Hello, I was finally diagnosed with PMR on Thursday 5th July 2012 and put on 20mg of prednisolone daily. I have been going to the doctors for a few years with pain, not so much in my neck but my hands and arms. Along with extreme tiredness. About 3 yrs ago I was told i had impaired glucose and as on March this year was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes for which I take Metformin. I am obese at only 5ft 1in I weighed 15st 11lb. I also have had high blood pressure for several years and take Lisinopril for that.
I was told last year that I had IBS upon going once again for pain in the nether regions stopping me dead in my tracks when it took hold not to mention the cramps.
I also have had a raised C-reactive protein for about 4yrs now and it is stable at 24. Given all this no one ever knew why it was high even with my many visits for pain.
I eventually asked the doctor if I could possible have Fibromyalgia, to which he replied by telling me to look up chronic Fatigue syndrome instead and if I thought it was me to go back and see him. Yes he really did say that
It all came to a head on June 21st when I could no longer function with every day stuff that's if I could get out of bed which was always a struggle. Just stirring gravy was terrible with having to change hands to complete the task and as for combing my hair, well i felt like I had been weight lifting first. Anyway, I saw a locum doctor who was lovely. i explained that when I was diagnosed with diabetes my usual doctor had said he thought I could have PMR which I had never heard of. He gave me a reducing dose of prednisolone for 12 days so I could hopefully go on holiday 2 days later in less pain.
Well I have never felt better, I was a new woman and on a mission as so much had lapsed because of pain. As soon as I was down to one a day I could tell it was coming back so I made an appointment to see my usual doctor last Thursday and was finally diagnosed with PMR. Four days on I have had sleep and have got some energy back. I am also almost pain free with just niggles now and then so thank goodness for steroids
Not sure I want the side effects though. As a diabetic steroids can raise your blood sugar and your blood pressure so not good for me.
I have my next hb1ac for my diabetes at the end of the month so the reading will be interesting.
Since the diabetes diagnosis I have had to look at my eating habits. I used to eat twice daily but had to change to at least 3 times a day and smaller portions. I now use one of my 6yr old's plates which she thought was funny. in 4 months I have lost 1st 1lb so even though not massive weight loss hopefully it will stay off for doing it slowly. Now my next target is another 13lb to get to 2 stone off. I just hope the steroids don't make me gain it back.
Well that's me for today, you all have a good day as I am with little pain.