Story so far, I told you lovely about my sister who has P M R and doesn't listen to anyone, she stopped her Pred when she was taking 10mg because she was still in pain and always calls me to ask what I think, I told her she's probably not taking enough but I don't get a chance to speak she talks over me on the phone doesn't let me get a word out,she stopped them for Month's and had to start again,now has COVID and on antibiotics, but not doing sick day rules I did try to explain how it works, but said she not increasing Pred even for a week, give up. Thanks good to tell someone. Harry, with a headache x
Sick day rules or not. : Story so far, I... - PMRGCAuk
Sick day rules or not.

ha! so sorry . is she such a pain about EVERYTHING? I am so sorry. Hope she isn't on this site!!
Sorry to hear all this Harry,but you can only do what you can do. What was the saying, "you can take a horse to water but you can't make it drink." You've done all you can the rest is up to her.

As we’ve said before, you can only offer advice.. if she chooses to ignore it then so be it.
But I do appreciate she’s your sister and you want to help… but some people won’t be helped 🤨
Understand sister is so similar, I'm convinced she is a typical attention seeker who loves telling us all in detail about how terrible something is (yes, it's usually the negatives) and of people we haven't got a clue about! She's not happy it seems unless she has a problem. But hey, she's my sister so I do keep trying albeit at a distance. She got upset with me recently (well my hubby really who had had enough) so has backed off a bit, so life is less stressful at the moment. Don't know how on earth she'd cope if she had something like PMR, or even worse. She's only had one general anaesthetic in all her life and we all had to hear about it 🙄😅.

She is an adult, can choose for herself and has done so, If she wants to risk becoming seriously ill - that is her choice. You are NOT your sister's keeper so don't feel guilty and file it under "Experience".
Hope the rant helped a bit.
I sympathise, Harry - my sister is the same. Drives me bonkers sometimes. And if she does get seriously ill because of her refusal to listen to any advice then I will be the one who has to pick up the pieces. Sending a big virtual hug to you 🫂
I feel for you and at least in here you can have a wee rant. You could try sending her some reference material or would she try to deny that also. It’s a hard one as you clearly want to help your sister but she’s not one for listening. However, that’s not your fault.
I was in bed with Covid for 5 days, onky got out to clean the whole cottage & move into motorhome as hubby was discharged from hospital after pneumonia. I preceded the Covid with 4 days of C.Diff bug which is still causing mild problems. I then had vertigo. I have not invoked sick day rules. I struggled to get to 2mg, & don’t want to be higher then fighting to get back down for a third time. None of the above has affected my PMR in the slightest. Perhaps she doesn’t wish to increase? Or it may not help her? We are all individuals. I am sick all the time with 11 other diseases, but onky increase if I have adrenal issues. I haven’t yet had a significant flare and I taper very very slowly. Sorry if people don’t like my reply, but why immediately go to sick days rules if you don’t need to?????
That very good to know, thanks I was thinking any infection and on antibiotics had to do sick day rules or manyb we have to xx
Really only if you are ill enough to be confined to bed or are on antibiotics.
It’s a personal choice. I don’t do it for antibiotics myself as antibiotics strip my system& extra pred strips it even more! Plus I take antibiotics all the time as a repeat prescription. I took a lot of courses for dental, too. I wasn’t in bed for any of that, & during Covid I didn’t even think of it, my husband was seriously I’ll in hospital& I spent hours (literally) trying to phone the hospital while I was sick in bed!! S x
You are a good sister!! always worth a try!!
If your sister keeps asking for your advice then totally disregarding it why not tell her not to ask you anymore as it stresses you out. She MIGHT not realise she keeps doing it. Give her details of how to find us on Health Unlocked and tell her to ask for advice here if she needs it.