I am still having problems with palpitations as per my previous post, and as it was a couple of days before Christmas that my pulse went up to 128, I decided to fill in an econsult online to my surgery. However only got halfway with that when it stopped, and said consult your GP, and would not go any further. I guess palpitations and pain in my chest did it. So I did a letter to my GP and dropped it into Reception which is literally just round the corner from where I live.
Result was an appointment with a GP for yesterday, and I was asked to keep records of my BP / pulse for a few days before I saw him. I am not too worried about pains in my chest or indeed that I also get breathless from time to time, as my last chest x-ray came back as chronic lungs due to previous pneumonia and TB quite a few years back, and I also get costochondritis, so this could be the chest pains.
He said although some of the BP readings were a bit high, some were also a bit low, and the average of all the readings said my BP was ok. I thought he would have put me on blood pressure tablets, but he said that is not how they do it now, and if I had been 79 and not 81 that is what he would have done. He said it was the cut off point, not sure what he meant by that, and wondered if it was a joke. I will ask him to explain next time I see him.
Anyway he wants me to have some checks done, starting with a blood test on Tuesday, taking in loads of things I don't normally get checked for, so that can only be good. I also have to have an ECG at the local Hospital when an appointment comes through, and possibly wear a heart monitor at some point as well.