know some people need carers etc so cannot achieve this sense of isolation but it makes me feel safer.
What is your idea of self isolation or shielding.

I feel sorry for you that you have to do it this way. I am ill similarly to yourself so am at home most of the time - before this virus I could go out if my partner took me out but could not go for a walk etc had to be in a car or on my mobility scooter. We had visitors then but I have no family and his are a long way away so it was usually just me alone or when he was there too. Now with the virus it is just us at home. No going out, no visitors. If stupid idiots want to go out and catch the virus or give it to others they can leave us out of it.
Yes exactly that, if you value your life and others, that is the correct thing to do, stay at home No visitors.
Wish I HAD a fiver for every time I hear or read that someone claims they are self isolating and being sensible when they are not. Why pretend they are then?
There downfall then, oh and of corse others if they pass it on. People must be honest to there selves,
Im self isolating past 2 weeks. Working from home. No going out , NO visitors. Deliveries dealt with by my husband. I couldnt even see my daughters for mothers day. Exercise is taking a stroll around the walled back garden.
I am in isolation though I do go out, have to shop but that is on a very much really have to basis, went today don't think I will need anything now for a good couple of weeks. I take my dogs out into the forest by car, see no one, ever and no one comes here, shout the nearest neighbour as she is about 30 metres away, well within bounds.

Sorry, but using your car for a dog walk is forbidden. You may break down or you may need fuel you might crash. Police are putting up barricades to stop people taking their cars out unless it’s for food or work.
The lady you are replying to lives in FRANCE.
It shouldn’t matter where she lives!
Not sure I understand what you are saying hottchoc. Each country has different rules and laws.
Here the lockdown is much much stricter than yours What is a policeman, I haven't seen one here in decades, they are hardly needed here as we are so ISOLATED. It is dangerous for me to see people. but, just as dangerous for me not to get exercise too as I have a serious lung condition and my lung would just give up if I didn't try and stay alive so please do not be so judgemental.

A lot of people take a tiny bit of information and forget is just a fraction of the whole thing. Assuming the rest of thinking it does not matter. I get it all the time. Get sick and tired of defending or justifying why I do this instead of that, and people not thinking that maybe I know more about it than them or have more common sense and assuming I must be wrong. Can understand it with silly kids but not educated, sensible mature adults.
I live way out in the sticks in mini mountains and with a very serious fatal lung condition and on oxygen there is no way I can walk my dogs round here so have to get in the car and drive 6kms to the forest, pretty dangerous for me as no one about if I fall ill, where I can walk them for MY health as well, Not every one lives in cities where I certainly agree you cannot use the car just to take your dogs out, here that is not allowed either but in isolated tiny hamlet, 10 houses, neighbour well spread out with kilometres in between us and civilisation almost anything is allowed but we still have to carry official paper work, fresh each day date, timed and signed every time we go out and her the fines are not your piddling little £30, they are huge for any infraction.

The person who found fault did not even know there are different rules etc for different countries, I would ignore them altogether.
Thanks wiselady Not stressed just putting her straight. The rules here are very much stricter than the UK but fundementaly no different. but I am allowed to be an exception because of where I live a very isolated area.

I’m sorry but if your that bad you shouldn’t be going out
So I just stay in a die is your answer !!!!!!! didn't you read WHY I must go out in a CAR safe from any one. I am no risk to any one nor they to me because NOBODY is here

Sue. It was obvious this person is clueless when they didnt know that each country has different rules and laws and ways of dealing with it. Why bother to keep justifying yourself and defending your position? They are not worth the bother. They obviously think you should just stay at home and starve to death. Or perhaps they are offering to fly over from the UK to France and bring you food?
Ha ha fat chance but would kill for some mature Cheddar
Rules here are stricter than over there.

I’m sorry your angry, but the government have said if you were listening that it’s the car that is the problem and not you. Hence the fines. What happens if you need help when your out? You will then put everyone else at risk. You can make as many excuses as you like - all I can say to you is listen to the news and abide by the rules!
You are talking about the UK government - she is in France -told you that before. What you have not explained is how she gets her dogs out for a walk without the car or how she gets her food. Anyone can find fault but you need to be able to give her a better alternative.
So anyone who lives alone and is ill and has to go to get food should stay in for the rest of their life and starve. How stupid and nasty can you get.
Thanks wiselady, obviously she has shops on her doorstep AND deliveries No such thing here and 12kms to nearest shop. Have plenty of food so don't need to shop but have to exercise, never let the petrol run low when living out in the sticks. Never had a crash in my life, no cars to crash into here now anyway. lol

Maybe living with parents and they do the shopping, cooking, housework, and pay for most stuff... very easy then. I am in the UK same as her, I wont go to the shop - not safe - I go online to order and its all fully booked - I have to feed two people and four dogs. Similar to your situation. It occurred to me that when you live out in the sticks you are used to making sure you have enough petrol, but some assume you are daft or irresponsible and forget you are used to these situations and have a brain.
Oh yes car always fully serviced and diesel topped up never ever let it get less than half full, good quality robust car too. All alone and only two dogs, used to have 8 just over two years ago, old age caught up with them or disease., imagine if I had that many now !!! Maybe in the cities they might have online delivery services but no out here.
I have been in my house because I work in my house and have no reason to go out. My husband has to work and he does the shopping. I have to leave today to get a tooth pulled out as it is so infected and hurts so much! But I am still afraid of a dentist that is going to be 6 inches away from my face with all of this CO-VID19 . I need tranquilizers!
They can give you tranquilizers.
I had them give me a valium. Thanks wiserlady!
Your welcome. The dentist petrifies me so much Ive not been to a dentist for years and years. One day I will have no choice.
I was at the point where I had no choice but to go. My face is still swollen out twice the size and I'm still in pain. My lymph nodes are making it difficult for me to turn my head or look down. That's how infected this tooth was getting. But the culprit is gone (hopefully got the right one!) Now for antibiotics to take over.
He actually gave me 5 valium so if we got the wrong tooth (dear Lord let this be the correct one) when and if I go back, I'll be ready.ready.
Stay safe and healthy!
Poor you hope you feel better soon, must have been a very frightening experience having some one so close to you.
I know. My appointment is in an hour! I keep telling myself to call. I think I'm going to do so.
No self isolation is definitely staying in, not answering the door and only going in the garden... oh and maybe waving hello through the window to your family dropping off supplies, that's as close as we got to anyone today!
Dear wiserlady,
To ME, as a person in the 'Shielding' Group, it means NOT going out, or having visitors... in other words, it's ALL in the name SELF ISOLATING. No Quibble, no Ambiguity, No Exceptions, No Mis- Understanding, you ISOLATE YOURSELF. I WILL continue, to do this, Until I'm Told otherwise.
I hope, that this, has Clarified matters.
Dear TRST,
Well, I actually Live in Supported Living, so I DO have 'Staff' to do my shopping. I put a List, along with two bags and Money, outside my Flat on Wednesday Morning. My shopping, plus any Change, is Delivered back- later the same day. I simply bring it 'in' when no-one is around.
Alternatives, that you might use, include a Direct delivery from a Store a Delivery from a Family Member or friend. Failing this, I believe, charities or DSS/ Council 'people' might help. Beyond this speak to the DSS, your Church (Synagogue, Place Of Worship) and ask for assistance. If ALL else fails speak to the Police... but Only as a last resort, they have More than Enough to 'do' already.
Sorry that I can't help further, this WON'T last forever.