So I think I might be in full flare.
Last September, I was told to taper off pred. I ignored what I was told about being down to zero by the end of the year as I considered it unrealistic and went at my own pace. By mid Feb, I was hovering around 3/2.5/2 mg and by then, my legs, hips and back were so stiff and painful that I kept falling over and having difficulty getting back up again. Yes, I know already too fast and I should have listened to my own body, but still a lot slower than the rheumatologist said and I can't undo what is done.
Saw GP mid Feb and he told me to go back to 4 mg. I persevered for a bit, but it was doing nothing and I went back to 6 mg, which is where I last felt well, and I felt like I was still getting worse. Since Friday, I am back on 10 mg. That fixed most of the pain and stiffness, but I am absolutely wiped out now. I went for a blood test yesterday and I had to go home and sleep to recover. I am back to the heavy legs and arms, no energy and sleeping all the time, even if the stiffness and pain are more or less under control. I am not expecting to be able to stay on 10 mg for more than a few days longer, before the pred starts screwing with my head again, like it did before. I am already having the nightmares.
I want to kick myself. I got down from 15 mg to 7.5 mg very quickly in the beginning, due to the psych effects, and then my PMR was stable on 5-6 mg from March until October of last year. Luckily, I seem to have landed on what was back then an effective dose. I think that that is probably the dose that I need to be on long term for the forseeable future, but not sure how to go about stabilising myself again. However, I can't overlook the possibility that my PMR may actually be getting worse. I suppose I ought to go back to GP, but then I will have to admit that I raised the pred dose again twice. Where do I go from here wise folks?
As an aside, DEXA scan a month ago, but 8 week wait to get the results. Blood test yesterday to check Hba1c and ESR, not that I am expecting a raised ESR as it never has been throughout.
Thanks in advance. x