I’m currently into 6 years of PMR, having had my fair share of ups and downs, and am now on 3.5mg of Pred, which the Rheumatologist thinks will be necessary for a while. Other than that I’ve been in reasonable health. But a couple of months ago I had to have a biopsy on a lesion on my back. Whilst the doctor was doing this he noticed some marks on the back of one of my legs but said he couldn’t comment until the biopsy results were back. But he did prescribe a rather strong steroid cream. Then a couple of weeks ago I was very relieved to receive a text to say,” not cancer” but unfortunately it didnt comment on the rash - which has now spread all over my arms and legs. It just said to continue with the steroid cream. Of course, there’s no follow up appointment planned with the dermatologist but I managed to get an appointment with a locum at my surgery. The doctor just said it isn’t contagious and she didn’t know the cause of the rash but to continue with the steroid cream. So - and I’m sorry for the long rambling post - I’m just wondering whether anyone else has had this and whether it could be another version of the autoimmune illness? I’m very loath to keep using the steroid cream because my skin is already very fragile from the long-term use of Pred and I really don’t want to add to this if at all possible. Oh, and the doctor today said I should really discuss this with the dermatologist but has no idea how long it will take to get an appointment!
So, I’m just wondering whether anybody else has experienced something like this and, if so, whether they’ve received a proper diagnosis. Also, I would appreciate any advice about suitable moisturising creams because I now have to moisturise three times a day and the NHS can’t afford to prescribe it!
Many thanks.