well think I have told my story few times, at the end of my rope, had severe groin pain oct 2022, mri showed labral tears, dr just prescribed t3 sfor pain, eventually subsided replaced by other issues, ie back 0priblems too many to mention, but now 4 days ago, same pain in groin, hip, can hardly stand or walk withiut aid, is there anyone out there that has had same issues and diagnosed tears showing up on MRI, and just to add , not an injury from overactivity, as perhaps a young person in sports might have done, Ive just turned 76, and last couple years, one issue after another been on pred almost 8 yrs, down to 4 mgs, but feel damage as already been done, chronic pain getting me down, along with many stressful events, worst was losing my son a year ago, had d to havecany quality of life I feel, every day a challenge to cope
long term prednisone causing thin skin, labral te... - PMRGCAuk
long term prednisone causing thin skin, labral tears around hip joint, gluteus and hamstring tears, ?

Arvine, just reading your post makes me shudder at your pain.
Hi arvine,
I was so saddened to hear about all you've been through, and are still going through.
Unfortunately, I can't advise you on the physical issues you're experiencing, but others with more knowledge will be along soon.
You clearly have endured some very challenging times, not least the terrible loss of your son, and I just wanted to say you're in my thoughts (and I know, in all of those who'll have read your post too.)
Life can feel quite brutal at times. It can seem unfair and as if it's constantly discriminating against us. Sometimes it's as if there's no respite from the 'blows' and over time this inevitably wears down both our strength & our ability to bounce back.
Physical pain is insidious, creeping up on us and impacting on our lives in so many ways. It compounds everything else we're dealing with.
I think you're right to explore the potential causes of your current physical issues....if you can be offered some effective help here, then with that pain eased, other issues may then feel a little more manageable.
As human beings, we are actually more resilient than we frequently give ourselves credit for.
Somehow, we find we're capable of enduring the absolute worst of physical, mental & emotional challenges, and although it most certainly isn't an easy path to walk, we get through by living one day at a time.
It's hoped that we don't have to do this alone.... the support of family, friends, neighbours will all support us as we navigate our way through whatever we're experiencing, so I hope you have some support from one or all of these sources too.
In the meantime, this forum is always here to help, advise and support you as much as we all can.
The pain of losing your dear son will always be with you, but what a blessing to have had him in your life for the time you did. ❤
I truly hope you receive the help & advice you need, and you'll continue to be in my thoughts.
Sending you a hug.
Am sorry to hear about your hip problems. Labral tears are not usually treated surgically as they sit so deeply in the hip area. They are commonly caused by particular repetitive movements e.g. golf swing etc. The surgeon would need to remove the hip ‘ball’ out of its socket to access. Have you tried hydrocortisone injection? Chronic pain and the stress you are going through needs proper medical assessment. Good luck.
so sorry about your son. I cannot comment as I have no children, but it must seem like the end of part of your life. Re your pain, yes, I’ve been in chronic & often acute pain for 12 years. I’ve been on crutches & in a wheelchair, at times. I suffer from Polymyalgia Rheumatica, Fibromyalgia, Raynauds Syndrome, Osteoarthritis, Hypermobility, Essential Tremor, Vertigo, Trochanteric Bursitis, Haemangioma - spinal, Sciatica, Orthostatic Hypertension, Blepharitis, macular Degeneration & Coccydinia. I’ve tried most painkillers on the market, I think! I cannot take ibuprofen or similar medications. I’ve at long last found a Dr who believes that being pain free (& sleeping well…not necessarily connected) to be important! But what works for me, with my cocktail of issues, may not work for you! I went to a Pain Clinic once & the consultant said ‘you are too fat. There is nothing else I can help you with. You are on good painkillers now, they should work (they didn’t, & I was fat due to many years of short course steroids). That was before polymyalgia. I don’t want to take morphine. I’ve tried it, it’s OK. I used to think it would be a miracle. It wasn’t for me. Currently, my best answer is time release Tramadol & bruphrenorphine pain patches..l started at 5mg, then 10mg, now 15mg. I have less pain in nice, hot weather, but we get little of that. I don’t expect to be pain free any longer. When I gave up that goal, it was almost easier! Acceptance, I guess, rather than fight. Yes, I get angry, I get depressed. It’s normal. Then I go back & ask for more help. I can, if necessary, go to 25mg buprenorphine patches, but I refer to keep that in reserve for winter. It’s very draining on your energy, too! Atm, my husband is back in hospital..3 times in 6 weeks. I called my third ambulance ever (& my 3rd one in 6 weeks) 2 nights ago when it took me an hour to get him to bed & he couldn’t answer my questions or hold a conversation, & was very confused, & incontinent. Life gets tough, remember the good times, give up for a while & suffer sometimes, but then gather energy attack again & find a Dr to help. That’s what I’ve found happens to me,! I have bad groin & hip pain, but atm it appears to be trochanteric bursitis. I have regular steroid injections, but they are limited in the amount you can have & I have to make a choice…last one was into my Coccyx as I damaged it badly in a fall. I hope life gets better. I write all the above in the hope it will help you to see you’re not on your own, & that perseverance & much fighting is needed to move forward in dealing with chronic & acute pain. Good luck, I hope things improve. Best wishes, Sara x
I am so sorry to hear of your health issues and the loss of your son. I have no wisdom to offer, like others on here but just you much love and prayers for you. X
Dear Arvine. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your son and your health problems. I am in a similar situation now as my daughter has metastatic breast cancer. The pain of the grief is overwhelming and my heart goes out to you.
I also have similar hip and muscle problems. As your MRI was 2 years ago I would press for another one. I developed severe hip pain and it turned out to be Avascular necrosis of the hip, for which I had urgent total hip replacement. After that was full strength tear in the gluteus media. All that can be done are exercises to strengthen the muscles around. So basically I think you would benefit from a referral to a hip dr if your rheumatologist is not proactive, also a pain clinic appointment, and a good physio who understands PMR. Do the exercises. I like the lying down ones:). I decided to no longer be stoic and I have a pain patch, which takes the edge off. Very best wishes.
Thanks so much, I have had another MRI on back month ago and having one on hip next week, cant see ortho dr until Aug 7th, hope he can help me
Hello. 9 Years ago I one day woke up with such terrible hip area pain that it took me 2 hours to walk around and put clothes on, Just going to the bathroom was agony. I am talking an 11/10 pain that...but as the day went on it subsided, a lot. Which was so perplexing. I was on no meds at the time and was only 47.
Anyway, I ended up getting so bad every morning that after 3 days I went to the ER, and after a fine x-ray (which I knew it would be), they referred me to an orthopedic surgeon. Instead of calling for an appt., I literally looked his face up online and drove (after crawling to my car basically) and sat outside his office the next morning until I recognized him walking in and with tears in my eyes begged him to help me and said I was gonna find a tall building if he didn't, that it was THAT bad. The dear let me in, told them to push back his first appt and saw me..I had an MRI the next day..and he diagnosed "possible labral tear". Said he couldn't be sure because the MRI wasn't showing it perfectly, but an educated guess on his part.
The good news is that within 2 days I had my first intra-articular steroid injection and within 10 days I was climbing the Rocky Mountains..not even kidding. I have to get them every 1.5 years or so when the steroid wears off.
Maybe one of those injections would help..please at least ask them to try it/consider it. I really feel for you, you are in my prayers,.
I had a labral tear in 2011. Misdiagnosed as tendinitis for many months, could barely walk from one room to the other. Found a physical therapist who about killed me with his techniques. Finally found another physical therapist who took one look at me and said, “labral tear,” she got me into an orthopedic surgeon who confirmed her diagnosis (surgery not recommended, he ssid, because it’s a deep labral tear); he sent a physio care plan to the physical therapist which she followed to a t. It consisted of ultrasound and dry needling. In 6 weeks I was so much better and continued to improve with the little exercises she gave me. Over time i didn’t even notice it, was able to walk 3 miles a day (not all at one time) and forget all about the tear. There is hope for you! Best wishes.
Oh wow! Thank you, Im pretty sure from symptons a labral tear again, have another hip MRI next week, although cant see ortho dr until aug 7th, and as you know, pain excruciating at times, cant take anti inflammatory meds as still on prednisone, so at this point have to cope with, very hard and exhausting, hoping I may get help with injection as well