I am definitely reinvented, both bodily and my way of approaching life. After working at many Admin jobs most of my life from Age 16 and being "in control" and the breadwinner throughout my marriages, I found that pre-diagnosis from August to December 2021, I had to take time off due mostly to the excrutiating pain, from work- from- home call centre Roadside Assistance dispatcher. Loved it. Unable to sit for long or move the computer mouse got to me. Diagnosed with PMR Jan. 2022 Was able to work on a modified schedule starting in Feb. 2022. Lack of concentration and fatigue got the best of me. I did get my hours back up, but finally had to succumb. So I've now been off almost a year. I miss working (the people) and the financial stability it brought. I'm at the point where my Employment Insurance has exhausted and have only my Gov't pensions. No investments. I have PMR, osteoporosis and 9 vertebral fractures. During this roller coaster, I've developed the "one day at a time" approach to life in general, because every day brings something new with it (good and less than good). I retired once pre 2021, but not for long. Returned to work in April 2021, got my credit rating up and financed a vehicle. Then the jabs triggered PMR (undiagnosed at that point). My family needs a safe car and I need a vehicle to get to the plethora of appointments. I have no control over whether I get to keep the car or not, but I'm working all the money angles. Still looking for part-time remote work. Can't sit but a half hour. A back brace maybe? As I write, I realize I'm still the same old me, but stronger in many ways. Still need to control the purse strings. Maybe "re-invented" isn't the correct word? Realistically, working would be more than difficult, just due to the number of appointments right now, plus I face at least one more vertebroplasty. I manage to get around the 2nd floor flat with my walker, staying as busy as possible. Get dressed daily because that gives me a sense of wellness. Cooking meals, reading, computer, TV, puzzles. Neighbours work. Still in touch with work friends whom I've never physically met. FB and Zoom are a miracles. Make no bones, I will return to work when Universe decides it's time - or not. In the meantime, thinking of doing on-line help line or similar. My brain gets hungry for challenges, one of which is keeping those finances in order. Lol. None of this is within my control....how I react to it is.
Have I Reinvented Myself During PMR, or has Unive... - PMRGCAuk
Have I Reinvented Myself During PMR, or has Universe Done It For Me?

Oh my goodness, you have had a time. But you're right. You were always strong, and remain so! 💗
Heron, how do I link to PMRPro unless of course she has it already?
As she reads every post- she will be access it… but you can copy your post link [see “More V” below your post] and insert it into her original request - here as a reply-
I wish you health and wealth with all my heart!
Your report moved me and it has brought out the warrior in you. Hopefully my warrior is on the way! 😘
May your inner warrior be released Poshdog. Thank you!
Thank you too! It is so true that we can only control our own reactions - hopefully we all inspire each other.😘
your last sentence is exactly right, “how you react to it is” that’s my whole philosophy, we all choose to react how we do to any situation.
I wish you well on your journey.
You've been through a lot. You sound very positive and determined, in spite of everything, and I admire you for that. I hope that you manage to access the right support and get some relief soon.
Hi Gimme. Thank you. I've applied for a Disability Tax Credit and waiting to hear back on that. Also there is a Rental Assistance program I will be applying for as soon as I file my tax return for 2023. Waiting for my slips from the government. How ironic! I am positive and determined, but also have a sense of humour. That is the only way to not "fall through the cracks" here in Nova Scotia.
Thank you for sharing your story detailing work, health and a determined approach. Wishing you better days ahead!