Afternoon All,
I don’t write much on this site but I read most of the messages and enjoy their content. I’ve been told to taper at 1mg of pred per month, by my Rheumy , I had a blip at the end of last year when I was on 3mgs , I was admitted to A&E after a horsefly bite and they put me up to 7mgs. After 3 days in the hospital , I then came back to 3mgs ( this was in August ‘18)
Since then I’ve been trying to come down , as instructed, I’m now on just 1mg per day , although since alternating between 2-1mgs , I’ve been aching everywhere, even places I didn’t know could ache !
My thoughts at present are to go back to 3mg and send a message to the rheumy I’ve done so . I’ve been diagnosed with PMR for the last 2 years.
Should I tell my own surgery ? I would say doctor but I could see anyone of about 10 at the practice . Confused ? I am !
I need to change my email address on this site , so if I don’t reply immediately that’s what I’m trying to do .
Graeme ( from Mid Sussex)