My PMR journey is probably in reality nearer 3 years long. From actual diagnosis from the rheumatologist it is just over 2 years.
I am currently taking 1MG of Pred a day. On Christmas Day I was admitted to hospital with a serious infection. This resulted from a UTI infection which the oral antibiotics did not work at the time. I had intravenous antibiotics, a chest x-ray and ultrasound whilst in hospital. The only anomaly was some inflammation on my liver (which can also be induced by the antibiotics apparently). The readings which indicate a problem with the liver were also very high, (sorry I don’t know all the medical terms). I left hospital after 3 days as the liver readings had gone down, and I was instructed to go back to my doctor for another blood test, I had stronger antibiotics and recovered. I had the blood test and was informed that if anything was wrong they would contact me. I didn’t hear anything. (All the symptoms for me at the time indicate I was in the early stage of sepsis, so I’m happy to be here). I was never given any reason for this infection when I left the hospital. There were murmurings of E. coli etc, but nothing specific.
What I have been noticing now is a new symptom. If I wake during the night or first thing in the morning, my face is very flushed almost red sometimes. I am 68 and all my life have been known as a pale face. The only time my face would get anywhere near pink was if I lay in the Sun or ran 5km. My blood pressure isn’t high and historically . I’ve always had low tblood pressure. I don’t drink and I have never smoked. I also don’t have any night sweats. This flushing I gather can be a symptom of cancer or endocrine disorders. I believe adrenals come under the heading of endocrine
My normal Doctor that I am registered with is now working part time. I have an appointment to see him early April. Primarily to discuss my PMR. Since being officially diagnosed with atypical PMR (having suffered with it and persevered I was able to do some of the exercises when I saw the rheumatologist at hospital. This contributed to a diagnosis of atypical PMR!!) I haven’t seen anybody for my PMR in 2 years. Googling and with the help of this group I have reduced my Pred intake over two years. Occasional flares and I’ve then gone back to more or less what I was on before the flareup. I still have symptoms of soreness in the back of my legs but not severe. I don’t have hip pain or shoulder pain. Whilst I don’t have excessive tiredness I find after walking the dog in the morning and doing housework I don’t have much energy left for the rest of the day. I do force myself to eat (not always the most healthiest of diet) but I don’t have a lot of interest in food and not much appetite. I’ve lost some of the weight I put on with the higher level of Pred and have more or less now stabilised.
I’ve been holding back upping my Pred dosage for a number of reasons. I don’t feel any possible PMR symptoms are serious enough to warrant it. I’m also wondering if my present symptoms are a result of the adrenals just not working? Or possibly a symptom of something entirely different.
I don’t want to waste this valuable doctors appointment, so I wonder if anybody could give me some advice on what questions I should be asking in respect of my PMR now and any tests when I see him. He’s a fairly good and listening Doctor which is why I’ve held out to see him (I don’t really know any of the others in the practice at all), and I’ve seen him on and off over 25 years.