I am going on 2 1/2 years on Prednisone. I have tapered down from 15mg to below 1mg three times and haven't been able to make it. It took me an entire year to taper from 3mg to below 1mg, while tapering 1/4 mg below 1 for a month at a time.
I am on 3mg for three weeks now coming down from a trial of 8mg for two weeks and feel terrible. Exhausted every day, upon waking in the morning, I want to go back to bed immediately. Legs hurt, knees hurt, shoulder hurts and I'm tired. I'm sorry, I asked this before, but I'm thinking of going up to 5mg for a couple of weeks and see what happens. Are there any other suggestions I can try. I am mtg with my Rheumy in early February.
Thanks group, I really appreciate all of your ideas.