Feeling constantly irritated by everyone and ever... - PMRGCAuk


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Feeling constantly irritated by everyone and everything. Just want to be left alone.

Dochaz profile image
88 Replies

Is this feeling of everyone getting on my nerves a normal thing when on lower doses of Pred?I'm on 2mg/day now, physically ok, though not much energy and easily tired, but mentally I have to bite my tongue not to push people away, not to get irritated at the slightest provocation, and I find socialising, even with close friends, a superhuman effort.

I'm thinking adrenals... Will I get past this and stop feeling like everyone is out to annoy me?!?!

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Dochaz profile image
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88 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Pretty much an adrenal insufficiency ‘thing’…. And yes you will get through it.

Doesn’t mean it disappears completely though - but I think that’s modern life and as you get a little older and wiser realising what a load of old tosh seems to abound nowadays and you really don’t have to accept it!

… or perhaps that’s just me! 😂🤣

Dochaz profile image
Dochaz in reply to DorsetLady

Reassuring to hear!

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to DorsetLady

Not at all! Me too.

I hadn't twigged that my recent lack of tolerance could also be linked to my struggling adrenals!

Lots of things seem to irritate me at the moment .....

People parking outside my house.

Inconsiderate or irresponsible drivers.

Unsupportive friends.

Yapping, out of control dogs.

Unruly, undisciplined children. Increasing phone use - diminishing verbal communication.


Wind!( meteorological not physiological!)

Arrogant, naive & ill informed young people.


My husband!! 😄

Shall I go on?? 😄

Dont misunderstand me, life is good, but I now don't feel as inclined to accept stupid, thoughtless, inconsiderate, unkind, unfair or rude behaviour.... and believe me, there's a lot of it about!!

Haha!... let's just hope for everyones sake, my adrenals sort themselves out soon!! 😄

MrsMarigold profile image
MrsMarigold in reply to Kendrew

Your humor about it is refreshing. I’m finally committed to 3 mg down from 31/2 now for two weeks. ( I have lupus).

For me it’s bright lights on phones and television and people talking so fast and moving with too much animation. As an American this could be the ultimate joke since we seem to be categorized as loud abrasive people( lol some are!) I feel the need to visit Iceland again. An extended stay:)MM

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to MrsMarigold

Haha! That made me smile.Well you just carry on doing what you do and enjoy all the quiet moments that come your way.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Kendrew

That’s quite a lot! Wonder you have time for anything else ! 😳.. 🤣😆

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to DorsetLady

Hahaha! 😂 😂 😂

Paulagcl profile image
Paulagcl in reply to Kendrew

I'm sure we all have a list, adreanals or not!!!

Poshdog profile image
Poshdog in reply to Kendrew

The whole world is a bit odd except thee and me, and I am not sure about thou.Apologies, quote is a bit odd too, not quite as Robert Owen said it! 😳

waltztherapy profile image
waltztherapy in reply to Poshdog

My dad said it to me when I was a young woman, in that northern accent from Durham, with the thees, and thous. That's about 50 years ago.

Poshdog profile image
Poshdog in reply to waltztherapy

Stood the test of time then!

waltztherapy profile image
waltztherapy in reply to Poshdog


Charlie1boy profile image
Charlie1boy in reply to Kendrew

spot on, except for husband, read wife!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Charlie1boy

Brave man … and at the moment, certain rugby referees!😏

Charlie1boy profile image
Charlie1boy in reply to DorsetLady

She doesn’t really read my posts, unless I show them to her.

Still got to catch up on yesterday’s rugby.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Charlie1boy

Oh, okay….😊

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to DorsetLady

Oh dear ...

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Charlie1boy

😄 😄 😄

Lochy profile image
Lochy in reply to Kendrew

Haha at least we’ve now got our adrenals as an excuse!! I’ve been like that for rather too long but it has taken me 8 years to get to 0.5 mg and that’s with other drugs in support!!

Temoral profile image
Temoral in reply to Kendrew

We need to form a club of 'thinking, but irritated people'...😉I agree with you wholeheartedly...one day the wise and old will take over the world 🌎 x

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Temoral

...one day the wise and old will take over the world

Don't hold your breath...and looking around the world, maybe not such a good idea. Would just settle for wise and less egotistical at the moment ...😼

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Temoral

Haha! If only??😂😂😂

Josie-Anne profile image
Josie-Anne in reply to Kendrew

Hi kendrew

I’m like that all the time, my partner’s always walking on eggshells, I constantly feel angry, emotionally, physically and mentally drained, anxiety through the roof as well as my depression, I say things without thinking things through, I don’t want to be around people, I have noise problems and nobody can do anything right, my cholesterol levels up yet I don’t eat anything that would raise them, I don’t drink or smoke, I feel irritated all the time and the brain fog, I asked my doctor if they could do blood tests for adrenal fatigue and cortisol levels as I think that’s what’s causing all the problems and all I got was we don’t do those type of blood tests 😳 what your a doctors aren’t you, this has been going on for a few years now and the least little thing I do I’m exhausted, they’ve done the usual blood tests but nothing stands out, said I’d have to see an oncologist for that which I was supposed to as I was menopausal too and had a referral done back in 2015 then was told I wasn’t needing an appointment with them, I’ve also lost 11lbs in weight but they don’t know why. Apart from my doctors and the rheumatologist I see that doesn’t seem to know what’s going on with me and only talks about what I’d been sent for which was the chronic headaches does anybody know where I can get a blood test done that can do these type of blood tests I’m at my wits end, everyone has said my personality has changed and I’m not the same person 🙂‍↕️x

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Josie-Anne

Hi Josie-Anne,

Others with more knowledge will be along I'm sure, but I think you possibly need to ask your GP for a referral to a Rheumatologist.

This kind of specialist is more likely to understand your condition (hopefully!) and the potential need for an early morning cortisol test or a synacthen test, if appropriate.

You mentioned that you were told to see an oncologist. As far as I'm aware, they don't normally treat our type of condition.

Did you mean an Oncologist?

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Josie-Anne

You have an awful lot going on.. and a simple blood test to see what levels your cortisol is can easily be done at surgery - but you may need a follow-up one as an out-patient.

You can buy tests online - this is just one site, but there are many more -


Cholesterol levels can be a familial issue.. is yours?

Headaches, no matter what is causing them should always be investigated.. and really your GP and/or Rheumy should be stepping up to the plate for that..

Josie-Anne profile image
Josie-Anne in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you Dorset lady, I will look into this as it’s taking over every aspect of my life, I’ve already been to the rheumatologist about headaches and he never did a scan just said because I’d had a neurological overload 3 years ago and knows i get migraines that he’ll give me tablets (candersarten) to open up the blood vessels in the brain but I couldn’t get on with them and never felt well since. Then Botox injections and I said no now monochial injections I already get hemiplegic migraines from Covid booster but not sat down and looked into anything properly and he’s from Walton the big hospital at Liverpool

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Josie-Anne

Do you think a neurologist would be more helpful than a rheumatologist on the headaches etc? Can you discuss things with your GP?

Josie-Anne profile image
Josie-Anne in reply to DorsetLady

Sorry it is the neurologist I see, I had to ask my partner as I can’t remember with everything going on, my cholesterol has been increasing, first my doctor said I was borderline then said pre diabetic, I have low blood pressure and get quite dizzy at times. My doctor sits with a clock by him and sets it for 10 minutes, the last time I went to see him he printed off a load of prescriptions and was signing them while I was talking to him but he just wasn’t interested in what I had to say then just puts multiple symptoms on my records, he doesn’t want to be there, his giving the number of the Liverpool hospital to patients who have appointments there saying we don’t talk to Liverpool hospital anymore so you(the patient) will have to ring them, what type of doctor does that. When I spoke to the neurologist and said the symptoms I was having he wrote and copied me in saying that I’d come with a list with more than what the doctor had told him about, then said to me that he only discusses with me about what the doctor had referred me for any nothing else 🤔 I just don’t get it and on top of that I’m post menopausal too, just seem to be going around in circles.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Josie-Anne

Sorry but you obviously need a different GP -although I realise that may be easier said than done. . Plus you need to take your partner or someone with you to appointments, then you have someone who can interject on your behalf if doctor is dismissive.. which unfortunately seems to be very common in some case.

As much as we’d like to help I don’t think this is the best forum for you to be on [something we did say a couple of years ago in a previous post of yours]. Whilst we may be able to help you with some of your general queries, we aren’t experts in much of what you are dealing with- and it would be remiss of us to give incorrect advice.

I’m sorry you are having such a difficult time, but I’m sure if you can find another forum, they would be more helpful. 🌸

Almostaweed profile image
Almostaweed in reply to Josie-Anne

Hi Josie Ann, weight loss and irritability could come from an overactive thyroid (Hyperthyroid). I'm not saying it is this. But it can easily be checked with a blood test which measures your TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone). But maybe your GP has already done this.

Josie-Anne profile image
Josie-Anne in reply to Almostaweed


I’ve been checked for thyroid and it’s fine hun x

Pr0jection profile image
Pr0jection in reply to Kendrew

Oh boy, I'd better stay on my dose of 7.5mg indefinitely because your list is the same as mine!!!

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Pr0jection

👍 👍 👍😄 😄 😄

Murphysauntie profile image
Murphysauntie in reply to Pr0jection

Ditto and I’m on 10mg 🤭

Joanbill13 profile image
Joanbill13 in reply to Kendrew


Megams profile image
Megams in reply to Kendrew

~Wow - glad it wasn't just me turning into something I've never been before - I just don't suffer fools gladly any more and have been a gentle soul most of my life :)

KASHMIRI1 profile image
KASHMIRI1 in reply to Kendrew

This is just fantastic and just as I often feel, I cant stand rude overbearing, ignorant, behaviour and there is certainly a lot of it about. I would add websites that are a nightmare to get to work. In particular a large well known brand.

Joanbill13 profile image
Joanbill13 in reply to DorsetLady

You are right as usual!!😂

PMRpro profile image

Yes - adrenal insufficiency would fit the bill. And it will improve.

And definitely NOT just DL!!!!!!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to PMRpro

Thought you might agree 😏

SnazzyD profile image

Before my adrenals got their act together I always felt ‘up to here’. I felt I’d had enough all the time and was often to be found ranting about being stressed out, shortly before being in a heap of fatigue. I lost the best part of a year living like a shadow because everything exhausted me but I didn’t want to hit an adrenal crisis. Happy days 😏. Got there in the end though. It comes as a disappointment when one is given to understand that low doses = return to normality. For us adrenally challenged souls it feels like a bad joke. Hang in there.

Longtimer profile image

Had two old work colleagues pick me up on Wednesday....debated wether to go or not, d on't go out much at all, but I did....nice to see them but the chattering on drove me mad, I kept staggering to the loo to escape!.....couldn't sleep that night, conversation going over and over in my head!.....I live a very quiet life, OH very quiet person too......Struggling with adrenals.........hope fully w e will be able to tolerate people again when our adrenals behave!.......

SnazzyD profile image
SnazzyD in reply to Longtimer

Constant background noise like chatter drained me.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to SnazzyD


Joanbill13 profile image
Joanbill13 in reply to Longtimer

Love this site. I’m normal !

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to Joanbill13

Normal is so hard!

Joanbill13 profile image
Joanbill13 in reply to Longtimer

Absolutely 😂

PMRrunner profile image

I'm tapering very slowly and am now on 2.5mg and the person you have described is me. It's not every day but some days I'm just not a very nice person to know. Hoping it improves but maybe I've just turned into a grumpy old woman

Body_bonkers profile image

Me too - I’m really not a nice person to be around right now !

Paulagcl profile image

Well, I'm not noticing that so much. I'm on zero mg right now for the last few days and though I have a fatigue slump in the afternoon and feel a little weird at times, so far not too bad. It'll pass.

Sherlock57 profile image

Well you’ve certainly opened a can of worms with your comment! I thought it was just me turning into a female Victor Meldrew.

Mind you I think the state of the world around us has to take some of the blame along with the adrenals. It’s a great help hearing other people’s thoughts and experiences whilst on this sometimes lonely journey.

Angelsmummy profile image

Hi,the joys of pred eh?Right from the beginning on 60 mg,I changed.Constantly on the go,very “ in yer face” with people.As I got lower,tearful,angry,and it has not got any better now I am on 7 mg.Least little thing winds me up,snappy,emotional,no tolerance of people who seem to have far different morals,standards than me!Am I perfect?No,I just cannot seem to be able to gel with people at present,and that includes family!Feel at my happiest when I am alone in my garden with my dogs,and I am left to my own devices.Will it get better?I hope so,or maybe this is the true me,a nasty old lady!JOIN THE PRED RAGE CLUB!!😂😂🤬😂😜💊💊💊💊

HelenDaisy profile image

oh my goodness you could be describing me! I’m on 3mg and feel like a miserable old b**** most of the time. My poor husband! I hadn’t considered it might be my adrenals as most of the time my energy levels are quite good. My happy place is at my easel painting. Or walking my dog. I hope this passes soon because 5 years is a long time to be all over the place with my emotions, from the craziness of the initial 20mg to this. Or maybe this is me now???

Noni71 profile image

Well it’s very reassuring to know that this is normal behaviour when on low doses of Pred. I’m on 6mg and have found that the least bit of stress sets me off on a downward spiral. The fight or flight feeling is very difficult to handle at times. It’s so irrational too but I guess rationality doesn’t play a major part in this. I hope it will pass soon as it’s exhausting being intolerant, anxious and irritable! 🙄

jaycee444 profile image

This is happening to me too. Have been recognising my complete lack of tolerance and I am a on 4.5mg so looks like I have a fair ways to go with it still…🤐

sylla123 profile image
sylla123 in reply to jaycee444

Sylla123.... not Hydra

Me too and straight away the site is naming me as " Hydra" ( and I informed the powers a long time ago) I am not, I am Sylla123.. But that is nothing compared to the abuse I got when I needed to talk to a doctor about side affects from preservatives in medication, the hospital had asked me to ask for preservative free medication. I didn't get a doctor I got a pharmacist. She sent a text to my son by mistake ! It was only 2 lines , my son sent it on to me saying I wont like it ! she wrote "As I had been having Eye drops for Glaucoma, Azopt and Lumigan for many years with no side affects I was unlikely to be allergic, Thank you no name ! " I phoned the surgery asking for a doctor . The phone rang it was a woman no name , I asked who I was speaking to, she said I am Su the person who sent you the text .. I wanted to explain to her I was not actually referring to those eye drops but to other medications I had been prescribed over the past two years , but she would not allow me to speak stopping me every time I tried , and in the end cutting me off saying she had others to phone .

I felt shattered and lost and I realised what I had experienced was elderly bullying and abuse ! Where can one go if you cannot have a civilised conversation with your surgery? It is the second time I have spoken to her , but it was before I knew about preservatives and that you could have meds without as I have had some terrible experiences of side affects. That time I didn't get her name before she called off abruptly ,, I have now written a complaint about her ! Which I am waiting the outcome.

I believe that time being annoyed was justified . I think in life we do put up with too much but there is a time when enough is enough ,, I am not on steriods now , but do suffer from the after affects of PMR such as weak muscles , Which got even worse after Bisoprolol And one of the side affects was that ! and wheezy cough which went on for months ! even when I stopped the med ...

maxistar profile image

Loved this share as realise I’m not on my own with these feelings n that my adrenals are a big part to play in my change from a social butterfly 🦋 to a caterpillar 🐛 wanting cosy under a leaf time , and only now starting to feel a yearning to start to have a munch on the social leaves again at mo own pace , n discover who I want to be and how I can adapt to go my own pace alongside this fast paced racing world

Numptybrain profile image

Don’t worry, people in general have been annoying me especially since I started pred but well before I fact in 2016 I had a brain haemorrhage and that’s when my filter got removed, as my daughters say. Since then I apparently say inappropriate things, in other words, I say it as it is!

Good luck

Wendy xx

Pongo13 profile image

hadn’t realised this was a “thing” - but can confirm “me too”. Nice to have a reason behind my intolerance.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Pongo13

Oh definitely a 'thing' - and when you have it, you probably can't be bothered to summon up a more appropriate word for it! 😼

Pixix profile image

Yes…& on 2mg right now. Have to be very careful to ‘think nicely’ before replying to emails, commenting on Facebook etc…plus all above comments!!

Raewynne profile image

Haha Now I have an excuse for my Crabby days.Yes definitely lack of tolerance at times.Things just get a bit too much.Have to watch Anger though because that wll spike the blood pressure and cause other health issues thanks to prednisolone. Deep breathing .Going for a walk.Listen to some nice music.Read a good book.Talk to a friend. Generally try and do something nice for myself when life looks blue.😘

cycli profile image

haha Dochaz. Wife says I've always been like it!!! Probably why I've bought a farm miles down a no through road. Down to 3mg so have to be careful.

Dochaz profile image
Dochaz in reply to cycli

My OH says he's constantly tiptoeing around on eggshells as the slightest thing grates on my nerves, especially being touched! Try not to shrug him off when I know he's only being supportive, but it takes a lot of willpower!The spouses probably deserve medals 🎖️

Nonameme profile image

Why are you all describing me😳. I am struggling to be diagnosed with anything so am accepting that I am just a nasty elderly person in general especially not accepting that the Powers to be are ALWAYS RIGHT. Have literally today just decided to SHUT UP and accept it IS always my fault.

Carriacou1937 profile image

Me too

Joanbill13 profile image


Sandradsn profile image

I've been off pred for 3 years,feeling really well....but I'm irritable alot...mostly with other inconsiderate people.🙄

Sharitone profile image

I would be fine, if only all those news people didn't keep saying 'Keev' for 'Kiev'!

Ruins67 profile image

I am now on 2MG per day. My PMA journey is into its third year. Had a few relapses due to illness but this is the first time in ages that I’m starting to feel myself. I made a superhuman effort and went away for the weekend to meet friends I haven’t seen for years. Given the preparation for going away (I have pets and live alone) I really didn’t want to go by the time I got to London. But I have to say coming back I felt so much better. I also find on this third reduction to 2MG which I am now tolerating very well the tiredness has disappeared and little pain on waking in the morning. What aches and pains there are I am now attributing to getting older. You will get there although it may not seem like it. But perseverance and the very very slow reduction at this point is what’s needed. My next staggered reduction will be from 2MG to 1.5MG. I will then stay at 1.5MG for probably two months and then reduce to one MG.

Good luck with your reduction and finally waving goodbye to steroids.

KASHMIRI1 profile image

I am in the grumpy irritable with everything club, Pigeons on the bird feeder shoeing the little ones off. The neighbours blooming dog yelling all afternoon, weeds climbing over the fence from the neighbours garden. Peoples unruly kids, and even my very good friends are getting on my nerves with their inability to keep to pre arranged meet ups and their desire to do stuff that I see as a waste of my one precious life. The list could get much longer and follows the lines of the others on this page.

cycli profile image

If you look at the profile of most people who seem afflicted with PMR and GCA it boils down to being rather pushy, driven individuals who question everything and try to succeed at what they do by being better than most. If there's no competition we try to improve on our last effort by competing with ourselves. We look to see if something can be done better, quicker and don't appreciate it when something is done or said wrongly. It's a miracle than anyone can tolerate us but I guess they like the way things turn out when we do something. That's why we get tetchy and irritated with others who don't do it right. I don't know if this sits right with you but it pretty much sums me up.

cycli profile image
cycli in reply to cycli

I should add that now I am a calm considered adult who listens first before answering and never seeks to point out how things should be done. I am tolerant to the point of sainthood !!!!!!!!!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to cycli

Maybe come back to us on that when you are awake…. 😂🤣

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to DorsetLady

Or not under the influence of something!!!!

Dochaz profile image
Dochaz in reply to cycli

Raising a glass of Côtes du Rhône to Saint Cycli this evening while enjoying a moment of blessed solitude in my garden as the wind has dropped and the sun is out.

cycli profile image

LOL. today... Shearers due. Daughter drove up from Hertfordshire for 9am. They separated lambs from ewes. I had to drive Neighbouring Farmer to Bishop Auk. Hosp. as he recently had cataract op and was due for physio on recent knee op. Promised a pub lunch but was deserted and closed. Dined in Hosp. restaurant, good fare. Wheeled him to physio and waited patiently. Collected Paul and drove back with a stop in Barnard Castle for him to have hair and beard trim. shopped at Butcher and Co-Op and decided to also have twin trim. Drove him to bank. Returned him to his farm and then had discussions with Archaeologists on their 3rd wk excavating a bronze age roundhouse 10meters in dia. on our farm. Their 3rd year here. Shearers finished 7pm. daughter drove back to Hertfordshire. Prepared and cooked dinner/supper. Watched a video. Now off for bath and bed. Fun day.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to cycli

I'd have enjoyed that ... But how rude of the pub!

cycli profile image
cycli in reply to PMRpro

A good day PMRpro but I feel a little lacking in energy today. A lot of archaeologists here today as this is last week. They can only afford 3wks each year. I got the feeling pub is a front. Many cars out front, recently painted but shut up...heyho. at 86 Paul is managing well considering. Nice guy breeds belted galloway.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to cycli

What a shame they haven't funding for longer at a time. Gets a mention on Digging for Britain every so often!

cycli profile image
cycli in reply to PMRpro

Agree. We would let them stay as long as they liked but yes it is funding. They have found evidence of 4000yrs habitation on our land. Fascinating.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to cycli

See if they can find any remains and check for PMR/GCA..as you say, very interesting…

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to cycli

A front? For what… not a cannabis farm is it? 😳

Glad you had a good day out..

Dochaz profile image
Dochaz in reply to DorsetLady

We have fields of cannabis (northern Normandy) cropping up this year. I'd never seen that before. Apparently they're allowed to cultivate it for transformation into CBD products

Field of hemp, cannabis cultivation
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Dochaz

No sneaking out in the dead of night😳

Dochaz profile image
Dochaz in reply to DorsetLady

I did try tasting a couple of young leaves. Not bad in a salad, but no hallucinogenic effet experienced. It's probably been sprayed with killer pesticides anyway so best avoided!

cycli profile image
cycli in reply to DorsetLady

When in St Leonards first job my girlfriend had a cannabis plant on her window sill. It gave off "medicinal" vapours overnight. Gave one a real thirst in the morning. Happy days!!!!

cycli profile image
cycli in reply to DorsetLady

Cheers. No idea DL and not going to dig, so to speak😜

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