I posted last weekend about having lower back pain and being sick after taking my pred.
Apologies for the long post. The pain in my lower back and side has continued and moved down the front of my leg which is numb. I saw the GP who said I had a trapped nerve to take painkillers and if no better in a week or so he will refer to physio. The pain has been so intense and being able to sleep in nye on impossible, a friend suggested going to an osteopath and I thought why didn’t I think of that, I have had osteopath treatment in the past - before PMR. I had my appointment yesterday, she said I will feel bruised initially and it will be worse before better. I had a a terrible night and all day today. I have noticed now I have groin pain on both sides which reminds me of the pain I had before diagnosis of PMR. Then the penny dropped, I no longer have massage as it could affect the muscles/dons etc. Did I make a mistake seeing an osteopath, could I have caused a flare. All that hands on pummelling on the painful area. The lady had all my health history and knew I had PMR. Feeling very stupid right now. Any advice very welcome.
Cathy 😫