PMR was diagnosed last Oct and I began on 15 mg pred a day. Began to taper in December and in June began to follow DL 5 week taper from 7 mg to 6 mg, and then onwards down to 5 mg, where I plan to stay for a few weeks before starting a new slow taper in 0.50 mg stages.
About a month ago I moved awkwardly and hurt my leg below my Right knee. The next morning I awoke with dreadful pain, a very swollen knee, and unable to weight bear on that leg. Eventually a few days later I went to A&E - the doctor confirmed he thought I had probably strained my ligament, and it would probably take some 6 weeks to fully recover. (He added that the steroids would help and act as an anti-inflammatory). There is still some pain there but at least I can walk again. My other knee hurts sometimes as well - either in sympathy with the Right one or more likely because of moving differently etc and my old osteoarthritis that I had in both knees. This was much improved when my GP referred me to the gym - which I continued after the PMR diagnosis, finding the gentle rowing and cycling helped a lot, plus post PMR I did some weight bearing on the treadmill. Obviously with Covid 19 - I had to stop all this, and would walk instead for an hour + 2 or 3 times a week, but am planning to return in a couple of weeks time when my knees are feeling better.
I have never had any pain or stiffness during my tapering - except sometimes some neck ache. I still have neck ache - sore at the back of my neck and around the sides above my shoulders and collarbone. Specially sore when I first get up.
I am considering upping the pred to 10 mg a day for maybe 5 days and seeing whether this will "mop up" the inflammation and resolve my neck pain and maybe help with the knees as well? Then come back to 5 mg and stay there for a month or so.
What do you good people think? Does that make any sense?