Hi All,
I haven’t posted for a couple of months but have been reading the site everyday and gaining valuable information while trying to come to terms with and manage this illness.
In order to provide context to my questions I’ll quickly update you on my situation.
I developed PMR symptoms in Dec 2023. In Jan, before starting steroids my ESR was 78 and my CRP was 144. I had a poor response to 15mg of prednisone. GCA was considered and I was referred to a rheumatologist. My GP increased the prednisone to 50mg. I had no symptoms for GCA and a Temporal Artery ultrasound was negative. As you would expect I responded well to 50mg and slowly started reducing.
I changed Rheumatologists, closer to home,. I was on 35mg and making slow reductions. My new Rheumatologist was keen to reduce the steroids much faster and has me dropping 5mg every week. This seems like a big drop based on what I have read on this site. It was going ok until I reached 20mg. I find now that I have pain and stiffness in the lower back and across the top of my shoulders. After I take my prednisone it resolves but I can still feel its presence.
I am due to reduce tomorrow to 15mg, but I am reluctant to do this so soon. In fact I’m frightened. My next appointment with my Rheumatologist is on 9/5. I don’t know whether to drop the dose and see what happens or keep to the 20mg until I see her. I even wonder whether to increase slightly given my symptoms.
Another question I have and I’m not sure if anyone can answer this, but is there any correlation between the level of inflammation before starting treatment and the response to steroids. I feel like my inflammatory markers were high. Maybe it takes a much larger dose of steroids to bring it under control and a slower taper to manage the ongoing illness.
I appreciate your thoughts.