I had Lyme disease in Autumn 24 and was treated for 2 months with antibiotics but was left with a dull ache in neck which the doctor then decided may be PMR as there were slight aches in my side . I also had slight tingling in my head a bit like a lightly rolling your head over a barbed wire fence .
Started treatment with 12.5 mg of Pred in Jan and have reduced to 5 mg by March which had symptoms thoroughly under control , pains gone and sleeping well . The initial weight I put on in first month fell off quickly . Assuming it was water retention.
In January I also felt sensitive nerve pain in an upper molar and went to dentist for X ray but she said all fine so just assumed it was ageing and a sensitive tooth .
Two weeks ago I got a bad cold and also did 2 long haul flights .
On return I suffered the most frightening and debilitating nerve pain on side of neck , up into face , teeth and head . Straight to Specsavers to check on eye ( fine) and Gp for more advice . He immediately put me on 60 mg of Pred and after 3 days the pain in face has receded although it still feels bruised.
I have a Rheumatologist appt on Monday to check for the dreaded GCA and would like to ask this fabulous and informative community which questions I should ask . Somewhat at sea as at 67 have luckily not had many health issues . With the Pmr ( if indeed I have it as I know Lyme has similar symptoms and can go on for months after treatment) I do have fatigue and body def feels odd but that may be the Pred .
Thank you in advance .