I have gone back in my memory trying to figure out when my issues all began and in what order. I believe my PMR started in early 2019 when preparing for a dog show (possibly sooner and I just blamed it on old age LOL). Muscle weakness and shortness of breath were new to me. Over the next several months my symptoms worsened and typical PMR symptoms set in with severe muscle aches in shoulders, upper arms, hips and thighs. When it became obvious it wasn't just going to heal, I went to the doctor and after 9 months of physical therapy attempts and a few rounds of Prednisone that worked, I found MY OWN diagnosis on the internet and docs agreed. So my shortness of breath seemed to improve with Prednisone along with the other symptoms. After a couple years and tapering to about 7mg of Pred, my shortness of breath became an issue again, to the point my doc sent me for a CT scan and to a heart doc who did a stress test (I failed miserably) and an angiogram. The CT scan showed healthy LOOKING lungs and angiogram showed a heart in great shape for an 80 year old with no blockages. I was diagnosed with COPD (never smoked) anyway and put on strong heart meds that I refused to take. I continued to taper and at around 3mg Pred my breathing improved somewhat. I am now alternating between 1.5 and 2 mg and exertion does make me huff and puff some but not like before.
I was always a very active person, working out, hard walking every day, country dancing, my own remodeling projects, yardwork, etc. PMR brought me to my knees, or maybe I should say my keester as I had no energy or muscle power to do anything but sit for at least 18 months until my diagnosis and meds brought me relief. And that same week I came down with Covid!!! LOL I was told that the Pred probably helped me have a pretty mild case except for my first time having AFIB and a short stay in the hospital.
So, I'm just wondering if PMR can have an affect on the lungs, and if so, is it permanent. I have had no problems tapering once I got below 7mg other than tiredness from lazy adrenals. and PMRpro wisely slowed down my taper to help alleviate that. Just would like to get some stamina back and was hoping to get back to walking one day. Sorry to be so long winded. 🙃