Dear all,
In late November, I had the Fluad shot. That night, my heart began beating so loud it woke me up. This lasted for about 20 minutes. The same thing happened in my local supermarket a few days later.
I was on 4 mg of pred at the time. Ever since then, I have felt weak and depressed. I have talked to a nurse about it, but not a doctor. That will happen in 10 days time on the phone. It dawned on me yesterday that my adrenals could have been compromised so I upped the dose of pred to 5 mgs.
I immediately felt better. The weakness and low mood disappeared as did the nausea.
I have been on pred for 15 years and during that time I have had 3 flares of the disease, PMR and also GCA once.
My father had the illness and recently, my cousin has also developed it. He is 81.
Is it possible that my adrenals will never work properly again? I only have 1mg tablets, but need 5mg now. It's going to be difficult because of the lack of communication with doctors in our area.
As for specialists. They all seem to view pred as the devil drug, yet it has never caused any problems with my eyes or bones.