Hello, has for several years been very unwell after a serious infection. I have lot pain in the jaw, temple muscles, joints, malaise flu feeling every day. The doctors take blood and say it's all stress. I have Hashimoto's. the abnormal blood test since I got sick is high platelets and all the symptoms matches GCA. No doctor has made the connection, what do you think. is a woman 41 years old ... Im som frustated and sad, my life is slipning away...
GCA??: Hello, has for several years been very... - PMRGCAuk

unfortunately as we well know, any autoimmune disease does like company, so surprised that doctors aren’t thinking that way.
Putting it all down to stress is a cop out, and whilst they may baulk at GCA due to your age perhaps a suggestion of Takayasu Arteritis [TAK] might make them think about other things. See this for similarities -
Do hope you can get some sensible answers and relief.
Not sure where you live ,but if UK [although time of post may indicate not] we may be able to suggest a referral for a second opinion
Thanks for answer, mm have read about TAK now, many symptoms I have, the radiation in arm hand but they checked my heart maybee they would see anything then. I will try to see new doctor but its hard when are in bad condtion and already have been neglected. I take vitamines andlive healty lifestyle.

What do you mean when you say you have jaw pain? Is it all the time? When you chew food?
At your age it is unlikely doctors will think of GCA and it is very rare in under 50s so you are starting off at a disadvantage.
Not all time, more when I activate me and it radiates? down the throat to collarbone and shoulder left. Im take Nsaid and wait for better time, dont want to se a doctor again they dont take me serious. is there something i can take similar to cortisone without a prescription, live in the north?Tanks for your anser.
No, not really, However - pain radiating into the shoulder with activity could be a trapped nerve and tight muscles. Maybe a discussion with a physio might shed some light on it.
The north? Of England? Or somewhere else.
Ok nothing mybe nsaid is helping me little. Have done physical therapy without improvement just worse. I have pain all over my body but mostly in my jaw, neck, temple, feel sick every day, live in Norway. Thanks again for your time.
Norway is usually pretty good about GCA and PMR - it is probably more common there than anywhere else and certainly on the surface you could well have one or the other of PMR and GCA. But if a doctor decides you are too young - the guidelines say over 50 is the age at which it may happen, then you are struggling I'm afraid/
Have you tried taking vit D supplements? Have you had your vit D level checked? If that is low, that can cause all those symptoms and is one thing that should be ruled out.
Have you ever seen a rheumatologist? Or is it the primary doctor who is denying it could be GCA? Even if it isn't GCA, there are other things these are symptoms for so you need a doctor who will investigate.
Asked about gca but immediately waved away and said that then you get really sick and you can see it on blood tests, have given up treatment, I eat vitamins and aip diet. No referral to a rheumatologist, thank god for my wonderful husband,I cant work.
You have to be your own doktor sometimes, will visit private rheuma soon, thanks everyone