A&E AGAIN!!: So, not only have I enjoyed the... - PMRGCAuk


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Kendrew profile image
59 Replies

So, not only have I enjoyed the delights of sampling A&E, Colchester a few weeks ago but I was also given the opportunity to sample Warwicks A&E offering on Sat night!

Having almost reached the end of lots of investigations following my ambulance ride a few weeks ago, I found myself with yet another new health concern popping up....

Hubby and I visited my son in the Cotswolds at the weekend and on Saturday evening I developed some discomfort in my lower abdomen, which by 2am had escalated to severe abdominal pain. I couldn't keep still it was so bad. Hubby called an ambulance but was told the wait could be up to 4hrs so he decided to take me himself.

I arrived there at 3am finally leaving to return bavk to Josh's at 1.30pm.

I'll spare you all the details, but suffice it to say, an x-ray showed a blockage in part of my lower bowel caused by hard stools (sorry!😬)

I'm hopefully all sorted again now, but just a little warning.....

-drink lots of water daily

-eat lots of fibre, particularly insoluble fibre

-exercise daily...whatever you can manage is fine. Just a little walk each day helps motility of food through the gut

-try not to be too sedentary... movement matters!

-don't bend over the coffee table doing a jigsaw for long periods straight after eating a meal!!!

(That was a joke but unfortunately may have contributed to my predicament!!)

The frustrating thing is that I actually do drink lots of water and I do eat lots of fibre and I also do lots of appropriate & manageable exercise, so I'm a bit flummoxed as to why this happened to me!

Hey ho!

Haha! So just be warned!

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Kendrew profile image
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59 Replies
Rugger profile image

What a scare for you! Good to hear things are resolving.🍊🍅🥦🥕🫖

HeronNS profile image

That jigsaw puzzle has a lot to answer for! What an awful experience though. Glad it nothing lethal. I think there's a potential pun here involving "This too shall pass." :D

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to HeronNS

Hahaha! 😂 Very clever. Like that.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Sorry to hear that...

..but are you trying to work your way around the country's A&E departments? I can think of better places to visit 😲

Hope you soon feel better... 🌸

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to DorsetLady

Well I'm off to Richmond in North Yorkshire in a few weeks, so maybe I could check in on Darlington A&E too whilst I'm there! But hopefully not, haha!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Kendrew

Dropping in to see the PM while he is still PM?

123-go profile image
123-go in reply to PMRpro


DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Kendrew


123-go profile image
123-go in reply to Kendrew

SO sorry! My sister was staying in Scotland some years ago and had a similar problem: said it was agony! Pleased you were well looked after. No more A and Es, please: garden centres are prettier places. 💐x

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to 123-go

I couldn't agree more with you. 😄

Ridge profile image
Ridge in reply to Kendrew

Hopefully not!!! You poor thing. The mind boggles how do they sort a prob like that?!!!

PMRpro profile image

I can recommend Scarborough ED ...

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to PMRpro

😄 👍 👍

Charlie1boy profile image

Oh dear, but good to hear you’re all sorted now. I’m familiar with Warwick A & E, as I had an emergency visit there a couple of years ago with a heart scare. They looked after me fine.

Good luck.


Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Charlie1boy

Thankyou. They looked after me well too....just very slow.

Ashington52 profile image
Ashington52 in reply to Charlie1boy

My son was a cardiologist at Warwick for a short while - hope it was him who

Looked after you. He is now back in Wales,.

Charlie1boy profile image
Charlie1boy in reply to Ashington52

I think the name of the guy who checked me out was Clark. I was only there for a couple of days,, but was impressed by the cardiology ward.

Ashington52 profile image
Ashington52 in reply to Charlie1boy

It’s really good to hear positive feedback. Wasn’t Ben as our surname isn’t Clark. He is now working in Cardiology in Morriston Hospital, South Wales.

Bcol profile image

Think there is probably quite a lot of puns available in that story. Glad all was sorted and you are OK.

SheffieldJane profile image

Snap Kendrew! I felt deathly sick on Friday and managed to get a GP appointment. As soon as I was called I was violently sick in the poor young doctor’s office. He couldn’t have been kinder and wrote a letter referring me to the Hospital. This meant that I went straight in to a secret section of A&E with no patients and a doctor and two nurses. I had been concerned about an Adrenal crisis because I felt so deathly. I had loads of blood tests, urine test, a chest XRay ( possible post viral which was also a concern). The usual physical examinations, cardiac tests etc

If my husband hadn’t been there, I would have thought it was a dream. Not a soul was about in the X Ray part except the really kind radiographer.

They wanted to keep me in overnight whilst they waited for some test results and they very reluctantly let me go at 10 pm with a promise to ring if I needed to return.

5 stars but I am totally baffled. I carried on feeling better. Did they think I was a secret shopper?

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to SheffieldJane

Oh no! That sounds really unpleasant for you and what a draining experience too.

It's always a concern that something unexpected can, and frequently does, pop up just as you think some kind of safe equilibrium has been restored healthwise!

One of my biggest frustrations since being diagnosed with PMR and being prescribed steroids, is the uncertainty of what may be around the corner.

I can have a decent run of stability and then out of nowhere and for no obvious, or even rational reason, I'll get up one day and be experiencing some new issue....like the day 2yrs ago when out of the blue, I awoke and was covered in hives, or the day 10mths ago when my ectopic beats suddenly escalated into something more concerning, but with no immediate or obvious reason as to why!

It would be so much easier if we were able to guarantee a more sustained level of consistency as far as our health & wellbeing was concerned, but unfortunately that doesn't really seem to be the nature of this condition and we frequently get thrown curved balls!

You obviously were feeling very ill, as was I, but what a blessing to have been seen so quickly and competently.

Do you know yet if the test results did indeed show you were experiencing an adrenal crisis?

I hope you too are now well and truly on the mend again and feeling more like yourself?

All we can really do, is try and maybe learn something from these experiences and move forward.....till the next little 'adventure' emerges!

I hope things settle down for you now, and you begin to experience some improved health.

Take care SJ.

Sending a hug.

SheffieldJane profile image
SheffieldJane in reply to Kendrew

Hugs to you too. Nothing showed up in any tests as far as I know. I see the Endocrinologist on the 8/5. I have no idea what it was.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to SheffieldJane

I always find that the hardest thing to deal with. Not knowing the cause makes me feel more vulnerable as I then don't know how to prevent a re-occurrence. It usually comes good eventually but also usually takes time!

Thinking of you. Let me know how you get on with endocrinologist.

herdysheep profile image

Sorry to hear. The need for an A&E visit is disconcerting enough, never mind the experience. Taking a book, phone charger, flask is the last thing on your mind, but needed! I have been very lucky in my visits to out of hours in that they have not exceeded 4 hrs to date, but I don't suppose anyone really wants to be on first name terms with them.Do hope all is resolved. Despite goòd hydration, diet, etc, as we age there is often a curve ball somewhere

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to herdysheep

Thanks herdysheep,

I did actually remember phone charger and earphones but not reading matter and no time for a flask! I dozed in a chair most of the time.

Such a wearisome experience though, but still grateful for the free care we're fortunate enough to receive.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Kendrew

I have a charger in my handbag - always with me when out of the house! And Kindle is on my phone.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to PMRpro

I think I probably need to do the same as you and herdysheep and be prepared just in case!

Bluey-1 profile image
Bluey-1 in reply to Kendrew

Me too Kendrew. If I think about my medical costs on the NHS it must be a significant amount, especially over the last few years. I do think it’s tough on A & E departments. They seem to be very over stretched. When I had my TIA /Afib episode I insisted my husband took me to Eye Casualty first and they saw me in 5 mins. Still had to be taken to A & E though…on a Sunday. It was grim but like you, grateful to be seen with no worries about medical costs.

Lclmlbls profile image

Glad to hear you're feeling better, despite your A&E experience!

I had a similar thing a few months ago in Stoke. In pain for 3 days, decided I must go to A&E. Triage nurse gave me paracetamol which worked like a miracle. After 6 hours I had a scan which showed no reason for my pain (which had gone by then). They discovered a hiatus hernia though!

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Lclmlbls

Pleased you made a good recovery too.

Doraflora profile image

I’m pleased all is well now😁

That’s taking mystery shopper to the next level. Best look for another career 🤣

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Doraflora


Sungolfer profile image

poor you! Not a nice thing to happen- I used to suffer hugely with painful spasms and constipation. Things improved a lot after haemerrhoidectomy. Also and I’m sure you probably already know this but Milled Golden Flaxseed (linseed) works wonders for me. This tip was given to a friend of mine who suffered awful constipation whilst undergoing chemo - the MacMillan nurse told her - has to be milled or soaked overnight otherwise it just comes out as it goes in!

Stay well and hope Yorkshire trip doesn’t involve more A&E visits!

Rugger profile image
Rugger in reply to Sungolfer

I have been taking linseed every day for decades - it is an 'evidence-based' remedy! I put it in porridge or on cereal.

The NHS recommends up to a tablespoon a day (whole or ground) for IBS. nhs.uk/conditions/irritable...

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Sungolfer

Thankyou. I do already have milled flaxseed daily but appreciate the tip.

Knowingstillness profile image

You may have a colonic polyp. Try a stool test (for bowel cancer) just to check

Pr0jection profile image

Soluble magnesium (like Magnellon) also helps. Glad things seem to be moving in the right direction! Oh yes, and Lidl's prunes. I have them every day, good for you and may help to prevent bone loss - according to Mr Google anyway....

Rugger profile image
Rugger in reply to Pr0jection

Yes, I have osteoporosis, so put 5 prunes on my porridge / cereal daily, as well as the linseed! 🤣

Pr0jection profile image
Pr0jection in reply to Rugger

I do much the same. Hated prunes as a child (we had prunes and custard at school) but love them now....

Smithie49 profile image

Oh boy. You poor thing. I went through a long period when nothing softened me (I'm a hard woman!!!!! 😀) . Many veg just gave me wind. Then I upped my intake of melon, switched cabbage for brocoli and add celery (cooked) if needed and I seem to be OK now. No longer need the fibogel 😀😃🙂. I hope you find a way round this.

Numptybrain profile image

I too have lots of fibre and stay hydrated but my gastsro system doesn’t work like it used to so I have to take stool softeners I’m not saying you need them but maybe some senna may help or laxido . Please don’t try Darlington A&E they failed to regognise my husband was having a tonic clonic seizure, so definitely give them a miss.

Take care

Wendy xx

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Numptybrain


agingfeminist profile image

what an awful ordeal...so pleased all resolved. But many thanks for reminding us of such important advice. I have been working at my computer without moving or drinking for 4 hours! Writing these few words and I'm off to follow your advice....nothing too energetic mind you...just a walk to the kitchen ...and maybe some stretches...and coffee

CygnusX1 profile image

I was an ED visitor this weekend too. Woke around 2.30 am Sunday. S&D, shaking, feeling dreadful. Managed an hour sleep then awake again. More bathroom time, still feeling grim. Called 111 citing possible adrenal crisis. My partner took me in to ED. Had a cannula inserted and bloods taken but no one seemed too worried about adrenal crisis - crisis, what crisis! Four hours after arriving I was told it was adrenal insufficiency rather than crisis. For information - I've been on a DSNS taper and down to 5.5mg. Felt ok, no pains, obviously managing day to day stressors (of which they are many) ...so what caused the extra stress that called for more than my adrenals could provide? I'm a Derby County fan and was at the match on Saturday and we got promoted!! Fortunately there's no more football until August 😁

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to CygnusX1

"Four hours after arriving I was told it was adrenal insufficiency rather than crisis"

Only a difference of degree and if you are insufficient it doesn't take much to arrive at crisis point!!!

RT18 profile image
RT18 in reply to CygnusX1

ah definitely the football to blame! Excitement as well as stress known to trigger the adrenals. Mum had an adrenal faint on her birthday when all the gifts arrived at the same time! Have you been given a hydrocortisone injection and instructions for any future occurrences?

CygnusX1 profile image
CygnusX1 in reply to RT18

I've received nothing. I did have my routine rheumy appt today and he's going to do a 9am cortisol test..that's as good as it gets!

RT18 profile image
RT18 in reply to CygnusX1

It’s awful - it’s only through this site I was aware of adrenal issues despite asking GP numerous times. Mum was diagnosed following UTI and adrenal crisis. Make sure you’re familiar with sick day rules and early signs of issues. Advise your partner to call 999 and state adrenal insufficiency if you become unwell with lack of responsiveness or severe diarrhoea / vomiting.

CygnusX1 profile image
CygnusX1 in reply to RT18

I called 111 and stated possible adrenal crisis, said S&D, confusion..no one seemed to think it an emergency - even when I arrived at hospital no one seemed unduly concerned. Been for an a.m. cortisol test today to see what my adrenals are up to. We wait and see!

Ashington52 profile image

How scary for you when you are away from home. Thank goodness you now know what was causing the problem. Pleased that you were treated well in Warwick it used to be our local A&E.

Gimme profile image

And for anyone who decides to increase their fibre, remember that you may also need to increase your fluid intake too, or you may get bunged up.

I actually have a Go-bag ready for A&E since I had the issue with my eyes last summer. I didn;t bother to unpack it when I got back. It has a couple of books, a change of nix, a towel and face cloth, toothbrush and toothpaste, spare phone charger and a note to remind me to pack butties and tea. I thought I was bonkers not unpacking at the time, but I think it works as some kind of lucky charm. No more eye emergencies since. :)

Tiggy70 profile image

Sorry to hear about your ordeal. Pleased to hear it wasn’t too serious. I too tend to worry about what’s around the corner instead of enjoying the good bits! I guess it goes hand in hand with this awful disease. 🌸

Jackoh profile image

So glad you’re feeling much better now. 👍x

Predderman2020 profile image

My wife has a similar issue, (plus v long colon). She handles it with lots of olive oil, and live yoghurt. Large doses of Vit C also help where needed.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Predderman2020

Here there is a 3-Oil Mix specifically for the purpose. You take about 10ml. Never heard of it up here in the German bit but OH was put on it down in the very Italian regional capital! Seemed to work very well.

whitefishbay profile image

Phew - glad it has resolved. 💩happens (sorry had to say it.) Hope you are fit as a fiddle soon.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to whitefishbay

Thankyou. Xx

Doraflora profile image
Doraflora in reply to whitefishbay


yogabonnie profile image

I somehow missed this!! glad you are better!! I just finished diverticulitis bout. but caught in time so 3 days clear liquid cleared it up. So sorry for you!

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