Hello, still in pain and still struggling to get a correct diagnosis.
My long awaited referral with a specialist Rheumatologist in Oxford lead to yet more insistence that I have fibromyalgia. I don't have fatigue, brain fog, depression, any stomach disorders...just pain in the neck, girdles and legs. They've tried me on two fibromyalgia pills (antidepressents which supposedly also help nerve pain) - Gabapentin and Duloxetine (having previously tried me on Amitriptyline).
Gabapentin had no effect on me except making me very sleepy. At least I had a few good nights' sleep. But I stopped it after a week and just took ibuprofen. My GP then put me on the Duloxetin that the 'specialist' had also recommended - one pill per day.
Day 1 - took pill at 10am and within two hours had nausea and felt dizzy. Didn't sleep at all at night so woke feeling exhausted and very down. By later in the day, I had severe diarrhoea. So basically I got all the symptoms of fibromyalgia that I hadn't previously experienced! The irony...
By day 4, I woke up and couldn't face taking another pill. I still had severe (water coming out of bottom all day) diarrhoea and the other side effects hadn't decreased much yet the pain relief was negligible except that the 'sciatica like' pain in my legs went away. I didn't take any more Duloxetin but took a couple of cheapo (60p / pack from Lidl) Ibuprofen and coped.
I found I still had v.bad pain in the early hours of the morning and woke in agony so started taking some old Naproxen I had lying about since they last 12 hours. Two of them before bed. And that is now how I'm coping. With a couple of ibuprofen during the day if I'm going out or in pain. I notice the pain is worse when I eat a lot of cheese and have read on naturalistic sites that dairy can exacerbate PMR so may try cutting out dairy.
It is now day 7 and I'm still waiting for the results of an MRI scan of my lumbar/sacral spine - I am supposed to have another appt with my GP when that comes in but it's been two weeks now and still waiting. So he doesn't yet know I've stopped taking the Duloxetin.
It is interesting that the excruciating leg pain went - it has not come back since I stopped the Duloxetin 3 days ago so perhaps I shouldn't even credit that drug with removing that pain. Possibly just a trapped nerve but it was because of that pain that the Rheumy booked me the MRI scan.
Now I'm back to the neck and both girdle pain that I had back in October last year - I am more certain than ever that it is PMR while the GP and Rheumy fanny about with their fibromyalgia label and do their best to deny me steroids which I know from my Cyprus adventure last Autumn relieve the pain.
My ESR and CRP readings are relatively normal, that is how they justify their position. My neighbour who is a retired doctor also has PMR and they didn't want to give her Pred but she insisted and ended up going private and has given me the phone number of her pte Rheumy. She had identical symptoms to me. She had PMR for 5 years and is now coming off the Pred. I will ask for a second opinion if my next meeting with the GP once the MRI scan comes through isn't satisfactory. I'm pretty sick of all this pain!