We thought that this might be useful to people whose doctors claim they are "too young" to be given a PMR diagnosis:
which says
"Polymyalgia rheumatica
Last revised in January 2019 Next planned review by December 2023
Scenario: Management of polymyalgia rheumatica
From age 40 years onwards."
There is a lot more on the link but anyone in the UK can access it for themselves. I won't quote it here as some is, shall we say, not entirely helpful, being more in line with theory than practice! Maybe by 2023 we'll have got through to them that 1-2 years duration is a decided underestimation!
Later in the article they say:
"Provide written information on PMR and regional patient support groups.
Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Giant Cell Arteritis (PMRGCA) UK (pmrgcauk.com) provide information packs, a helpline, newsletters, support groups, and a web forum for people with PMR and GCA."
"Arrange routine reviews one week after any change in dose and at least every 3 months in the first year following diagnosis.
Advise the person to arrange a review at other times:
Urgently, if they develop symptoms of GCA.
Routinely, if they develop symptoms of relapsing PMR, including proximal pain, fatigue, and morning stiffness."
These are all things your GP needs to be aware of - and, it appears, some rheumatologists who haven't read it either!
NICE: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence