Looking back at the similarities of posts ten years ago compared to today, I continue to keep reading “my Rheumatologist/GP wants me off steroids as soon as possible”, or “reduce by x ( more than 10%) after two weeks” of starting. These are just two fairly obvious and frequent examples.
I despair that in some quarters, we seem to have made so little progress, over the last ten years, in the profession of how PMR or GCA should be treated . Also that so many of those who post say how much they rely almost totally on this Forum to manage any sort of day to day quality of life. It shouldn’t have to be like that.
I’m sure that we don’t see the full picture on the Forum, and that there are many who do not have too many issues with these conditions; also that there are many excellent Rheumatologists and G Ps. However, there are lots of patients who appear to be suffering unnecessarily because of a lack of knowledge.
I am aware that we will, hopefully, have new guidelines for PMR treatment fairly soon, but it is frustrating that so many patients have to suffer unnecessarily. I am aware, too, that the Charity is doing its best to get the message through.
For the time being though, all can say is “Thank goodness for the Forum”.
PS: I was in Boots last week for an eye test, and the person who was taking a fitting for new glasses had never heard of GCA. She’d been there for three years.
I’ll stop my rant now!