Hi- I hope someone may help- about 18 months ago I started putting on weight at 3 pound a day- it went onto half stone then 1 and 2 and now 3 stone later. It is not food related. I know calories well and try to eat balanced diet. I have been on long term steroids going up and down but generally about 8mg a day. I had no problems with prednisolone for some time but then out of the blue this weight went on and i cannot get it off.
I am walking cycling eating little but to no avail. After this weight gain some months later I became adrenal insufficient, so tried hydrocortisone- same problem there- I look cushingoid but of course I am only on 3mg of pred a day. Any ideas as to what may have happened? I am profusely sweating (not menopause nor weather related) because my autoimmune problem is not controlled by 3mg of pred and 15mg of methotrexate. Sweating and very very thirsty. Urinate once a day and have sjorens and hypothyroid.
I thought I would ask on here as I know many of you are familiar with prednisolone and its problems.
Many thanks