Hello , wondering if anyone knows anything about hand, foot and mouth ? I’m supposed to babysitting my granddaughter tomorrow, she now has hand, foot and mouth . I know it’s a virus , and believe it only affects children . I have PMR , suspected GCA. On 7mg pred . Any advice would be much appreciated. Many thanks
Hand , foot and mouth : Hello , wondering if anyone... - PMRGCAuk
Hand , foot and mouth

Now you have asked, you can see related posts -
see this - nhs.uk/conditions/hand-foot...
Maybe ring GP [ha,ha] or NHS111 and ask for more advice...
It is highly contagious, being transmitted through coughing, breath, saliva, blister liquid, poo etc. Adults can get it but we’ve usually come across it as kids at some point. You can feel pretty poorly if you do come down with it. As usual most advice says to keep away if you are immunosupressed but then doesn’t define exactly what that means. Often doses above 20mg Pred and above is seen as on the suppression side of things but one’s immune system isn’t necessarily as cut and dried as that. Personally I would avoid because if you are hit hard you could do without that laying you low especially with all the other winter bugs hanging about.

It is most common in under 5s - but anyone can catch it. I'd have said the same as Snazzy - and I'd be unwilling to risk it.
Thank you for your comment
my niece had this recently and her dad caught it - he was very poorly and has no auto immune condition.
hi there I got it when I was 62 yrs old. Very contagious. First night had severe sweets, then skin started to peel on my feet, got red spots on my hands and in my mouth. Was given some medication and went away in a week. Don’t risk i. I was really health and 14 years younger with no pmr or prednisone
Don’t risk it. I appear to have caught it from my grandson and it is absolutely horrible. The fever and abdominal pains, plus sore throat and mouth ulcers are bad enough but I am only two days in … the spots are yet to come!