I've been reading the forum almost daily but haven't posted, so I thought I'd update. After getting down to 1 mg after four years, in the fall of 2023, I had to go back to 60 mg...mostly other health issues and not really a typical GCA flare. Now, after just three months, I am at 4mg, along with my weekly Actemra. I will drop by 1 mg each month now, and the bloodwork I did a few days ago looked awesome. The Actemra keeps the markers in check, but everything, including my kidney numbers, was well into the normal range~!
On Christmas Day, my husband's state of mind took a rather ugly turn, and I've been well occupied with learning the best way to live with that. I'm always picking up great info on the forum and always learning. Despite the stress, I'm just thrilled to be where I am with the GCA, so I'm optimistic. My best to all of you...💞