I have been suffering from Stabbing/sharp pains in the right temple since mid September, and have been treating it a GCA flare and have increased pred on a couple of occasions. CRP was 11 and stayed win 25mg Pred and had further blood tests and CRP down to 3.
I tapered to 22.5mg pred for 3 weeks and have had more blood testa and CRP still 3.
I had a telephone consultation with my Rheumy about a month ago and my notes have just been updated so I can see full details.
Regis is what she said
" phoned this lady today, she has been on 25m Prednisolone for around 3 weeks now and has been getting sharp, shooting pain on the right side of her forehead but no headache. It can happen around 10 times a day, not associated with any other giant cell arteritis symptoms such as headaches, scalp tenderness, jaw claudication or polymyalgic symptoms such as aching and stiffness in shoulders and hips. We repeated her CRP which has come back as normal, I don't think this pain represents a flare of giant cell arteritis, it is most likely irritation of the trigeminal nerve. She can reduce the Prednisolone to 22.5mg for 2 weeks then reduce to 20mg for 2 weeks and reduce by 2.5mg every 2 weeks until she gets to 10m and then reduce by Img per month. If there are any concerns she can let us know and we will arrange blood tests to recheck CRP. If she is unable to reduce any further due to headaches we could initiate consider Methotrexate after further discussion."
She thinks that the stabbing pain is due to irritation of the Trigeminal nerve.
Does anyone have any experience of this ??
Thank you in advance