PMR FRACTURED SPINE?: Good morning everyone just... - PMRGCAuk


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Den73 profile image
48 Replies

Good morning everyone just need some answers please.Things just seem to be going from bad to worse for me.

For the past 8 weeks have had the worst pain EVER in the upper half of my back, so eventually was sent for an xray about 4 weeks ago where a compression fracture of the T6 vertebrae was detected, was told not too much can be done except rest and pain relief........well the pain in the last 3 weeks or so has just got so much worse,but the area where the pain is has increased to the right side of my ribs and occasionally on the left where i feel like my ribcage is being crushed...unbearable nothing seems to help the pain ...on paracetamols and tremadol........has anyone experienced this sort of fracture? And where is the pain located.

I have an appointment on 25th for bone density test.

Thank you in advance.

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Den73 profile image
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48 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer


sorry to hear you are in so much pain - this link - explains that along with ribs, pains can occur in other parts of body -

Acute osteoporotic VCF [VERTEBRAL COMPRESSION FRACTURE] pain is usually associated with intense, deep pain, tenderness to palpation at the site of the fracture, and often lasts from 2 weeks to 3 months. Prolonged sitting, standing, bending, and motion exacerbate the pain. Rest, recumbency, heat, and diversion may produce symptomatic relief. Paraspinal muscle spasm and ligament tenderness are common and can extend several levels up or down from the site of fracture. Irritation or compression of nerve roots can result from the fracture, with pain radiating anteriorly along the rib cage with thoracic osteoporotic VCFs or down into the buttocks or legs with lumbar osteoporotic VCFs. Spinal cord compression and myelopathy are rare with osteoporotic VCFs, but are more commonly reported in patients with vertebral metastases

Full link here -

Might be worth looking at the ROS site - it has videos on fractures-

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to DorsetLady

My husband found a heated blanket and a recumbent position on the sofa, alongside prescribed medication a comfort and something distracting on the TV. Your suffering sounds miserable. May it pass soon.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to SheffieldJane

Not me guv… 😊. but Den73 will see your reply.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to DorsetLady


Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to SheffieldJane

Thank you ShegfieldJane i have a heat pad and of yes definitely a comfort as the pain is just something else. How long did it take for the pain to be relieved completely or was it ever 😌 Thank you for your thoughtful comments

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Den73

His pain stemmed from a back spasm so it did ease off. He has found diazepam useful too.

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to SheffieldJane

Thank you SheffieldJane for your reply

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you DorsettLady that answrts some of the question raises others. I am also concerned about being misdiagnosed as Sjorgens and MS symptoms very the MS hug is very close to the way I would describe the pain in my midriff ribs.

I have requested my GP's help in finding another rheumatologist, as the present one has basically written me off for 6 months and then will have a telephone appointment.

I am going to request to be tested for MS , dont know if I am barking up the wrong tree?

Thank you for those sites going to look them up now.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Den73

Certainly not helped if you aren’t sure exactly what you have… but it isn’t always cut and dried as we well know on here.

Hope you can soon get some answers and relief…

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you yes I learned fast nothing cut and dried and also what works for one does not necessarily work for another.But the comfort is we are all in the same boat and give the encouragement and reassurance that only fellow sufferers understand, so thank you all for the support.

Missus835 profile image
Missus835 in reply to Den73

Yes, I thought the MS hug as well for my pain, but it was not MS. Thank the gods.

BeerHere profile image

I joined this dialog because I had some PMR-like symptoms, but my blood tests were not compatible with "classic" PMR. My rheumatologist wound up putting me on predisone and that worked. Also, I was able to "taper" very rapidly with no problems, but reading this blog I must concluded that PMR symptoms and the ability to use steroids to address PMR varies hugely among victims. "What works for one does not necessarily work for another." Amen!

Maybe it's not even possible to map the forms of PMR-related conditions and which "treatments" will work on one of those forms. Looks like trial and error.

If one's body screws up with resulting PMR-like symptoms, it doesn't look like the "experts" usually help much. I was lucky that predisone worked for me, but plainly others have much different results. It's hard to know where to turn if I suffer a "flare. " Wait and see, I suppose.

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to BeerHere

Thank you BeerHere you are so right.I have Sjorgens and GCA and Sjorgens as well so difficult to know whats causing what.....after reading all the comments I do believe my PMR is under control also on Pred just wanted to hear experiences of flares.

As you so righy say wait and see x

Rox2112 profile image

I live in the US. I have had quite a few spinal fractures. The Dr said the best thing was a procedure called vertebroplasty. It's a kind of a cement injection into to the fracture to help solidify the bones. And takes the pain away either right away or after a few days.Hope the info helps!

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to Rox2112

Thanks for your info Rox2112I read about this procedure in intrrnet,just very wary of any operation on the spine. Did you have any sude effects from this procedure?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Den73

It can happen that the vertebrae adjacent to the treated one later fracture because of the changes.

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to PMRpro

Thank you for the heads up xxx

Rox2112 profile image
Rox2112 in reply to Den73

I didn't have any adverse reactions to the procedure. Just make sure your surgeon has done alot of these. It's done while you're awake as an out patient. Good luck!

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to Rox2112

Thank you for that advice, very good to know if its going to keep happening xx

Missus835 profile image
Missus835 in reply to Rox2112

The problem with vertebroplasties is that given the strength of the injected vertebrae, those on either side are more apt to fracture. Experience speaking here. I have 10 fractures, 2 of which were plastied last September. These were the first two fractures. Ugh.

Raga72 profile image

Hi Den73 so sorry to hear of your pain. I have PMR and GCA and severe osteoporosis which my rheumatologist thinks was caused by being on high dose steroids (40mg) for several months. A Dexa scan showed osteoporosis and a CT scan showed multiple compression fractures in my thoracic and lumbar spine. The pain has been unbearable at times but I think is mainly caused by muscle spasms and my GP has prescribed diazepam which I take twice a day - one first thing in the morning and one before going to bed at night. It helps both with the pain and with enabling me to sleep well. I also take a couple of paracetamol at the same time and that seems to work for me. I am on six monthly injections of denosumab for my bones. Other than that hot water bottles are amazing and I often have a couple behind my back when I am sitting and also in bed. Talking to a nurse at the Royal Osteoporosis Society was very helpful. I also have an amazing rollator which helps so much when walking outside. It really supports the back and I can sit down whenever I want. It is very elegant too so I have got over my embarrassment in using one and enjoy it now. The pain from fractures seems to take a couple of months to ease off for me and then it almost disappears but I think this may not be the same for everyone. Just have to be very careful not to overdo it then - especially with bending, twisting or lifting! All the best for your pain being resolved.

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to Raga72

Hi Raga72 thank you so very much for your very helpful advice.I can hear you are someone who understand the pain this condition incurs.

I have been till the 3 months on 60mg pred because of GCA started tapering about 3 months ago down to 12mg now.

I am going to request the painkillers you outlined as this pain is debilitating along with everything else due to Sjorgens.

I am having a DEXA scan but on reading varous things i suspected osteoporosis

If this reply is repeated I apologise I did write a reply somehow it looks as though was not sent the pain has dulled the brain😜

Missus835 profile image
Missus835 in reply to Raga72

Same with 10 fractures. Hugs to you.

Johnnox profile image

Wow! Welcome to the house of pain brother!

Like yours and doubtless many others, my spinal pain is off the Richter scale. Today I've been tracking my experience on The Subjective Units of Distress scale, where 0/10 is utter misery and 10/10 bliss. So, at 0800hrs (2/10); 1100hrs (6/10); 1300hrs (8/10) and 1500hrs (2/10) again and so it goes. I'm almost drooling, such is the pain. GP said the recent diagnosis of osteopenia is thanks to the pred over the last 10 years. Not complaining PMRpro! I'm all for QOL too. I've just had the last of 4x6-monthly injections of Prolia in the hope of bone strengthening. Will be up for a bone density test in the near future. Hoping for the best. I've had two "falls" as a result of a nasty little disorder called REM Sleep Behaviour Disorder, (akin to sleepwalking), when I fell out of bed culminating in 7 spinal fractures from the lumbar region upwards. GP said should have improved in 3 months and I'm still waiting. I'm on Oxycodone for the pain which does the job mostly, but nobody has a clue as to where to go from here, apart from rest and meds. Rest is the last thing I want to do! GP suggested a 2-week pain clinic. I told him that I know it hurts so don't worry about it. Seriously though, I'm very sorry for your experience and if I come across any psychological interventions worth a go, I'll let you know. God bless!

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to Johnnox

Hi Johnnox oh wow I so hear your description of the pain, but sympathise greatly with you as your condition is far worse than I am (at the moment) I am battling and your description of the pain being off the richter scale hits the nail on the head. Thank you so much for sharing your experience it encourages all in pain to know as difficult as it is we can get through with encouragement like your experience, hope you find a reasonable aid to your condition. Take care

Songbird6 profile image

Sorry to hear you are experiencing this pain, I have had the same, it's excruciating. Mine got better once my long awaited X ray results came back and I was prescribed Morphine, Diazepam and put on Risedronate for severe Osteoporosis. I slept in a reclining chair for almost 6 months, because of the pain, I couldn't lay down in bed but I am much better now and I can. It's very frightening to have that pain, I hope you get pain free soon, you will get through it 🙂

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to Songbird6

Thank you Songbird6 for your encouragement, its so good to chat with soneone who understands the enormaity of this pain, your advice of sleeping in a recliner chair is taken on board, going to try that! My GP put me on Risedronate but nothing for pain really just paracetemol which doesnt even touch sides, then when i went back he prescribed Tremadol but that didnt do much better, I have had many comments of Diazapam and the good results.

Takke care and wishing you too a pain managed week ahead

MillMoor profile image

I had the same for 3months. Told I had pulled muscles! Kept seizing up. Wasn't till I had a thoracic xray that it showed T6 and 7 were fractured. T7 was unstable and had to wear a back brace for 4 weeks. My ribs were so painful as well. Wasn't until I saw my lovely osteopath that I got an answer as to why my ribs were so painful. With the collapse of the 2 vertebra the corresponding ribs are rubbing together, hence the pain. I am on Gabapentin for the nerve pain. Paracetomol when needed. Took a while to improve. Since then I have added T2 &5, L1 & L3. I still keep active which I think is important.7.5 years on Pred for PMR/GCA .

Now on 4mg.

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to MillMoor

Thank you for your informative reply, very similar to my experience and it was also the xray that showed the real issue, mine has also been about 9 weeks now. So its looking I can look forward to more verterbraes being affected😱

Its the scariest pain because once it starts gripping there is almost nothing I can do to stop it running its course.

Thank you for the explanation of the sore ribs, I was beginning to think really bad things as thr pain can become unbearable almost nauseating.

Thank you so much fir the encouragement of being more active I am not st the newby. Take care

Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply to Den73

Can you go back to your GP and ask for heavier painkillers, pleasantly but explaining that on one to ten you’re on ten for pain (or the other way round if that’s how it’s tallied). Sounds like you need them to get through this. If he/she is reluctant ask to speak to the Practice Manager and explain your dilemma. You don’t want to offend anyone but you can’t carry on like this..,, Whatever happens I do send you hopes this horrid time is soon over and your pain eased xx

Numptybrain profile image

Hi I have osteoporosis too with osteoarthritis in my spine and joints, I unfortunately had a fall at the weekend and landed on my chest and chin, thankfully no ribs broken this time but horrendous pain so hospital gave me oramorph to use at home which does help a bit and of course heat from my microwave pals. I’ve had fractures before and this feels worse than my fractures believe it or not but I also have another pleural effusion going on diagnosed by X-ray Thursday and told on Saturday it’s now a lot bigger and infected so I know I’m getting pain from that too.

Good luck

Wendy xx

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to Numptybrain

Oh Wendy I really sympathise with you, especially when one bad thing just leads to another! Hang in there I think we are all very conscious of dealing with what we have been handed and not allow it to completely defeat us, what a wonderful forum this is because we all understand the extent of the pain and the ongoing struggles.I personally appreciate the gold advice ihave been given since I posted.

Keep going xxxxx

Numptybrain profile image
Numptybrain in reply to Den73

Yes definitely, without this forum I’d be lost. I have the outlook that there is loads of people a lot worse than me and being on this forum you definitely witness it.

Take care

Wendy xx

Vide profile image

Good MorningSo sorry to read this I know exactly how you feel .

I have had 4 cracked Vertabraes All within a space 5 months So I understand how painful it is

I found a hot water bottle was best for me My consultant thought it was better to let them heal as he initially intended to do the op but reconsidered as I'm still on steriods and said it possibly could need done again So far it has healed however I'm suffering badly with nerve pain so the GP has put me on nortriptyline Rheumatology wanted me to get nerve blocks done However again he didn't think this was a good idea But I have osteoarthritis so still suffering Bit I did find sitting in a recliner seat much more comfortable (whether this is right or not I don't know ) Hope you get some relief soon xx

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to Vide

Thank you Vide for your experience and advice much appreciated...I am in the process of finding a new rheumatologist and having a DEXA scan only had the xray so far which shiwrd the fracture, especially with regard to the op rather healing by itself with care and management is a better option to me, but if it gets too bad then it will be a consideration.Thank you for your caring wishes for my recovery. Xxx

Looby60 profile image

hi there .

Not quite the same but I have T12 ( amongst other fractures and I know the pain is unbearable at times

Initially in my case I literally strapped an ice pack to the area , let it do its job then tried moving around . Still painful but eased enough to get up .

Ice packs and heat pads are your friend .

Different meds work for different people .

I am on gabapentin, paracetamol

And if and when needed Diazepam.

Your dexa scan will confirm if you have osteoporosis.

I’m way further along than you but hard as it is, a positive attitude helps . Take comfort each time you do one little thing that you couldn’t do the day before .

It does get easier but I know how tough it is for you right now and it feels like it’s never going to end .

Hope you find some relief from the awful pain soon.

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to Looby60

Thank you Looby60 you are so right I feel like my whoke life gas just been swiped and a whole new one which I really dont like......but knowing I am not alone is a huge encouragement to change my channel of thought and think positively. It has quite literally been one thing after another back to back.

Thank you for your good advice and take care xxx

sylla123 profile image
sylla123 in reply to Looby60

Hi Looby60

I also have a fracture at T12 and mild endplate fractures seen at L2 and L5 .. I only take paracetamol when bad but I cannot stand up straight or do very much and then after a 5minute job have to rest all down to over 2 years on Steroids with PMR .. I am also very unsteady on my feet with no balance and use a walking stick and a walker .Has any one had the Kyphoplasty or Vertobroplasty treatment ? and I wonder how successful it might be ?

PS... I am Sylla123 ....... Not Hydra it some times comes up as that although I asked for it to be taken off .

Rox2112 profile image
Rox2112 in reply to sylla123

I had the vertebraplasty for a number of fractures and it was very successful! Highly recommend it!

sylla123 profile image
sylla123 in reply to Rox2112

Thank you Rox2112 for your reply , Which type of surgeon did your operation and Osteopath or a Neurosurgeon ? I do know a very good Neuro in Cambridge Addenbrooke's Hospital

Rox2112 profile image
Rox2112 in reply to sylla123

I live in the US, so different surgeons do different procedures I think. My surgeon was a very good vascular surgeon that did it. If I were you I would try the neuro. If he doesn't do it, he probably knows who does.

sylla123 profile image
sylla123 in reply to Rox2112

Thankyou for your replies Rox2112

I am almost 88 years old next month , I don't know if that will be a "no not advised" ? but I have never been ill in my life until PMR took a hold on me.

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to sylla123

Sylla123 your symptoms sound just like mine, i am very unsteady also use a stick cannot walk unaided. And oh yes have to rest after a very shirt while, cooking is an issue but hubby really proving wonderful with his chopping of veges and food is mostly casseroles and roasted veg and soup, anything wholesome and able yo o en cook but it certai ly has proven a life changer.If I continue with fractures I may well look into the surgery and Rox2112 comment was very helpful just need to research on the surgeon and good news that it is done in a day clinic.

sylla123 profile image
sylla123 in reply to Den73

Den73...... Thank you for your reply ,, Yes it really is a bind having to rest every 5 to 10 minutes , My husband who was a brilliant cook , he was a chef we had a Greek restaurant , but alas he died almost 6 years ago , and now just putting a salad on a plate you would think is the most difficult thing to do , so it is mostly ready meals now and you can imagine what a let down that is now after years of gourmet food , and I have lost a lot of weight and I was never really heavy anyway. I have just managed to book a face to face appointment with my doctor but not until the end of July, but that alone is a miracle , I want to get a scan to see how things are first . Good luck to you and I hope you find a solution .

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to sylla123

Oh Sylla123 what a pleasure it is to chat to you and to know a bit about your background.Such good memories to draw from and also sadness when as you say being so marvellously spoil with delicious food....and good companionship. Glad you are still resourceful amidst these challenges that we are facing. Keep going we will both find a solution its easier when we have a platform like this one with such great advice to keep us going.

Glad you have a face to face appointment with your doctor, wish you all the best xxxx

Missus835 profile image

I'm sorry you're going through what I've been for a year now, with a total of 10 vertebral compression fractures. Much of the time spent on my bed, with the heating pad. This has been caused by long-term use of Pred, which I need for PMR. I now have acute Osteoporosis. The pain in your ribs may be from muscle spasms in your back as they are trying to compensate for the fractured vertebrae. It is hella painful, difficult to breathe or even eat by times and I now take Tylenol 3 which is acetaminophen plus codeine, plus an extra 15 mg of codeine for breakthrough pain, which does nothing. I had a Zoledronic Acid infusion last October to help build up the bones, but my most recent fracture occurred 3 weeks ago at T8. You must be very careful. No bending to the floor, no heavy lifting, watch how you turn your upper half. Get lots of Vitamin D3, K2, calcium if you're not already. Protein is a must. You might also want to join Bone Health which is another forum on Health Unlocked. Also Margaret Martin videos on YouTube related to Osteoporosis and vertebral fractures. I did have vertebroplasties done at L1, L2 last September, but the problem is the vertebrae on either side of the plasties, fractured. So my Osteoporosis Specialist says no more. They inject cement into the vertebrae to strengthen and rebuild them. It takes a lot of rest and patience and a positive attitude to get through this. At least I'm still able to walk, cook. It's not easy living alone. Use a rollator with a seat. Use a grabber to reach things high or low. Keep moving (it will hurt). Do things very slowly. Don't overdo. I'd says try to build muscle, but it's not working for me as I always end up re-hurting the muscles. All the best with your dexa scan. I'm due for another one and have an appointment with the Osteo this Friday. All the best with your scan. Hugs ~ Deb

Den73 profile image
Den73 in reply to Missus835

Thank you so much Missus835, oh wow itruly feel for you you have been on a rough road, yes the pred as the way it was put to me was either the pred (60mg) for almost a year or face possible blindness,my GCA was really a problem and the pred definitely has helped. But sadly fixes onr thing and causes otherbissues feels like our backs againstbthe wall I have successfully decreased the pred to 12mg hope to get it to 5mg and see how I am.Thank you for your very sound advice I do use a grabber, need to consider a rollatar with a seat and learn to move slower and not to overdo things

And yes I too need to build muscle, so a complete change of lifestyle.

Thank you for the good wishes for my dexa scan and the same for you on your appointment with osteo and yout dexa scan. Take care xxxx

Missus835 profile image
Missus835 in reply to Den73

I too am just at 10.5 mg from 11. Finding it a very difficult taper, but Dorset Lady's 5 week taper plan will hopefully get me through it. 1.0 mg is too much fir me, but we're all different. Get that rollator. Lol. I opposed it for a long time....but as they say "what needs must". Also watch for cataracts. They said there is no such thing as ripe. Cataracts are cataracts. I just had mine done. Also from the Pred. Take care

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