Hello Everyone, Happy Monday...
Just thought I'd put an update here for comment.
A week or so ago I realised I was having a flare when my nice expensive new glasses with the prism divided between the lenses didn't do the trick as I was coming back from a visit to my mother - did most of the hundred mile drive with one hand on the wheel and the other covering an (any) eye. Sure enough, marker had gone up in a week from 5 to 35, so I was whisked in to my hospital and advised to go back to 60mgs. I'd just got to 2mgs, which I'd been on for a month, after a 3 and a half year period. Because the consultant said "probably" 60mgs would be better than 40mgs, I wrangled him down to 40mgs - but his proposal for reduction is swift : 20 mg in two weeks, then 10 for two weeks... scares me, I've been coming down half a mg every 6 weeks for months, nay years.
Why I'm boring you with this is that he said he's going to put in for another Tocilizumab funding - I pointed out that I've had a year, ending last August, and had been told categorically that I wasn't allowed any more. However, he thinks we have a case, because new research shows that 50% of patients relapse within a year of ending TCZ. So I appear to be another typical statistic.
I'll let you know.
Karen x
PS. as if that wasn't enough, I've just developed Plantar Fasciitis... I expect many are familiar with this? Absolutely instantaneous onset, no fall, accident, damage ... but painful to walk, pain coming from a heel. Came on as quick as a sneeze. Insult to injury, I call it!