People think that Santaclaus is having all the fun.
That may be true, but no one knows. Such knowledge is hard won.
If anyone should learn the truth I doubt they'd ever tell.
For who in truth would break such trust and burst the magic spell.
We perpetrate a big white lie for children to believe.
It's vital to continue so, such loss would make them grieve.
If only we could keep such faith alive through all our life.
The world would be a better place devoid of so much strife.
The innocence you see so bright in every young child's eyes,
should be preserved above all else. It is the greatest prize.
So make sure every gift is given with heartfelt love and joy.
It will matter less when known 'twas you who gave the toy.
The greatest gift that we endow to every child that's born.
Is love and kindness in their life so none should feel forlorn.